Monday, April 23, 2012


hello america!!! things that are really important to our future have not been addressed by obama or his admin &, the dems run from talks about our entitlements programs but, something has to be done & when congressman paul ryan drew up plans to overhaul the systems, obama & all the dems shot him & it down negatively & yet, something has to be done soon.......see here

the following goes hand-in-hand with my recent writings about undocumented people living here...

the following is right here in pennsylvania & i'm strongly in favor of it
however, you haven't heard of obama trying to stop it. if it's good here, it should be good for all states....

& in keeping with obamas 'hire-the-criminals' policy, is this any wonder?


hello america!!! keep believing everything obama tells you about his obamacare law but, here they are trying to plug a hole that the law made &, obamas own people are telling him not to...of course, he won't listen to them.
see here....

the kicker is, the money obama wants to spend is coming out of the medicaid trust fund.

&, just for kickers, obamacare is going to contribute to the national deficit....see here....

by the way, obama vowed not to sign any bills into law that would add to the deficit........


hello america!!! want to know just how honest obama really is---watch the following videos & see for yourself...

this one is obama calling pres bush unpatriotic

this one is obama saying he'll have a 1 term presidency if he can't get the economy right in 3 years

this is obama vs obama

this is so sad but so true

so, let me ask you this:::regardless of what side of the isle you're on, did the stimulus do what it was designed to do?

if you said yes, you never read the bill itself; well, it didn't work, isn't working now, & won't work in the future. for one thing, there's still stimulus money in the account. let me sum it up like this---if the stimulus worked, why did they then (& still are now) say it wasn't big enough? we did lose teachers, firemen, policemen & a lot of others after the passage of the stimulus bill. our unemployment rate shot up to 10% & is now at 8.2% & is threatening to go back up again. obama touted the stimulus as being able to keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

if you said yes, you're not keeping abreast of current events...people are still losing their jobs; people are still losing their homes; banks still aren't lending; those shovel ready jobs were never shovel ready; the amount of money obama sank in 'green' jobs has failed miserably;;;

CHANGE---you all voted for it & you got it. unfortunately, that 'change' was for the worse...


hello america!!! distort, divide, distract---all three of these tactics are being used by obama in his hopes that they will keep the focus from his dismal failures as a leader.

you should already be aware of how he is trying to divide see him doing it every day. he has waged 'class warfare' on the rich pitting them against the 'middle class'. those living below the 'middle class' simply do not exist---at least obama doesn't mention them. by the way, in case you don't know which class you're in, here's some help from wikipedia::::middle class america makes $25,000---$100,000 per year (others place it at $32,000---$100,000) so, if you're making north of $100,000, you're in the 'fat cats' range but, if you're south of $25,000, you're not worth obama opening his mouth about...however, he will gladly give you food stamps & medical coverage &, if you're content with that without higher aspirations, obamas your man. of course you don't have to believe me & yet, i know you know that obama is a very strong union labor supporter---just tell me which union jobs only pay $25,000 per year or less...the majority of union workers just happen to fall in the 'middle class' range. well, fancy the way, just to keep you informed, when obama bailed out chrysler & gm, the workers were making $30--$48 per hour....just saying!!!! also, you have had to notice that when obama hits the road, he doesn't spend time or provide photo ops with those those not in the 'middle class' range...DON'T YOU FEEL IGNORED?

another way he causes division amongst us is the immigration policy he doesn't have. oh sure, he'll say some promising things about it now because november is coming soon & he will court the latino vote however, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION HERE. obama promised immigration reform in his first year of office & nothing's been done. he also promised latino congressmen immigration reform if they would support passage of obamacare & nothing's been done. i will say this for him; he supports latinos in this country without documentation but the same can't be said for blacks, whites, asians or others...

now, one would think that a man who's supposed to be our leader would stand in front of the cameras & tell america the truth without distorting the facts...not obama. recently when obama visited oklahoma near a drilling well, he said that he was going to 'fast track' the drilling permits, etc, etc. he also said he approved of the drilling & that we are drilling more under him then ever before...what's wrong with that you ask??? allow me to tell you the facts....shortly before his trip down there, he rejected the building of the keystone pipeline. what he gave his approval on didn't need it & the part that does need his approval, he won't approve & that's at the border between canada & us. yes we are drilling more but not because of obama but in spite of him. the drilling is on private lands & doesn't need his approval however, the drilling on federal lands that needs his approval has decreased. his moratorium on drilling in the gulf & other places has really hurt our oil production & permit approval is at a stand still.

recently, obamas been talking about the buffet rule & wanted congress to pass the bill which was blocked in the senate. i know you've heard him say that buffet pays less in taxes then his secretary on the face of it, i also agree however, underneath it all, you find this::::buffets secretary is taxed on her employment wages which is one thing & buffet is taxed on his risk-based activities in investment which is another thing. if buffet was receiving employment wages like his secretary, he would be taxed at a much higher rate. yes, there are tax loop holes in our tax code which need to be address but, on the other hand, how many 'middle class' can afford to donate a 10th of their yearly salary to charity, or invest it?

obamas full of crap...he wants you to buy a chevy volt (from a company he bailed out) for $40,000-$50,000 & he will give you a tax break/credit for $7,500. this is the very same loophole the rich use. look at his 1st time home buyers tax break/credit---same loophole. that's like me telling you i'm going to charge you more for throwing rocks at glass windows & yet, i'm the one giving you the rocks.

every day you hear about obama or see him on tv...what you don't hear or see is him telling you his stimulus worked (how could it have worked if he's now saying it wasn't big enough?) nor do you hear him telling you how he passed obamacare which every american 'needed' & yet, company's representing about 600,000 union workers have received 'waivers' from it compared to private company's representing about 60,000 workers--------just so you'll know, obamacare waivers are granted to those company's that obamacare puts a 'hardship' on---& yet, it's supposed to be affordable, needed, & for everybody...see who's on the top of the waivers list?....

while obamas running around the country talking about the above & other more trivial things, he's not talking about new jobs (& the jobs he does talk about are policemen, firemen, teachers---all government &/or union jobs); he's not talking about the economy & how to fix it; he's not talking about how he can bring down the gas & food prices; he's not talking about how he can get the banks to start making new loans; he's not talking about how to keep you in your home....

for you people of color, obamas past has said it all...when atlanta had all of those 1000's of people show up for a job fair, he was no where to be found &, he addressed the black caucus saying, 'strap your boots up, quit complaining &, keep on marching'.

oh, before i forget...dems that supported obamacare are now coming to the front saying they made a mistake in voting for it & should have used the time to get other much more needed things done.

america, in obamas 1st 2 years, he & the dems controlled washington & didn't need the repubs for crap. why is it that the only thing america got out of it is, obamacare which very well may be overturned by the supreme court next month &, the stimulus, which didn't, isn't & won't work. but to let obama tell it, the repubs (had control of the house for 1 year only) & pres bush are america's problem...obama & the dems could have passed any bills they wanted to in his 1st 2 years & they squandered that opportunity to do the right thing for this country......& obama wants 4 more years to do what?

i normally don't do this however, this video says it all....please watch....