Monday, June 11, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....

i just wrote about this yesterday & here it is again:::::::::

yes, we need more jobs. yes we need teacher's, firemen &, policemen. what we don't need is the fed gov't continually 'bailing' out our states to get them. yes, the states are taking in less revenue due to there being less employment so, they have less to do less. they have to get their fiscal houses in order. yes, people may have to be laid off. yes, some services may have to be cut. yes, they need to spend what money they do have more wisely.

i live in allentown pa & the city recently did a complete face lift on our courthouse; they removed the overhead canopy's on hamilton st; they charged the citizens $15 a red brick (with their name on it) & put them on hamilton st &, there's been talk of removing them because they are slippery when wet; they are building (on hamilton st) a hockey rink for the philly flyer's b league but have run into financial problems after buying out the stores, razing the area &, after having spent $35 million dollars. every year they try to make certain streets look good with the overhead flowers or the christmas theme. every year it's the same company's doing the same roadwork...THIS KIND OF MISPENT MONEY IS HAPPENING ALL OVER THE STATE/STATES. & not to long ago, we helped fund coca cola park..........all of these things could have waited for better times. yes, fix the bad pothole. yes, do what is actually needed to be done. good people, a perfect example of wasted money can be found on route 22 between the fullerton on ramp & the airport road exit ramp...they widened the highway for that little span of distance ; it goes no where & does nothing &, they have the nerve to put up 'do not drive' on it signs. we paid for it & no one seems to know why however, i'll bet the company that did the work was paid...

it's no stretch to say that the states need to reign in their spending. &, it's more then obvious that union contracts are a very, very big part of the problem. in truth, they need to be reworked. yes, union worker's will be upset but, that's the nature of business. they should all have to pay their full share for healthcare & pension packages---NOT THE TAXPAYER....

the other part of the problem is, the states have too many people working in offices, out on the roads or, working from their homes. they need to downsize & consolidate...allentown pa makes millions every year from our ticket happy, pleased to boot you, will tow you parking authority. that money needs to be put to better uses.

america, more gov't public workers are not the answer, especially when they don't want to pay their fair share...wisconsin got it right & the people spoke loud & clear.............

obama can say what he wants to---he's already dropped a ton of money on gov't public workers & it did not stimulate crap & yet, he wants congress to do it again.............expanding gov't workers does not work...

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