Monday, June 11, 2012


hello america!!! the hits just keep on coming---see here---

there is something wrong when illegal aliens get better benefits then americans in american 'out-of-stater' must pay more to attend a colorado college then somebody that shouldn't even be in the country in the first place. well, what can you expect when the fed gov't says it's okay for illegals to vote.....

good people, we have lost our minds & our direction.


hello america!!! i was just talking with a friend & our state department came up in the conversation which was about syria. well, it got me to thinking, just how effective has our state department really been? i mean, everybody is heaping praise on sec of state, hilary clinton, & what a great job she is doing however, i have reasons to question her effectiveness.

we have what obama says & his admin echo his words; we have what she says & the press echo her, what's the problem? surely obama wouldn't lie about her achievements, would he?

well, let me ask this; don't we measure effectiveness by results? simply put, if the results are good, she was effective &, if the results are not good, she was not effective. can we agree on that???? i hope so......

let's take a little look:::::cuba is still cuba & seemingly, we have no clue what do with them or about them; china & russia are teaming up both trade wise & military wise against us; iran & north korea don't respect us, don't listen to us &, don't fear us; pakistan is still defying us; iraq & afghanistan both seem to be lost causes; syria is self imploding; libya is about to be controlled by the muslim brotherhood; yemen is harboring terrorists & ships are still being hijacked; columbia & panama are still importing drugs in here; mexico is also importing its drugs in here & the border problems continue; israel & palestine still can't settle their issues; country's in africa are still 'warring' with one another; europe has suffered from riots & lack of funds; france has turned their back on us in afghanistan; canada's keystone pipeline was rejected; japan lied to us about their radiation level & they are over-flooding us with their cars;;;;;;;;need i go on?

think about the above & then think about this:::::::every time hilary returns from an overseas meeting, the talks were 'productive', the talks were 'good', etc. i could go on but, allow me to finish with this......little old haiti is still in dire need of help & obama promised them so much & delivered so little.........

based on results, our state department sucks wind.................


hello america!!! in trying to keep up with the latest economic & political news, i just ran across this...

i hate to say i told you so but, the above is going to become the new 'norm' &, since you don't believe me, there's this...........

this is obamas neck of the woods & rahm emanuel used to be his chief of staff so, what's the problem? they both support unionized's called greed....... 24% pay increase for their first year & a 5% pay increase for their second...i am sure glad the private sector is getting obamas 'FAIR' treatment like the unions. this is why i couldn't be a mayor or governor::::i'd piss the parents off because i'd let the teacher's strike, go to court & fire all of them under contract & start all over........

today's teacher's have to realize that we, as a collective nation, are broke & we cannot continue to give them the same benefits & pay raises they are accustomed to........

& obamas answer is, more teacher's........


hello america!!! did you know that our private sector is 'doing fine'---obamas words, not mine---&, his solution to all that is wrong with our economy is to hire more gov't public worker's. regardless of how you do the math, we are still down 550,000 plus jobs now then when obama took office. he has since back-tracked on his 'doing fine' comment but, if you watched it, he took his time, thought about it, & then said it so, he was serious. this so-called leader actually believes what he said...where does he come from??????????

how in the hell is hiring more teacher's, firemen, & policemen going to help stimulate our economy? how does that make company's put more americans back to work? & who in the hell is going to pay for those salary's? oh, that's right, you & me &, obama wants us to do it at a time when we every penny we can get.

it really irks me that obama is willing to throw more money to the public workers' unions when he already knows it did nothing the first time he did it...........he attended harvard & didn't learn this...

if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got........


hello america!!! i just finished writing about what the states have do & BAM, here it is........;

this will upset a whole lot of people however we all know there are a lot of 'free loader's' on the program everywhere. in time, more states will be doing this &, they should. they used to require it before things changed.

it's one thing if you can't find a job, it's another when you don't even bother looking. this should also extend to those receiving unemployment benefits...people receiving a handout should have to 'prove' they actually looked for work & not just from a computer................

& then, you have indiana....see here....

&, the people in these 2 city's of california have spoken very loudly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i expect the unions will start court proceedings to stop the above but, it's either we stop the reckless spending or we fire more people from the gov't public worker's sector.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....

i just wrote about this yesterday & here it is again:::::::::

yes, we need more jobs. yes we need teacher's, firemen &, policemen. what we don't need is the fed gov't continually 'bailing' out our states to get them. yes, the states are taking in less revenue due to there being less employment so, they have less to do less. they have to get their fiscal houses in order. yes, people may have to be laid off. yes, some services may have to be cut. yes, they need to spend what money they do have more wisely.

i live in allentown pa & the city recently did a complete face lift on our courthouse; they removed the overhead canopy's on hamilton st; they charged the citizens $15 a red brick (with their name on it) & put them on hamilton st &, there's been talk of removing them because they are slippery when wet; they are building (on hamilton st) a hockey rink for the philly flyer's b league but have run into financial problems after buying out the stores, razing the area &, after having spent $35 million dollars. every year they try to make certain streets look good with the overhead flowers or the christmas theme. every year it's the same company's doing the same roadwork...THIS KIND OF MISPENT MONEY IS HAPPENING ALL OVER THE STATE/STATES. & not to long ago, we helped fund coca cola park..........all of these things could have waited for better times. yes, fix the bad pothole. yes, do what is actually needed to be done. good people, a perfect example of wasted money can be found on route 22 between the fullerton on ramp & the airport road exit ramp...they widened the highway for that little span of distance ; it goes no where & does nothing &, they have the nerve to put up 'do not drive' on it signs. we paid for it & no one seems to know why however, i'll bet the company that did the work was paid...

it's no stretch to say that the states need to reign in their spending. &, it's more then obvious that union contracts are a very, very big part of the problem. in truth, they need to be reworked. yes, union worker's will be upset but, that's the nature of business. they should all have to pay their full share for healthcare & pension packages---NOT THE TAXPAYER....

the other part of the problem is, the states have too many people working in offices, out on the roads or, working from their homes. they need to downsize & consolidate...allentown pa makes millions every year from our ticket happy, pleased to boot you, will tow you parking authority. that money needs to be put to better uses.

america, more gov't public workers are not the answer, especially when they don't want to pay their fair share...wisconsin got it right & the people spoke loud & clear.............

obama can say what he wants to---he's already dropped a ton of money on gov't public workers & it did not stimulate crap & yet, he wants congress to do it again.............expanding gov't workers does not work...