Saturday, October 17, 2015


hello america!!! one would expect all our gov't people to follow all the current laws on the books regardless of position &/or agenda...if they can't or won't, they should be made to defend their actions in a court of law (just like us every day people)...

obama is on record for saying he has a phone & a pen &, he has violated several laws but, the left-wing obama-media supporters refuse to acknowledge those violations---in fact, they turn around & brand those that challenge obama & his policies racist or un-american or politically driven---well, i'm none of the three & i have a problem with what all obama has been allowed to get away with...

one of my biggest problems is, his blatant disregard for our laws concerning our southern border---we need that border secured more so than ever because of the terrorist threat to our people/property...we have an absolute need to know who's entering our borders & why & we need to be able to track them at any time---hell, just look at the illegal alien crime activity &, if it were not for donald trump, a lot of it would never have been known...

here, take your pick & learn that the talking points are just that...


hello america!!! i've previously posted about homicides within our borders so, this should come as no surprise...

for 2015, chicago has 404 homicides (288 of them either black or latino) & baltimore has 269---all lives matter; just ask the families & friends of those taken from us...

obama (& others on both sides of the isle) are so quick to get involved with all the violence outside of our borders but have nothing to say about what's occurring within them (unless it's sensationalized by the media outlets)...stronger gun laws are not the answer---both illinois & maryland have some of the strictest gun laws in the country but, they are not prohibiting gun's a list CLICK HERE...

when will our so-called leaders reach out to the communities & try to solve some of the problems that plague them??? it's common sense (at least to me it is) that those taking lives as quickly as they are:::have a problem with self-worth; probably don't have a job; have no outlet to do anything constructive---whereas, they can be taught the value of self-worth, they can be trained & prepared for employment, centers could be opened to offer & encourage people to undertake something other than violence...