Monday, July 9, 2012


hello america!!! obama wants to tax the rich more or, to put it another way, extend the bush tax breaks for everybody but them...ok, so let's say he can get this done---all he gains is 85-88 billion dollars per year & the fed gov't is spending that much every 8 days....things that make you go hmmm!!!

ok, let's get back to the tax issue.............first of all, the $250,000 per year dollar limit is based on 'gross revenue'---if you're a hairdresser & opened your shop with all the necessities you need &, hired 2 or 3 workers, just how far does that money stretch? although that $250,000 looks good, look at it after overhead (lights, heat/ac, electricity) are deducted; then look at what's left after you pay your local & state taxes; oh, were you able to pay on your loans for your equipment & insurance; by the way, just thought i'd ask this, did you pay your workers? i almost forgot water bills & your daily supplies have to be deducted from that money........& here comes obama with his hand out for more.......if anything is left, you can buy that house with the picket fence around it. who is obama trying to kid? you might not even break even for the year but the irs will still want their money.......

good people, as bad as things are for our country economically, we don't need anybody paying more taxes when our fed gov't refuses to spend less & tackle our national debt...

you do the math & tell me that this is the person you want running this country for another 4 years......


hello america!!! apparently, many of you think i make this stuff up just to discredit truth, i have never said or written a word about him that was a lie...i'm trying my very best to present 'facts' to you that cannot be altered simply because of time or who the story teller in point---obama & his supporters don't like what i write about him because it's always backed up with facts:::::::::::::i am not one of them that will jump out of a an airplane & check to see if i have my parachute on on the way down---i'm checking that before i get on the, here we go---jump out with me........

obama was (& still is) so quick to blame pres bush for all of our economic problems; not once has obama told the truth about pres bush &, if he had, he couldn't use him as the excuse an longer...i am here to try & open your eyes to a part of pres bush that obama wishes he could erase from documented history...please read it all the way through.....

now, we can argue all day about pres bush being a man ahead of his time but, what we can't argue about is: if congress had of done something in 2001 to stronger regulate fannie & freddie, chances are, i would not be writing this now. instead (&, you all see who led the opposition), no one heeded his warnings until it was too late; & even now, they're still blaming pres bush. well, if you say our economy collapsed under pres bush, then let's be just as fair & say that obama did not & has not solved our problems.......fair-is-fair.........

so, let's continue to be fair...not once has obama said: 'america, i did some things when i was young that i now realize have greatly hurt our country & i'm sorry'....not once!!! instead, he'd rather run from the facts & blames others......I CAN ONLY HOPE THAT THESE ARE THE STRONG CHARACTERISTICS YOU LOOK FOR IN A 'LEADER'......america, i have the facts & some of them have are easier to get at then others (some of them have actually have since been erased) but, i have what i have & let's let it go at that. obama helped in our nations economic downfall & has not offered one apology for it...just prior to his being sworn in as the 'so-called-leader' of america, he'd been quoted as saying he believes in 'sub-prime loans'...........&---TO SAY OTHERWISE WOULD BE TO SELL OUT THE MILLIONS THAT BELIEVE IN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so why doesn't the media & the repubs go after him on this??? i'm not making it up however, for all to see, here it is..........................  

obama is a fake, & what's worse, he's a proven liar......he just told those people in OHIO about how manufacturing is doing so well &, his words came after this report came out....see here....

obama is a liar &, if you refuse to accept my words as facts, then it is you that has the problem. as for the black community's out there that wish to brandish me as an 'uncle tom' can you please tell me exactly what has obama put on the table that will enable you to rise above the national poverty level??? what has he said that will make you go out & look for the jobs that don't exist????

yes, under american ways you have the right to call me an 'UNCLE TOM', but, in terms of reality, obama has done nothing to to advance you or your people. say what you will, the fact is: he cares more for those overseas then he does you here::::::::::facts are; he's gone after the latino vote harder then the black vote: care to try & prove me wrong, put your money where your mouth is: please, just tell me what is his plan to stop the suffering in our black community's....&, please, don't insult yourself by mentioning food stamps....

i've said it from the beginning; obama is not good for america &, his policy's & regulations have proven me right. he has recently said that: middle-class america is a state of mind---does that not apply to all american classes? divisiveness is one of of obamas specialty' you mean to tell me that if i only make $15,000 a year & yet, i think & feel like i'm rich, i'm wealthy? give me a break---if you make that little, you're poor & well below the national poverty level & no amount of thinking or feelings will elevate you from that status...if that were the case, obama would be looking for you to help him with those $35,000 a plate dinners..............

regardless of what obama says on the campaign trail, middle-class america is people making upwards of $30,000 a year. by obamas reasoning, somebody making $500,000 a year could be a 'middle-class' person...obama wants you to believe middle-class is a 'state of mind' however, we all know, that's a big bunch of crap--------that's like telling every poor man with no money & no job to get any, that as long as he thinks big, he's a millionaire......what a crock of that special stuff that comes out on the bottom end of humans---&, it's even worse when it comes out of their mouths.........


hello america!!! who hasn't ever had that dream where they were rich & didn't have to worry about where their next check was coming from? we've all gotten caught up with the 'glamour' of our hollywood & music industry's stars. hell, we've watched 'the rich & the famous', 'world's biggest yacth's', & the world's top exotic places. the poor has always dreamt  of becoming rich &, some have even succeeded in doing so. we raise hell when our government gives us something & then takes it back so, why shouldn't the 'rich' feel the same way?

obama wants to tax the rich more. why? this is just more rhetoric & is once again designed to cause division among us. he can't even get his own party, that controls the senate, to come up with a tax bill to his liking...

we have lost too many company's & jobs to overseas country's because of obamas regulations & tax uncertainty &, quiet as it's been kept, we're losing the people that control the purse strings...see here...   once you start getting into this article, why don't you google, 'who helped marc rich get a pardon' & that is going to lead to other avenues obama & his admin don't want on the front pages...................sorry, almost got carried away with trying to 'prove' to you that their are rats at the top of our fed gov't...back to my theme.

we have lost too many individual american's to other country's simply be cause of tax uncertainty. perhaps it's obamas plan to drive the rich out & then his entitlements programs look even better & would actually help the needy...

good people, we need one fair tax across the board for all americans however, obama talks the talk & yet, he hasn't submitted any blueprints for our congress to act on---just talk. before we go on, if you are going to allow the rich to be taxed more, be fair---close the loopholes that allow tax refunds the people that don't work.

back to the rich leaving our lands....see here.....

just to show you that obama has no clue about what he's doing...america needs jobs & obama has yet to submit his own blueprint to congress & america on how to create them...yes, he blames pres bush; yes, he blames the repubs in congress; yes, he blames the tsunami in japan; yes, he blames the winter weather; yes, he blames the problems in europe; yes, he blames the uncertainty in the middle east---hell, he'll even blame the rose bushes if they don't blossom on time for all of our problems since he took office...when will he blame his own failed policy's???? &, what worries me the most is his plan for '4 more years of the same'...that has to bother you because his actions or non-actions are going to effect you & your family & friends---

the rich do so many things for this country that can't be measured by how much they do or, don't pay in taxes. they help a lot of charity's & they sponsor a lot of foodbanks; they've set up programs to help our children go to colleges, drive these people from our shores is pure stupidity &, on the other hand, obama keeps having these fundraiser's with's like saying: you rich people are evil however, please, can i get some more money from you???????


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   i honestly wish it would stay like this but, we know differently......thought i would throw this in for fun......