Tuesday, August 28, 2012


hello america!!! i am watching the RNC Convention &, it upset me that foxnews allowed you to hear the national anthem while megyn kelly did an interview with brit hume:::they should have either shut them up or muted the anthem. i just thought it was disrespectful...

that said, considering the weather problems in that area, there are more people there then i thought would show up. i can only wonder how many people would be there had the weather cooperated. however, i just know that 'MOTHER NATURE' purposely sent this storm there so as to keep joe biden from opening his mouth on national tv...............

by the way, the convention is on c-span.........


hello america!!! you all laughed & applauded obama when he called pres bush 'unpatriotic' over our national debt & you voted him into office: when pres bush was sworn into office, our debt was around $5.75 trillion & when he left, it was around $10.6 trillion---he added almost $4.8 trillion &, he did it over an 8 year period.

i'm not going to make excuses for him nor am i going to try & defend him...he did what he did & was branded 'unpatriotic' for it...so, that being the standard, what in the hell is obama? but, before we get into it, here is a video of obama & his own words...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CMy2M32g4k

good people (even you that support obama), you know when your bills exceed your income, you cut back on your spending to get them under control. it's called 'COMMON SENSE 101' &, it has been the standard for every household in this great country from the beginning of our time as a nation. the majority will try to do the right thing & maybe even get a second job to pay their debts down...& yes, we have those that will go out of their way to spend even more, driving up their debts, & when they lose their house & car & their credit is cut off, they blame everybody but themselves. i wonder if this sounds like anybody we all know? only an idiot continues to willingly go deeper into debt...yes, i'm name-calling &, you know i'm right. if you can't come up with a plan to pay the bills you're already behind on, do you go out & spend more?

america, obama has been irresponsible with spending our money. he can say whatever he wishes however, true numbers will never lie...he took office with a debt around $10.6 trillion & hey, in the almost 4 years he's been in charge, he's allowed our debt to explode &, he's told you he wants to spend even more. so, in honesty, who's more unpatriotic????????

here's the 'LIVE' debt clock.............http://www.usdebtclock.org/    we are going to hit $16 trillion &, under obama, there's no end to the spending......................................................


hello america!!! obama stood in front of the cameras & told you that gm, solyndra &, caterpillar were good examples of why he bailed them out with stimulus money...because they reflected the future...well, so much for fantasy. solyndra went backrupt & the taxpayers got shafted. gm & caterpillar are really having big problems. obama even pushed the sales of the chevy volt with a $7,500 'tax write off', you know, one the very same loop-holes that he wants to close...HMMM!!!

gm did this last year saying it had to allow the sales to catch up with its production. this year, they're saying, they need to close to retool. obama & gm can say what they wish, the volt is not the big producer they thought it would be.......http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2012/08/gm-suspends-chevy-volt-production-over-slow-sales/1#.UDyNg8FmRIE

& here, gm is struggling overseas...http://finance.yahoo.com/news/gms-opel-may-cut-30-123458723.html;

& here, you'll see their sales have dropped...http://www.cnbc.com/id/48437640

obama read this http://www.freep.com/article/20120827/BUSINESS01/120827028/1014/business01

caterpillar is struggling here & overseas...http://www.hinckleytimes.net/news-in-hinckley/local-news/hinckley-news/2012/08/23/caterpillar-in-desford-axes-175-jobs-105367-31677010/

&, please don't forget, we own a lot of stock in gm & its shares keep dropping.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/    mondays are quiet.......

in a time where all states & city's are struggling to pay their bills, obama wants to saddle them with even more unionized labor contracts; such as: teachers, policemen & firemen. however, the states & city's are doing everything they can to stay afloat &, some of their ideas are anything but 'business-as-usual'...please see here...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/24/camden-nj-to-reboot-police-department-by-new-year/
&, for you pa turnpiker's, see here...... http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20120826_Pa__Turnpike__7_billion_in_the_red__Speeding_into_debt.html?viewAll=y