Thursday, September 3, 2015


hello america!!! what ever happened to common sense??? how can people (of any color) rise us against the police for killing a young black person that was (allegedly) pointing a gun at them??? are the police supposed to wait until fired at before responding??? would you???

look, far too many of our people are killed every day by our people &, if 'hands up-don't shoot' or 'black lives matter' is to mean anything, we need to put a stop to it...

i guess some black lives don't matter because i haven't heard of any major protests for this innocent 9 year old black Child of GOD---CLICK HERE


hello america!!! are we really that stupid???

we're being told that alaska is melting because of man's imprint on our climate, however, we need more ice-breakers??  ---followed by:::   russia is flexing its muscle in the arctic region, however, we're going to decrease our military personnel in that region by 3,000 troops...yet, obama said he will surround himself with the smartest people on the planet---HMM!!!


hello america!!! it's truly amazing that the party (the repubs) that went on a 'witch-hunt' actually found the 'wicked witch' despite all the denials & protections from that other party (the dems)---hillary clinton did what the repubs thought she did & sooner or later, it should all catch up to her (& others)...however, there are those that will try to cover up her activities until the bitter end---after all, obama called her a great sec-of-state although no one can identify any major achievements during her fact, things became much worse under her & obama &, (while everybody is acknowledging that) the dems still try to push success down our throats...

good people, we should know why the 'arab spring' occurred & just how much of our then foreign policy she was responsible for; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why 4 americans were killed in benghazi & why did they (obama & company) resort to blaming those deaths on a video; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why she would put isis on the terrorist list; we are owed a truthful explanation as to why we have allowed china & russia to grow (military-wise) while we have decreased in strength & numbers; we  need a truthful explanation as to why she had a private server & deleted 30,000 plus emails before they could be screened---these are but a few of the questions we need answered...

& yet, the more this 'witch-hunt' continues, the more we learn about THIS which is followed by THIS which is followed by THIS ...leaving one to wonder why would you have to plead the 5th???