Friday, June 17, 2016


hello america!!! at what point will we actually point the finger exactly where it should be pointed??? &, when will we demand accountability??? look, i'm just a simple man trying to live a simple life & yet, i find myself getting 'angry' because our politicians would rather 'force-feed' us their negative BS rhetoric to steer the conversation away from the real issues---the 'real issue' concerning the orlando, fla night-club killings has nothing to do with 'gun-control', PERIOD!!! it has everything to do with 'radicalized islam' verses all other religions &/or non-religions &, obama & company refuse to talk about that...

unfortunately, we have sandy hook, virginia tech, columbine & others that we will never know the true 'WHY' for them &, a lot of you chalk it up to the killer's having mental problems, however, there were 'signs' before it got to the point of violence that were ignored...

the ft hood shootings could have been avoided if the 'powers-that-be' had followed their own suspicions but, all that came out after the killings...

the tragedy that occurred on 9/11 could have (SHOULD HAVE) been averted if our fbi (& others) had connected the dots...

the san bernadino shooter's supposedly had 1,600 rounds of ammo in their vehicle; another 4,500 rounds were found in their home along with 12 pipe bombs---they had two long guns (.223 caliber which were modified) & two 9mm caliber semi-automatic pistols---the guns were purchased legally & the investigation has only now turned up their ties to radical islam---HMMM, what took this long???

russia (of all countries) warned our fbi several times about their concerns about the boston marathon bombers but, they failed to take action until it was too late...

the orlando night-club shooter was known to our fbi but they allowed him to slip through their fingers---hell, the gun-shop owner even called the fbi & warned of their suspicions weeks in advance of the deadly shootings plus, several people are now talking about their own previous suspicions of the shooter albeit rather late...

let's keep it real---if the people at the top of our gov't don't do their job, the people at the bottom can't & won't do theirs---obama is at the top & you can see what continues to occur at our expense when he refuses to hold anybody accountable for their ignorance or neglect---hell, he let 2,000 plus guns to walk & now wants stricter gun control???

now, don't get it twisted, i don't believe we need automatic weapons on our streets nor do we need weapons that can easily be converted to automatic &, if i'm not mistaken, there are laws on the books preventing civilians from them---that said, i am a firm believer in 'the right to bear arms'---