Thursday, August 30, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    &, the weekly new jobless claims of 374,000 says we need help. it also says that we need help & a new direction........

it's hard to stand in the face of undeniable facts & ignore them. well, that is, unless you're obama. ceo after ceo has come forth & said why they are not hiring: tax uncertainties, regulations, obamacare &, the threat of unions being able to form faster. some have also said that those are the very reasons they have moved their business's overseas. please see here...    it's also the reason a lot of business's have closed up shop.

at a time when we need every job we can get, shouldn't common sense prevail? at what point wouldn't you say?, 'hey, we tried it my way & it's not working like i thought it would so just maybe i should try what everybody else is saying. mind you, i'm not admitting failure, i just want to try something else'.

would it really hurt for obama to 'suspend' his business regulations until better times? would it really hurt to leave all of the 'bush tax cuts' in place for another year? would it really hurt to offer business's more obamacare waivers? would it really hurt to suspend the forming of new unions for another year?

when you're out there working your butt off, day after day, & getting nowhere, don't you step back & re-evaluate your situation? when you're taking home $600 a week but your bills are $675 a week don't you think it's time for change. don't you at least make an attempt to turn your financial problems around? you cut here, you cut there, going to the movies is out, eating out is out, you downgrade your cable services... you do what must be done.

so, i ask, how is our fed gov't under obama any different? more people unemployed means less revenue being taken in means less money the gov't has to spend. so either you cut gov't spending or put more people back to work...what in the hell is so hard about that?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...

obama wants to hire even more teachers...

before you jump down my throat, let me say the following: we need teachers---no, i retract that. we need good teachers. more importantly, we need teachers of the time. we need teachers to teach our children that if you make $100 per week, you don't spend $125 per week. we need teachers to teach our children that all men are created equal & should be treated so. the unions unbalance that. we need teachers to teach our children that when the whole country is doing badly, teachers should not be be demanding more until the times get better. we need teachers to teach our children that even teachers are americans & that they should be willing to do whatever it takes to help our country recover in bad times.

let's keep it real...if you promise your children a certain weekly allowance amount for doing their chores & getting good grades while you're working & can afford it, that's one thing. when you lose your job & the bills start piling up, are you going to keep paying the kids the same amount? when you reduce their allowance or take away some of the other things they like, they go on strike by not doing their chores until you not only restore their allowance but, increase it. this would be the time you all should make that trip to the woodshed..

i'm not asking the teachers to work for free however, the contracts honored during the good times cannot be honored during the bad times & they need to be reworked. if we have teachers that won't accept that fact, then those are the teachers that should be looking for another job....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


hello america!!! after just one day of watching the RNC Convention, i can write obama speech. he is not going to even offer anything like an apology to the vast number of americans that have suffered under his watch, nor is he even going to even hint that any of his policy's failed.

he's going to tell you that his policy's have worked however, they still need more time to further do their jobs. he's going to tell you that he is the only one with the vision to 'save' our country. he's going to blame the weather, japan's tsnami & the financial problems in europe with effecting our growth. he's going to tell you that the repubs in the house of repubs are a 'do nothing congress' & the reason we are still suffering. he's going to tell you he inherited this mess which is all pres bush's fault. he's going to tell you that gov romney outsourced american jobs, made money off of company's that collapsed &, put people out of work. he's going to tell you that gov romney must be hiding something since he won't release all of his tax returns. he's going to tell you that rep paul ryan's plans will hurt the seniors. he's going to tell you that to vote the romney/ryan ticket into office is to vote the country backwards. he's going to tell you that they will put women back in the dark ages. he's going to tell you that latino's are important to our growth. he's going to tell you that repealing obama care will hurt middle class the most & create more chaos. he's going to tell you that gm & chrysler would be out of business if he didn't bail them out. he's also going to tell you how well they are doing & how they repaid every penny they borrowed. he's going to blame the repubs for the 'dream acts' failure to pass the senate (not the 5 dems that voted against it). he's going to tell you how the romney/ryan ticket wants to make the rich richer. he's going to tell you that the rich don't pay their fair share &, that the repubs support this. he's going to tell you why we need more teachers, firemen &, policemen. he's going to tell you he's a strong supporter of small business's. he's going to tell he knows people are still suffering. he's going to tell you that people should marry who they wish to regardless of sex. he's going to tell you that the war in afghanistan is winding down with a success. he's going to tell you that we should heavily invest in infrastructure jobs. he's going to tell you that we should continue to invest in 'green' technology & 'green' jobs. he's going to tell you that we become energy dependent. he's going to tell you about all the jobs created since he took office but not the loss of them. he's going to tell you we must help college students (financially) in their quest for a higher education. he's going to tell you how he's made our country safer & that we are closer to our allies then ever. he's going to tell you that we must also help people keep their homes. he's going to tell you that the repubs are the party of 'no'. he's going to tell you we must address our entitlements programs but offer no detailed plan. he will tell you we must address our national debt problems but offer no detailed plan.

at the conclusion of obamas speech, you'll be left with the impression that he really is an idiot because his plan for the next 4 years are just more of the same............again, you won't get an apology or an addmission of failure:::both are beneath him....

4 more years? hell, if it were up to me, i wouldn't give him 4 more hours.


hello america!!! china & russia becoming 'buddy-buddy' with one another presents a problem that i do worry about. both have vamped up their military & both have reached out to country's that do not have our best interests at heart. latest case in point...

if you care to remember, obama applauded the 'arab spring' &, as usual, he got it wrong. how wrong did he get it: china & russia both support syria & iran &, iran is now militarily supporting syria...please read it here...

well, after all the posturing & blustering from obama, our hands are now tied. we can't physically help syria even if we had the balls to do so. we missed our window of opportunity because obamas saying, 'our words must mean more then words', does not ring true...

obama wanted lybia's leader, muammar gaddifi, out & he got his wish. the country is really up for grabs thanks to us...

obama is weak. he doesn't stand up well to foreign leaders---actually, he shows 'submissiveness' by 'bowing'. &, he is making us weaker by the day...see here...

& here's another article on russia expanding...

we need better leadership & obama ain't it........


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...

who will obama blame for this...   how can he even fix his mouth to say his stimulus worked & that he deserves another 4 years in the face of such continuous dismal news? at what point will he wake up to the reality that he hasn't been able to successfully accomplish what he promised america in 2008? his two major 'so-called' achievements, his stimulus & obamacare, did not work; are not working &; will not work. he must really think america is stupid to even suggest that his previous actions need more time.

for the last year or so, obama has been in campaign mode. he blames congress for the stalemate when he should have been telling sen majority leader, harry reid, to act on those 30 house passed jobs related bills just sitting there. but, sadly, he'd rather cast blame & divide this country as never before. he doesn't talk about his record so he attacks congress, gov romney.

in truth, one thing that obama has proven beyond any doubt is: the jobs is bigger then he is.......

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


hello america!!! i am watching the RNC Convention &, it upset me that foxnews allowed you to hear the national anthem while megyn kelly did an interview with brit hume:::they should have either shut them up or muted the anthem. i just thought it was disrespectful...

that said, considering the weather problems in that area, there are more people there then i thought would show up. i can only wonder how many people would be there had the weather cooperated. however, i just know that 'MOTHER NATURE' purposely sent this storm there so as to keep joe biden from opening his mouth on national tv...............

by the way, the convention is on c-span.........


hello america!!! you all laughed & applauded obama when he called pres bush 'unpatriotic' over our national debt & you voted him into office: when pres bush was sworn into office, our debt was around $5.75 trillion & when he left, it was around $10.6 trillion---he added almost $4.8 trillion &, he did it over an 8 year period.

i'm not going to make excuses for him nor am i going to try & defend him...he did what he did & was branded 'unpatriotic' for, that being the standard, what in the hell is obama? but, before we get into it, here is a video of obama & his own words...

good people (even you that support obama), you know when your bills exceed your income, you cut back on your spending to get them under control. it's called 'COMMON SENSE 101' &, it has been the standard for every household in this great country from the beginning of our time as a nation. the majority will try to do the right thing & maybe even get a second job to pay their debts down...& yes, we have those that will go out of their way to spend even more, driving up their debts, & when they lose their house & car & their credit is cut off, they blame everybody but themselves. i wonder if this sounds like anybody we all know? only an idiot continues to willingly go deeper into debt...yes, i'm name-calling &, you know i'm right. if you can't come up with a plan to pay the bills you're already behind on, do you go out & spend more?

america, obama has been irresponsible with spending our money. he can say whatever he wishes however, true numbers will never lie...he took office with a debt around $10.6 trillion & hey, in the almost 4 years he's been in charge, he's allowed our debt to explode &, he's told you he wants to spend even more. so, in honesty, who's more unpatriotic????????

here's the 'LIVE' debt clock.............    we are going to hit $16 trillion &, under obama, there's no end to the spending......................................................


hello america!!! obama stood in front of the cameras & told you that gm, solyndra &, caterpillar were good examples of why he bailed them out with stimulus money...because they reflected the future...well, so much for fantasy. solyndra went backrupt & the taxpayers got shafted. gm & caterpillar are really having big problems. obama even pushed the sales of the chevy volt with a $7,500 'tax write off', you know, one the very same loop-holes that he wants to close...HMMM!!!

gm did this last year saying it had to allow the sales to catch up with its production. this year, they're saying, they need to close to retool. obama & gm can say what they wish, the volt is not the big producer they thought it would be.......

& here, gm is struggling overseas...;

& here, you'll see their sales have dropped...

obama read this

caterpillar is struggling here & overseas...

&, please don't forget, we own a lot of stock in gm & its shares keep dropping.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    mondays are quiet.......

in a time where all states & city's are struggling to pay their bills, obama wants to saddle them with even more unionized labor contracts; such as: teachers, policemen & firemen. however, the states & city's are doing everything they can to stay afloat &, some of their ideas are anything but 'business-as-usual'...please see here...
&, for you pa turnpiker's, see here......

Thursday, August 23, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    it just seems that the loss of jobs will never end under obama &, he does not offer hope for the future.........

 i am so glad i  didn't attend the same schools as the people that crunch the jobs market numbers. they seem to think that every year is the very first one & the reason for the trends don't even count.  in either event, they always seem to get it wrong...see here...

everybody's saying the new jobless claims rose unexpectedly...i guess these 'so-called experts' don't know that at the end of summer, schools start back up & the seasonal jobs wind down. must be something new in our country. plus, you have people that were laid off prior to last week but looked for jobs & didn't file.

regardless of the reasons for the new numbers, our economy is not doing fine & we are not heading in the right direction. however, obama doesn't talk about our jobs markets problems any more---must be a 'state of mind' thing...see here...

regardless of who you blame or how you blame them, this is on obamas watch. he may have touted his 'stimulus' as a great success but, you are still witnessing it as a failure. if it were a success, we would not be having a problem now. he would not be saying we have to bail out the states (again) to retain teachers & hire new ones (his plans for the next 4 years if re-elected).........

obama can't help us because he lacks 'experience' & his 'my way or the highway' approach has not worked & will not work. we cannot afford 4 more year of a man that wants to inject america with his own agenda's regardless of how the people feel &, more so, when they don't work.

the end of this year will be 4 straight years of obama spending a trillion dollars or more per year & today's jobless claims numbers are all we have to show for it? america, you deserve better........

who's in charge???

hello america!!! who can forget what happened with the 'fast & furious' screwup & the death of border agent, brian terry? well, it seems that one of those that were in charge of the debacle has landed on his feet smelling roses. this is a shame & somebody should have enough sense to stop it & recover every penny he's received since taking another job....

now, if obama doesn't know about the above/he's wrong---if he does know about the above/he's doubly wrong. he's supposed to be the 'man-in-charge' of our fed gov't &, with the rash of all the scandals within his circle of employees, one would think that he would have tried to clean up his act & run a cleaner ship. sorry, i keep forgetting this is obama i'm talking about...

by the way, can anybody name one of obamas admin agency's that has not been hit with scandal?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    as you can see, there is no let up & some company's have even given layoff figures for next year. actually, there isn't any good news about jobs coming from anywhere &, the one man that said he had all the solutions to our problems in 2008, doesn't even talk about jobs....see here...

nevada is obamas hatchetman, dem senate majority leader (less), harry reid. how can obama visit his state & not talk about what has to be their number one concern of all concerns or, their number two concern: jobs & housing???

if you lost your job & your unemployment benefits have expired; you can't find new work; you're behind in your house payments &, foreclosure is pending, i'm sure you're going to be very happy when obama comes to your community & talks about his plans for education. i'll bet you'll have to be restrained from doing cartwheels because his concerns & plans are going to make employers start hiring by the millions & the banks will be extremely forgiving on your lack of house payments.

obama is honestly out of touch with our country's needs. he's like a doctor telling a serious accident victim that he has all these plans to make the ambulance drivers keep the proper amount of air in their tires---in the mean time, you just remain in pain & bleeding.

smart money would have bet on obama going to nevada & uncorking his 'new jobs plan' for america's return to better times. nope!!! not obama. he's just interested in avoiding the serious issues of today while castigating the romney/ryan ticket every time he opens his mouth.

where's msnbc on asking obama where are the jobs? where's cbs, abc, c-span on this issue? &, more importantly, where's that obama/biden ticket on where the jobs are & what they are doing to about it????

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    again, no good news...

there is some good news...the courts are slowly throwing out obamas regulations &, that has to show obama his regulations have been hurting us as he has been told. see here...

however, if obama is re-elected, he will find a way to impose these regulations because he doesn't care & doesn't have the ability to accept rejection or failure.

on another note; obamas sending biden to florida in time for the RNC. morally, i think it crosses the line because i'm sure if romney/ryan were to show up in north carolina during the DNC, all the media would go berserk. & no, bidens trip was not previously scheduled. this shows just how desperate the obama camp is getting. i can only assume that obama knows biden will 'screw up' & he will take opportunity to continue distracting americans from the real issues.

america, we have a very tough election coming up &, i truly hope you will vote for who is best for our country & not base it on 'likability' or 'color'.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    unfortunately, it just won't stay this well.

how close to that 'EDGE' are we? i honestly think we are dangling over it. this country becomes more 'liberal' (that would be you extreme left thinking people) every day. this country was built on 4 ideas---GOD given rights, principles, freedom, common sense, while the gov't was founded to protect & enhance each & every one of them. when you 'trample' on any one of them, you start the process for all of them to fall...much like taking a 'load bearing' beam out of your basement, your house will fall.

the gov't has stripped the power from the parents, schools, churches & our neighbors to police our own children. hell, they even teach 'parental abuse' in our grade schools & young kids have been known to call 911 on you in a heartbeat. yeah, i know, heard it before, 'i'll give my kid the phone to make the call' &, while they're investigating you, the kid is removed from your home which affects the other kids in the home; you have to take time off from work to go to court & make the 'proper behavior classes'. now a days, it's hard to tell your friends & family you lost your child because you beat their butts. once the children & youth services are involved, you're on law, you can't hit, curse, yell or otherwise 'abuse' your child & yet, if they miss enough days in schools, you go to jail or pay a stupid fine.

the following are all examples of the gov't stripping us of our rights & freedoms:::::::::::

by themselves they may seem petty but, added up together & you know the rolling snowball is quickly getting bigger. you have the 'you can't smoke here police', you have the 'overweight people police' &, you now have the 'salt police'...

have you ever had chicken without any salt? we have those that support same sex marriages &, while they may have the right to be with whomever they choose, i do draw the line at marriage. when you grant them the right to wed the same sex, you also grant their brother the right to marry their other brother. where do you draw the line?

Monday, August 20, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    again, very quiet at the moment...

i wrote about this yesterday...

again, i disagree with bailing out the states/city's. they have to get their own houses in order for the same reasons i stated yesterday. obama seems to think that more teachers are the answers to our educational problems however, he is so wrong...

we don't need more teachers---we need better teachers with better ways to teach & more authority. that said, it's still a challenge for the best teachers in the world to teach anything, to anyone, in a rotted atmosphere. too many of the neighborhoods where the students live are over run with gangs, drugs, violence & other crimes which have infested our schools all over the country. we have schools that have hired their own security company's to try & control what goes on within their walls; we have cameras & we have metal detectors that the students & visitors have to pass through before being admitted; students are required to display their school id's at all times; some schools have armed police in & around the schools from opening until closing &, the doors are constantly locked & you have to be buzzed in. how in the hell can you expect students to learn & teachers to teach under these conditions? both seem more concerned with just surviving the day.

while this isn't as big an issue at a lot of schools, parts of the same problems are. bully's & fights are a constant given. couple that with the rash of violence & senseless killings at our colleges & the learning picture becomes very bleak.

while most of the teachers may make enough money to live outside of the inner city's, a lot of them still reside within them. they & the students have to contend with all the problems that living in these areas present &, you every day, you read about shootings, gang activities, drug activities, burglaries, stolen cars, beatings, stabbings, rapes & other crimes.

most of our teachers really do want the best from their students as well as most of the students wanting the best from their teachers. it's one thing to go through a metal detector at a courthouse & quite another to have to go through one at a  school. if we can clean up the community & school environment, we'll be doing the teachers & students justice...

no obama, more teachers are not the answer. when you paint over rotted wood, you just delayed what you're eventually going to have to---replace the wood..............

Sunday, August 19, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    it's sunday & very quiet.

i have several problems with this...'s a political move
2...the majority (if not all) of the money will go to unionized labor for the work
3...obama went the same route with his stimulus didn't work the first time

&, i have several problems with this...'s a political move
2...states/city's have to work out their own problems
3...obama went the same route with his stimulus didn't work the first time

perhaps it's good that obama has revealed what he wants to do about the above two problems because it shows that he did not learn a single thing from the failure of his stimulus. it also is proof that it did not work the first time. obama bailed the states/city's out with his stimulus &, here it is, 3 1/2 plus year later &, he wants to do bail them out again....when he bailed out gm & chrysler, at least he forced them to make management changes (which gm has not learned from) (&, in chrysler's case, forced a change to foreign ownership)---just giving the states more money just delays what they have to do to get their own houses in order.

i been saying this from day one, the states/city's all have to rework the public union worker's contracts, cut spending, downsize gov't, increase private sector hiring, be more attentive to the actual needs of their residents &, stop awarding the work contracts to their 'buddy's.

&, obamas vision for our future is four more years of the same---do you deserve that?

Saturday, August 18, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   it may seem quiet &, as much as i wish it would stay this way, come monday, it starts back up.....

can you remember, earlier this year, obama saying there was no silver bullet to solve the high costs of gasoline? dems & repubs were telling him to approve more drilling, approve the keystone pipeline &, release oil from our oil reserve supply---all to which he objected. well, oil prices are back up, labor day isn't even here yet &, this is an election year. so, it should come as no surprise that obama will now do something to keep the price at the pump down.

&, hey, i ran across the following...

if obama does release the oil, his actions should be judged for what they really are:::selfish. he didn't even attempt to do anything when americans were suffering at the pumps before & to do so now, should only be viewed as 'saving his ass' because this is not something else he want the romney/ryan ticket to be talking  about just before the elections.

however, if gas prices hit the $4.00 mark & obama releases enough from our reserves to cause the prices to lower, it should backfire on him because he should have done it the first time instead of remaining so stubborn when so many really needed his help...............

Friday, August 17, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation... 

366,000 new jobless claims (2,000) more then last week &, we have several more weeks of summer seasonal jobs winding down which include a lot more then just amusement parks & swimming pools--don't forget those lawn-care workers, out-doors painters or, summer-camp jobs just to name a few. the upside, schools & colleges start ramping up their hiring.

the following comes from the department of labor...

hopefully, we can change the direction we have been heading, since obama took office, come this november because, clearly, he does not have the know how to do it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


hello america!!! i posted my thought about gm wednesday---see here---

as you should already know, i was against the bailouts &, to hear obama tout the auto bailouts as a success story is a joke. gm is not doing good & i am not the only one that thinks this...their stock continues to slide in the wrong direction which does not help us recoup our investment. & the following link from forbes doesn't think they're doing that well either...

there's a little known fact that obama doesn't even mention when talking about gm & chrysler & that is: they had both reapplied for loans from the department of energy & both walked away from the table...see here...
& here...

another thing obama doesn't talk about is all those risky sub-prime loans gm made to bolster its sales. they have not learned their lessons & are doomed to repeating their failures.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    too many closings...

i stumbled across this site & i think it's wonderful. you can follow the links within it to find out other money related issues...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


hello america!!! it's really amazing how obama & biden talk to black audiences & equally amazing, is the blacks acceptance of it. if gov romney had of said what biden did, the naacp, the black panther party &, black churches would be up in arms...

"they gonna put y'all back in chains" is the remark that has put the obama camp, once again, over the line. it's suggestive of 'slavery' &, no where in the romney/ryan ticket has anything like 'slavery' even remotely been exposed. it's not only a lie, it's also part of the 'scare tactics' used by obama & company when they can't stand up & face reality.

it's a fact that obamas regulations have severely hurt our job growth. ceo's have even come forth & said so & told us how they hurt us. they have told us how regulations are causing them to move their business's overseas; causing them to downsize; causing them to close shop; &, most of all, keeping them from expansion.

well, since i make all this stuff up, please read this...

it would be pure foolishness on my part to expect obama to 'suspend' any regulations because it would prove that the 'other side' was right & he was wrong &, we can't have that.

regardless of whatever biden was trying to say, he said it wrong & owes every black person in this country a very extreme apology. &, black people, quit allowing obama & biden to talk to you like you're nobody.


hello america!!! obama has blamed the repubs for not helping create jobs & yet, i find this statement to be a lie. the house of repubs has passed several jobs related bills only to have them just collect dust at the dem controlled senate. why hasn't obama asked dem senate majority leader to bring these bills to the floor &, why has the media ignored them. while i'm pretty sure that a lot of them may not help us, there has to be some that will but, we'll never know because, if the senate acts on them, obamas claim of 'a do nothing congress' would fall flat & perhaps, it would allow people to have a more favorable opinion of the repubs...

it is really a shame when the senate can hold people back from working just for the sake of branding the repub party negatively...this is politics at its best in this new era of 'change' & the only 'hope' there is, is i 'hope' it changes this november..........


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   no job loss is acceptable.

here's all you need to know about the unsuccessful bailout of gm & chrysler & you can take it to the bank!

good people, all of the following is why i constantly write what i write about obama--he lies--but, before i get into it, let me say one more time, i was against the gov't bailout of chrysler & gm &, i have nothing but praise for ford for walking away from the table. that said, obama touts gm & chrysler as a huge success. well, ok, he's entitled to his opinion even if it's incorrect. click on the link & pay attention to the 10th paragraph...

he claimed success & bashed gov romney for saying he would have allowed gm & chrysler to have gone through the regular bailout process. obama is on record for saying that "we were paid back every penny" 
so, how can the following even be possible??  &, we'll lose even more if gm can't turn it around....

ah, i see. he lied about it to make himself look good & to take the worry that we had about losing our investment...he just said they were doing so good & you all ate it up however, he did tell you about the following, didn't he. oh, he didn't mention it...guess he forgot it doing all that important gov't stuff. here...

the above came on the heels of this...

now i know i'm not supposed to kick the dog when he's down however, i'm on a roll. obama can't really claim success for chrysler because (if my numbers are correct) fiat owns upwards of 52%-58%, the uaw owns about 33%, obama owns about 6% &, the canadian gov't owns about 1.5%. &, in case you didn't know, fiat is a foreign company & they are really struggling right now. if they fall, chryler falls & i guess obama will bail them out again...

&, if gm doesn't get their act together, they're going to fall again---sub-prime loans helped cause our nations downfall (ask obama)

but, what do i know? i know this...
cannot bode well because it extends them into more debt &, at some point, new car sales will slow down to the point of layoffs. they are already stopping some of the incentives to buy a car, causing the prices to go up &, we just won't be able to continue to buy new cars in this age of food stamps & high unemployment.

obamas success story... he just forgot to mention it & yes, i'm glad it happened in canada then here....   obama set this up so we are also guaranteed---only out guaranty is to lose money.................

&, the following is the root of a lot of problems today---union pensions---they've come back to hurt us.........

when obama touted the success of gm, do you remember him saying anything about the following??????????

look, gm & chrysler should have traveled the same road that ford did. picking winners & losers for any gov't is a bad thing. &, more so when you make deals with the unions at the expense of taxpayers & private workers. why couldn't the split have been 10,000 union workers & 10,000 non union workers? also, how can you lie to the american people & say the auto bailout was a success when the taxpayers are going to lose 25 billion dollars?

lastly, obama didn't you just follow a page out of pres bush's playbook with the auto bailout?

Monday, August 13, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    if you notice, obama doesn't talk about jobs anymore. it's like he's given up &, based on his dismal record, i cannot blame him. however, since it is abundantly clear he is not part of the solution, why doesn't he just step aside & ride off into the night?

while i can't blame obama for the 1,300 jobs lost at google/motorola, i do blame him for the a lack of jobs within the jobs market that these people won't get. he has to know his regulations are severely hurting the jobs market but, he seems not to care & just pushes onwards. ceo's have come forth & have put the blame for their not hiring on taxes, tax uncertainty's, regulations &, it's cheaper to outsource overseas...the following link should tell you all you need to know---

obama is stubborn & refuses to change his agenda regardless of who it hurts. if he were serious about creating jobs in the private sector, all he has to do is suspend his regulations, allow all of the bush tax cuts to be extended another year, &, provide incentives for company's to return their business's to our shores. hiring would pick up over night.

but who am i kidding? obama would rather give america food stamps then a job..........


hello america!!! i invite you to read the following article however, i especially wish to draw your attention to the fourth paragraph...

obama 'fundamentally disagrees with gov mitt romney's vision'...i happen to have something to say about that.  i've seen what obamas vision for america is &, i didn't want any part of it before he was elected &, i've come to like it even less. exactly what has he done to put our country back together? he gave a stimulus that did work as it was designed to do &, he gave us obamacare which is very contentious &, every time the CBO re-scores it, it costs us more. when he was campaigning the first time, he said we needed to address our entitlements programs & our national deficit & yet, he has done nothing about them in 3 1/2 years plus. i take that back, he has done something:::he's rejected his own 'debt commission's recommendations; he's rejected his own 'jobs councils recommendations; he's failed to get his own party to support his budgets; he's castigated rep paul ryans reform bills; he's failed to put america back to work &; he blames the repubs for our jobs problems even though he won't push to get the senate to act on 30 house passed jobs related bills sitting there...& there are some other things he's done such as, opening the door to foodstamps to include advertising in mexico; he's circumvented the law & congress by allowing illegal aliens to remain here while blaming the repubs for the failure of the 'dream acts' passage---the senate needed 60 yes votes but only got 55 so, i can only guess that the 5 dems that voted 'no' weren't part of the failure...i just cannot see where he has tried to move america 'forward'. actually, i see just the opposite with his regulations, tax uncertainty, active unionized labor support &, his willingness to do 'the same' for the next 4 years....&, then you have this...

instead of obama & company coming out & admitting that they have 'lessoned' the requirements for those on welfare to seek employment through waivers, they flat out lie that they didn't do it. hell, work release programs have programs where inmates are given time to go out & actively look for jobs & when they return to wherever they're staying, they have to turn in documented proof of their efforts or lose their work privilege & return to the main jail.

when you loosen standards, there are always those that can manipulate them. look at what happened when pres clinton lowered the standard for CRA & obama took advantage of it.....

obama can say what he wishes to about the romney/ryan ticket & their vision...just tell me where are his plans to tackle the deficit & our entitlements programs. when the repubs threatened to repeal obamacare, all the dems asked, where are their plans. obama, where are your plans???


hello america!!! remember the 'arab spring' & obamas support of it? then you can remember being told that what has happened wouldn't happen in egypt. can you remember obama being warned that the islamist would take over control? can you remember obama supporting 'regime change'? can you remember obama wanting pres hosni mubarak out? did you even know that the muslim brotherhood promised not to run for office? did you also not know that our people in charge allowed the brotherhood into the whitehouse & believed what they said?

sec of state, hilary clinton said everything was okay as long as the brotherhood respected the rights of it people & the rights of women---i'll never know why they separated those two---

anyway, i said all that to say appears that the brotherhood has decided to 'stretch' their muscles & are reverting to true form---see here---

how many people have to tell you that you're making a mistake before you believe them? well, obama & company have made a very big mistake with egypt as they have with their 'arab policy's' however, no matter what, they won't apologize for it.

here's a pop quiz for you: is the world safer now that the muslim brotherhood is in control of egypt? thank you obama, do you have any more 'goodies' for us??????????


hello america!!! i blogged about this when it first hit the airways & it seems to be as true as anything else out there...

while the media claims papa john's is the first to go public about the costs, you just have to believe that other business's have already applied the extra costs & passed it on to you & me---they just didn't publicize it.

with mcdonald's admitting what it may costs them, is there any doubt that the dollar menu is doomed. well, don't get upset yet, there's burger king, kfc, churches, popeye's, pizza hut &, domino's just to name a few. assuming that they all opt in for obamacare, the extra costs will be passed on to us. these big company's may be able to juggle their prices so as not to feel the hit however, there are smaller company's that are going to be forced out of the business.

so yes, obamacare will cost you more no matter how you slice it & hey, the good news is, i only mentioned the above food company's----what happens when you add in all the other company's & services that pass the cost on to us?

you may like obamacare but, it's going to cost you more then ever came out in any of the debates. &, no matter what people tell some of you, you just don't believe it will have an effect on you personally &, you are so wrong. for a prime example, let me ask you diehard obamacare believers this:::what happens when the costs of gasoline go up? this is what happens; we feel it at the pump when we fill up & then, when we go to our grocery stores, we feel it again. & yes, we complain because what was $1.99 last week is now closer to $3.00 &, we know this, the prices seem to go up overnight & it takes forever for them to come down. take it from 'knowitall', healthcare costs are going up---have been for some time---&, once obamacare is fully implemented, you're going to pay that cost & all the other extra costs related to it.

yeah, i know, i'm just piling 'crap' on obama that he doesn't deserve...well, when your utility company's have to pay that extra cost, do you really think they are going to swallow it? & that extends to your cable company's, phone company's & the list is endless. company's are in business to make money &, when the gov't takes more from them (for any reason) they take more from us. do you mean to even try & tell me that the yellow cab company in ny will keep it's fares at their current level when the gov't requires them to pay more?

as it stands right now, company's with 50 or more employees will have to pay more, so be prepared to pay more for everything...that said, i'm just so glad none of the above will affect the middle class or those less unfortunate because obama wouldn't put something into law that will cost you more....& besides, you're doing  "just fine". &, i just can't wait to see how much the walmarts & kmarts pass on to us.

hey, what do i know/ i know this, obamacare is scheduled to be fully implement by 2014...did you ever ask yourself, why did they have to wait that long? because the rising costs would have made you very negative going into novembers elections &, if obama is re-elected, he will not have to face the voters again & when the extra costs hit your wallet, you'll have to wait until 2016 to do something about it...

anyway you slice it, obama lied when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class. when the costs go up, the taxes on the goods & services go up...but, what do i know? i know that most of us are trying to hold on to every penny we can. middle class & those less fortunate drive all of the above company's & without us, kfc, walmart, etc would fall overnight...


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    there's an article about 300 plus layoffs in philadelphia from their housing authority &, philly is right down the street from here.

on another front, no obama admin department seems to be above scandals. one would think that obama would have clamped down on his admin in the very beginning, starting with that couple that crashed his dinner party. yes, other admins have had their fair share of problems however, obamas doesn't seem to have control over any of them or their behavior. again, we have the department of homeland security in the news for all the wrong reasons...see here...

& here...

although neither assertion has been proved in court, i can only imagine that there will be a hefty payoff & sudden promotion for both individuals or, if they can flat out prove what they claim, they will wait take their chances with the courts. in either event, control over the scandalized departments shows that there is a lack of severely needed leadership...that has to fall on obamas shoulders alone &, he also has to accept the responsibility for their actions....

again i say, all admins have been plagued by scandals however, obamas just seems to have them in every department & there doesn't seem to be any stopping them. while these scandals may not be of the same importance as our national debt or unemployment issues, they are a reflection of the lack of leadership that obama displays &, that lack of leadership is evident in the way obama attempts to govern &, good people, it's failing us on all fronts.

this may seem petty however, if obama can blame gov romney for what happened with bain capital after he left the firm, how can obama not be blamed while the scandals are occurring on his watch???

Saturday, August 11, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...

gov mitt romney has chosen rep paul ryan as his running mate & i honestly find it hard to think of another better qualified candidate for vise president...his record shows that he is not afraid to 'tackle' america's big problems, [you know, the ones obama & the dems don't even want to talk about much less act upon] such as; social security, medicare, medicaid, our national debt &, tax reform. in fact, who can't remember the 'pushing granny over the cliffs' ads. now you may not agree with everything in his budget bill however, he, unlike obama & company, didn't just pay 'lip service' to the problem, he actually presented a formal plan for reform.

rep ryan presented his plan & caught pure hell for it from obama on down...he was scoffed at, ridiculed, accused of 'killing the elderly', mocked, scorned & called an idiot. why??? obama has often said our 'entitlements programs' & 'tax code' needed to be reformed & yet, NOT ONE SINGLE DEM CAME UP WITH THEIR OWN PLAN...hell, dem senate majority leader, harry reid & nancy pelosi never passed a budget for obama &, obamas own budget plans got shot down in the dem controlled senate twice & the vote was a 'STAGGERING'----99 to 0-----by the way his other budget fell 97 to 0....

if obama were the 'real leader' he now wants you to think he is, he would have embraced rep ryan's plan & sat down with him to make it even better instead of flat out rejecting it. this would have shown america that he was really ready to do what was best for our country. however, in reality, we're left where we are & obama & the dems are going to go after paul ryan & his plan once again....

obama reminds me of the 'house zoning police' that come by your home & tell you to bring it up to code with a new paint job however, they don't like the white paint, they don't want the grey, blue or any other color & yet, they just keep telling you your home needs new paint but won't approve any color you select nor will they recommend a color for you....

good people, it doesn't matter whether you're a repub or a dem, you have to see what is happening to our country...our fed gov't spending is completely out of control. obama promised to cut gov't spending during his first campaign &, you see how he has broken that promise. he promised to cut the federal deficit in half within his first 3 years of office &, you see how he has broken that promise. he promises all the right things & then reneges on them. & yes, he 'appointed' a 'debt commission' only to reject their recommendations & then blame the republs for the deadlock. hey, don't get upset at me, he did the very same thing with his very own handpicked jobs council....true facts. &, just so you'll know, he hasn't met with them since january because he knows how to put america back to work without them...yeah, right!

our entitlements programs & our tax code all have to be reformed & no matter how you do it, somebody is going to complain. obama & the dems say [lip service] that we needs to address these problems however, when it comes to putting up, they shut up & castigate everybody else that does come up with a plan. obamas own thinktank of 'supersmart idiots' say these issues have to be addressed & yet, they haven't even formed a plan to come up with a plan. social security disability is due to expire in 2017; social security in 2037; & medicaid & medicare costs keep escalating. they have to be dealt with & everything should be on the table.

as for our fed deficit...obamas been in office for 3 1/2 years plus & has not addressed this problem. actually, his actions of putting more people on social security disability, welfare, foodstamps & extended unemployment benefits is counter-productive to what he says. more so, his actions are detrimental to our growth as a nation. if we continue to add more people to the above rolls, who in the hell is going to pay for it? yeah, i know, do like france wants to do & tax the rich 75%---all that does is make them pack up their money & belongings & find a friendlier country. oh, i'm sorry, americans & business's are already doing that.

america, you got so caught up in obamas flowery rhetoric & passion that you became blind to just how badly he has done for our country. he spent all this time passing his stimulus & obamacare & we are not better off for it.

we have reached the crossroads & the choices are before us:::do we continue to pile up the national debt for our children & grandchildren to have to deal with or, do we hire somebody that will help get us out of this mess??? are you, as a people, willing to hiring somebody with the balls to address the issues that can't be ignored or kicked down the road any longer? & yes, some of us will be upset by the decisions but, it has to be done. just like we can't afford to continue to 'bailing' or the postal service or amtrac unless they decide to join 2012.

it is no longer acceptable for obama to blame others. yes, he came into a bad situation however, that situation was bad because of the actions of a few: such as; obama is a very big part of our housing market collapse [just google-obama sued citibank] as is pres clinton & harry reid (along with many others on both sides)...using obamas reasoning, no criminal is really guilty;;;if you had of moved the rocks from in front of your house, i would not have been able to throw them...&, if you hadn't put windows of glass in your house, i would not have been able to break them...obama is out of excuses................

you don't have to like everything a romney/ryan ticket offers you however, if they are the ones offering real hope for our future, we have to give them the same chance we gave obama/biden &, we can't allow 4 more years to pass until we do---we need help now.

by the way, this sums it all up---


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    &, so far, it's quiet for the weekend & then monday comes & dashes all hope that the layoffs are over....

obama & company continue to attack gov mitt romney & bain capital...they know their ads have been disproved & yet, they just keep on airing them. reason being, if you go into your lunchroom & call the same person a 'liar' every day, people stop looking for the reasons why & just start accepting what you're saying as truth because of repetition.

obama excels at distractions & distortions. he gets in front of the teleprompters & spins everything in his favor or, he lies & blames everybody else.

here is gov romney's side of bain capital & it's worth reading...

Thursday, August 9, 2012


hello america!!! can you remember these promises made by obama that have not been kept?????????
1.....transparency---failed & honest gov't---failed
3.....hiring lobbyists---failed
4.....cutting our deficit in 1/2 within 3 years---failed
5.....reforming our entitlements programs---failed
6.....reforming our immigration policy's---failed
7.....reaching across the isle---failed
8.....uniting america as a party of one---failed
9.....honor & obey the laws & constitution of the united states of america---failed
10...hope & change---failed
11...putting on a comfortable pair of shoes & walking with the unions---failed
12...reforming our tax policy's---failed
13...creating jobs---1/2 failed
14...keeping people in their homes---failed
15...allowing banks to make loans---failed
16...stop 'negative' campaigning---failed
17...getting rid of the programs that don't work---failed
18...close gitmo---failed
19...not raise taxes on the middle class---failed
20...keep america strong---failed
21...lower gov't spending---failed
22...decrease our dependency on foreign oil---failed
23...create millions of 'green' jobs---failed
24...move america forward in 'green' technology---failed
25...not sign bills with 'pork' in them---failed

if you didn't know this then, you know this now: obama does not keep his word. &, what's worse, he lies to all of america...cases in point: his stimulus did not do as it was designed to do nor did it do what he first said it would do &, that is why he kept changing the terminology...from create-to create & save-to keeping us from falling over the cliff; states continued to lose teachers, firemen & policemen; people lost their homes; 90% of the jobs created with the stimulus did not go to private sector; banks didn't make loans; & jobs were still can obama tout his stimulus as a success & then turn around & say that if he's re-elected, he will have to do the same thing to 'save' us?

obamacare is still very contentious & has yet to be fully implemented however, the following is known: costs are rising; doctors are joining hospitals; business's are dropping coverage; states are not opting in for it; religious & moral concerns abound because of it; colleges are dropping coverage; the mandate has been deemed a 'tax'; there are 21 different 'taxes' in obamacare &, some of them will be passed down to the middle class...for obama to claim obamacare as a success is a very long stretch when people are already forced to pay more & find other doctors.

yes, i could add more but, you get the point. promises made & not kept = lies!!! if you were running for a public office, wouldn't you be talking about anything else but your lies????????


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   the job losses continue despite obama touting his stimulus & obamacare as a success &, that is why he is so desperately attacking gov mitt romney because it keeps us from talking about the extremely dismal job he has done since being sworn in.

obama boxed himself in a corner when he attacked gov romney about loss of jobs & outsourcing them. however, obama is so willing to take full credit for every single job created since his swearing in & yet, he blames everyone & everything else for each & every job loss during that same period.

it's time for america to stand up & demand honest answers from obama on why our economy is doing so poorly after 3 1/2 years under him. he ran for this job on his own & told all of america that he was the only one that could fix our problems plus, he hired the 'smartest' people on the planet to help him. well, you see where we're at now or, better yet, you see where we aren't...

no matter how you slice it, we are not better off now then we were 3 1/2 years ago; in fact, we're actually worse off: since obama took office, we are down 500,000 plus jobs; our national unemployment rate is now 8.3% &, obama had promised it would not go above 8%; regulations, obamacare & tax uncertainty's have created a very unstable hiring market.

america, november is right around the corner & obama is depending on you & the media to focus on gov mitt romney & not his 3 1/2 year record. he puts numbers out there but here, you can see the real numbers from '' for yourselves...

the 'real' obama is coming out & his negative campaign ads prove he is not who you thought he was. he never 'was' for the betterment of america &, if you really look at the only job he had before public office, you'll have to agree. you just can't sue & force banks to make sub-prime loans & then when the housing market collapses, blame every body else---good people, just google 'obama sued citibank' & you'll see for yourselves...i don't just make this stuff up.

america, you should be demanding answers from obama & not settling on what he wants you to hear. if he could not turn our economy around in 4 years, why should we believe he can do it with another 4 years? what is he bringing to the table after the next election that will change our direction? in truth, obama gave it his best shot & it was not & is not good enough..........

if obama was serious about even attempting to turn our economy around, he would suspend some of his regulations; open up more drilling on fed lands; approve the keystone pipeline; offer more incentives for business's to hire; fight not to raise taxes on anybody for the next 2 years; fight for more american unity instead of division; make america a more 'business friendly' country; fight for a fairer imports vs exports;
seriously address our entitlements programs; consolidate the fed gov't; revamp the entire tax code; follow the advice of his jobs council; &, although there other things he could be doing, the most important one is, he needs to go before america, without teleprompters, & apologize for all of his failures & accept blame...

america, you need to vote with your mind & not your heart...obama has less then 90 days to act however, he's going to be too busy campaigning to do anything useful for this country except talk---don't you deserve more then words???

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


hello america!!! i find the campaign ads disgusting, distorting & distracting &, i really wish both party's would talk about the problems of today. that said, i find that the ad where joe soptic says he lost his job because of bain capital (after gov romney had already left) & without having healthcare coverage, his wife died...see here...

while i feel for mr soptic, there are several things i find very confusing: how he & the obama camp can tie gov romney to his wife's death if the gov actually did leave bain capital in 1999 to run the olympics? if gts steel/bain laid him off in 2001, how is this gov romneys fault? if his wife were sick all the time from his layoff up until her demise, why didn't he 'dip' into his 401k funds? this may seem harsh but if you make $46,000 a year & can't provide medical for your family shortly after being laidoff, then you have a much bigger problem then gov romney. by mr soptic's own confession, he had to 'dip' into his 401k fund to pay the medical bills after his wife's passing when he should have been 'dipping' into that fund to get her the medical attention she needed when she was alive. something is just not right with this picture. hmmm!!!

mr soptic's life is going to be torn apart by those that wish to defend gov romney & that wish to defend obama. the man has become a pawn &, i sincerely wonder if any money has exchanged hands for his going public. by the way, this is not the first time he's been in front of the cameras voicing the same story however, obama & company now deny that they knew about the man's family. when obama distances himself from something, you know from his history that he was wrong.

this following link pretty much says the same as the one above it but, i want to draw your attention to the 10th paragraph.

obama & company want gov romney to take credit for the hiring & the loss of jobs---this is something that obama has failed repeatedly to do. obama wants to take credit for every job created since he was sworn in & yet, he refuses to accept the loss of jobs for that same period. for that matter, he's not even manned up for the job losses by apologizing to those that are no longer employed. instead, he blames everybody but himself.


hello america!!! the following is just another problem obamacare presents to business's...

as is usual, whenever the fed gov't charges business's more money, it gets passed on to the consumers. obama must have failed 'business 101' because he fails to see the bottom line which is, we are going to pay more across the board. it might not seem like much when you look at 15/20 cents a pizza but, you add a little more to that for the sodas, & all the other rising prices of your grocery's &, it starts to add up. couple that with the charges that will be passed on to you from the services industry (electricity, gas, etc) & you start to get the picture.

any business with 50 or more employees will have the same options as papa john's has & yes, many will decide not to offer their workers heathcare coverage meaning, those workers will have to foot the bill for themselves &, as you will one day realize, the costs continue to rise---so much for affordable. &, please remember, if you purchase your own, it has to meet obamacare standards. just 'google' healthcare insurance prices & you'll see just how unaffordable it really is.

to be fair to obama, he has that little thing in there that, if you can't afford it, you can sign up for his plan...however, there is an income threshold you must be under to qualify. if you make too much, you're stuck...get your own or pay the tax for not getting it---your choice.

let's keep it real:::with gas prices going back up, company's will pass that on to you also but, you already know that. the drought we are experiencing is also causing food price to rise.

all i can say is, i'm glad you think the middle-class & less unfortunate people won't be affected---just keep on thinking like that & get ready to pay more...thank your people friendly obama....because obamacare is going to cost you more no matter how you slice it.................


hello america!!! obama first said his immigration deferred action program would only benefit about 800,000 undocumented people within our borders however, his new number is now 1.8 million people. well, before all is said & done, that number's going to skyrocket up & here's why. the program is supposed to allow those 30 & under, that meet the guidelines, to remain in our country & look for work or go to school for 2 years. one of obamas reasons for the program was to prevent the breakups of family's. that being the case, let's just assume that each one of the 1.8 million has a mother or father here that has broken no other laws except sneaking into our country (&, i'm not even including siblings & other relatives)...that's now 3.6 million people we have to account for. with obamas inclination not to deport law abiding illegals, that means our public welfare systems is about to be overrun with these people---the older family members don't meet obamas standards for deportation deferment however, once those that do meet the standards are issued their papers, they can turn around & apply for their family members...

the repubs were arguing that the number would be high & you see how obama blew them off but, now the truth comes out &, as usual, obama has lied again. he knew his first set of numbers were way off before he uttered one word....when all is said & done, the number will be somewhere around 4 million or better that will meet the obama standard thus increasing the number of family's members.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    as has become the norm, there is no good news........

i first heard about this story on foxnews & i've finally come up with some interesting info on it. see here...

when you read the article, this is a link for you to view the emails in question....

there is no sense asking tim geithner or obama about this because they will deny having any knowledge of it. however, i do hope that congress will reopen their investigation of this issue because it seems that 20,000 none unionized workers were canned in favor of keeping their counter-parts...
hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...


hello america!!! maybe this article will clear up exactly who pays their fair share of taxes....please read it here...

&, there's this...

it really appears that obama is just saying 'the rich should pay their fair share' to garner votes from those economically less fortunate. &, he wants them to pay more???

even if obama got his way about taxing the rich more, the fed gov't would only be able to collect $8.5 billion which, it turns out, is just enough to run the gov't for one lousy is usual, obama out of touch with the reality that we need a hell of a lot more to happen before we can even think about getting our national debt in order.

obama may have raised a good talking point however, the rich pay more then their 'fair share'.....the bad thing is, a lot of people are so caught in their lives that they don't have the time to really see exactly what obama says &, the pro-obama biased news media allow him to go unchecked....


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    it seems gm is getting help from everywhere... gm has made a lot of risky sub-prime loans & its july sales fell 6%. eventually, the auto market will slow down because people will need to keep more or their money due to company's still laying workers off. it seems nobody & no job is safe any longer...job security is gone.

senate majority leader, harry reid, said somebody told him gov mitt romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years &, went on to say he didn't know if it was true or not...however, he also said the same thing in the well of the senate. the whitehouse has thrown him to the wolves...

gov romney has done what was required of him by releasing 2 tears of tax returns but, obama & company want him to release even more &, he under no legal requirement to do so. the dems just won't let it go & are saying gov romney could clear the matter up quickly by obliging them. they have even gone so far as to say he's not releasing them because he's hiding something.......

reid hasn't released his taxes at all...

&, here's another one that won't release her taxes & how can she possibly know if what reid said was true or not since she wasn't there when reid was supposed told???

obama has reportedly spent millions on keeping his college records sealed from the public &, he supposedly paid off his student loans however, that info has been sealed also. if obama & company can gov romney must have something to hide, doesn't the same apply to obama?

Sunday, August 5, 2012


hello america!!! for those of you that believe obamas policy's have worked, allow me to ask you this: why isn't he talking about them? his stimulus & obamacare, according to him, america could not have gone on without them. &, he says they worked. why then is he not touting them in his ads? why isn't he all over the tv networks telling you that he asked for them, got them, signed them into law &, this is what they did for your country??? in response to your answer, 'i don't know', i must say it isn't a good one.

well, i'm here to answer all of those questions...he isn't talking about them because they both failed; are failing; &, will continue to fail. yes, on paper &, to let obama tell it, both his stimulus & obamacare look great on paper however, when theory meets application, problems abound. you don't have to believe me, just look at the facts:::::::::: will::: lower your costs; allow you to keep your own doctors; is affordable; will not raise taxes;---all wrong & here's why... costs are rising & business's, colleges &, individuals just cannot afford obamacare;
2...doctors are turning in their shingles; business's & colleges are dropping coverage;
3...unions representing 500,000 plus workers have been granted waivers from obamacare because implementing it would create a 'hardship' whereas, company's representing almost 70,000 workers have received waivers;
4...there are 21 different taxes in obamacare & yes, some of them will affect the middle class;

business's are finding it will be cheaper for them to drop healthcare coverage & pay the tax. this means you have to find your own coverage &, if you fail to do so, you'll be paying a 'tax penalty'. doctors are giving up 'private practice' & joining hospitals. if it was so 'affordable' why the waivers &, more importantly, why so many to union workers? when you need a medical device that costs over $100, you'll be paying more fore it because obamacare raises the tax, 2.3%, on medical device makers. if you just listened to obama & the dems talking about obamacare you are in for a very rude awakening come 2014....... will create all those shovel ready jobs; 90% of all the jobs it creates will be in the private sector; it will 'bail' out the states so that they can hire & retain teachers, firemen & policemen; it will allow banks to make loans; it will allow people to keep their homes; it will allow the auto industry to flourish; it will create millions of jobs---nope, sorry---this was changed to 'create or save' millions of jobs; it will bring america up-to-date in the green era; it will provide jobs training programs; failure after failure after failure & here's why...
where do i start???
1...obama sadly jokingly said, "i guess all those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel ready".
2... simply put, the stimulus did not even come close to the 90% it promised the private sector.
3... states received the stimulus money however, 'public sector' jobs were being lost before, during & after the stimulus.
4...banks are very reluctant to make loans. homes were & are still being lost through foreclosures. may be hitting a 'good' period but, gm is really struggling. both will be back at the table because america will not be able to afford their cars if they remain out of work.
6...obamas investing our money into 'green technology' was 'self-serving' &, with company's like 'solyndra' to use as examples, this whole 'green' thing is a joke. training program---let me put it this way---why would anybody with common sense invest money in training people for jobs that aren't ready to hire?

the stimulus did not do what it was designed to do...that is the truth.

so, now you can see why obama is so desperate that he's attacking anything gov mitt romney's done, says or thinks. obama knows he can't tout a record of failures...

you just can't say you failed & tell the people 'you offer them 4 more years of failure'!!!


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    as is usual, it's pretty quiet during the weekends---i just wish it were like that all of the time.....

mayor nutter is just like obama; take care of your own first, then the unions &, if anything is left over, let it trickle down to the common people.

it's amazing that, during this 'obama-era-of-change' nothing much has 'changed'---at least not for the majority of fact, things are worse now then when obama was sworn in. his style of 'leading' is severely lacking &, it rubs off on other 'so-called' leaders.

i guess this all boils down to mayor nutter feeling his staffers are worth more then the firefighters.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    &, sorry to say, it starts off with a bang...a very big bang at that. 500 jobs lost at trane..........

i posted yesterday that obama would spin the jobs numbers & he did &, he's becoming very petty about the whole situation..see here...

as usual, obama wants it both ways. when the unemployment rate was coming down from 10%, he wasn't arguing percentage points but, now that it's ticked up, he does....&, of course, he has no true response for the jobs markets health....

Friday, August 3, 2012


hello america!!! i knew obama would spin the jobs numbers in his favor...the bureau of labor statistics put the number of new jobs created in july at 163,000 & obama comes along a few hours later & adds 9,000 to that number saying 172,000 new jobs were created. &, he went on to say that they knew, coming in, this was going to take some time to get things just might want to watch this youtube video of obama in 2009...

in truth, obama really thought that his stimulus was the solution to our problems however, he thought wrong. &, he was wrong about it doing exactly as it was designed to do. teacher's, firemen, & policemen were laid off before the stimulus &, during the implementation of it &, guess what, it worked so well that they are still being laid off---even after 3 years....obama just won't tell you the truth about anything; truth is not in his character....&, the reason i say he thought his stimulus would work is this...

obama would have never said he'd be a 1 term president if he didn't think his stimulus would work within his first three years...his stimulus did not work &, the money did not go out the door immediately nor did it get into the pockets of those that needed it most immediately...what's so bad about all this is: obama knows he was going to lie before he even opened his the first video, you'll notice that obama said nothing about the private sector---not one lousy word.

you can say what you wish to about me but one thing you can't say (nor can anybody else on this planet say) that obama, when he was running around our country campaigning for his stimulus, ever told the american people that his plans for our success was going to take years to work....who can refute this??? SPEAK UP NOW!!! the words he used were 'immediate' & 'right now'...he needed congress to act 'right now' to pass his stimulus bill...

here it is 3 1/2 plus years later & he's changed what he originally said. what a surprise. he's like the bully kid that makes up the rules for foul balls during a game of street stick ball where as his foul balls lines keep expanding while everybody else's keeps decreasing................

instead of attacking gov mitt romney's tax records & his job at bain capital, he should be in the whitehouse (doing his job) with all the ceo's of the big company's to find out which of his regulations are keeping them from opening up their 'help wanted doors' & rescind them......sorry good people, got carried away there; this is obama i was talking about & in order for him to do what i suggested would be an admission of failure & a form of an apology & obama doesn't do either....

america, please make no mistake, i applaud you, salute you, honor you &, love you but, you bet on the wrong horse with obama...he's had 3 1/2 plus years to prove what he's made of & he's's jobs report proves that...8.3% of all america is unemployed however, the true number is 15% & obama, being the man that he isn't, doesn't even want you to know about this number or where it comes from but, i'll tell you anyway---it's called the U-6 unemployment rate & you really should look into it.

good people, we don't deserve obama nor can we afford him. when he says the national deficit cannot be paid unless we tax those making $200,000 plus per year is a flat out lie. do your own homework, please!!!