Sunday, August 2, 2015


hello america!!! you must be a complete idiot to believe we are now better off than we were under pres bush...yes, a few of you may be better off, however, as a nation of one, we are far worse in far too many areas but, this is about obama & hillary & our non-existent foreign policy...

1.....while we may not be engaged in actual combat (war), we are far from being safer---in fact, we are not nearly as safe as our gov't would like us to believe...isis is here & home-grown terrorist's are on the rise at a very troubling pace---just about every other day you hear about somebody being arrested for wanting to go to the middle east to join isis &, instead of isolating these people in gitmo, we're putting them in our jails where they can easily influence many others to their way of thinking...but, i regress, isis is that 'jv squad' (at least that's what obama called them) & they were allowed to grow into what they now are simply because hillary clinton didn't have the back-bone to add them to our terrorist list because she didn't want to give them attention...obama & hillary not only missed the boat, hell, they even missed the water...

2.....the middle east is a hot bed of turmoil (always has been/always will be) but, our so-called leaders were so quick to tell you how great the 'arab spring' was & what it meant for the rest of the world---do any of our media robots have the balls to ask obama &/or hillary how their middle east policy is working out??? we had our hands deep in the 'arab spring' & we're paying the price for it...

3.....what happened in benghazi could have & should been prevented &, in truth, both obama & hillary (among others) should have been indicted on charges for failing to provide adequate protection for the 4 americans who had their lives snuffed out because of their failures---&, what's even worse is, they tried to sell you that bs about a video being the cause...actually, that's not the worst of it, this is:::they're still lying about what happened & why (&, they're doing their best to cover up their rolls in it)...

4.....ever since obama was sworn in, iran & north korea have steadily been getting closer to having nukes & i can't find where hillary had devised a plan to stop them---but, let's not stop there, russia & china were both flexing their muscles (during that same time frame) & neither obama or hillary had a plan to limit their growth---&, you can say what you wish but, our recent agreement with iran is a complete farce, however, it looks good on paper to those that can't read... (as a whole) is a complete disaster & obama & hillary failed to put the pieces in place to keep it stable---in fact, the problems escalated because of their inability to act...

6.....although we've always had problems with our mexican border-line, just look at the flow of illegal entrants under obama & hillary...look at the problems their lack of border enforcement has caused our country---&, even with hillary out of office, the problems are still growing...

7.....obama & hillary have repeatedly thrown our allies under the bus (hell, they even backed the bus up to make sure they had run them over)---when i look at israel's enemies & see what hasn't been done to put them in check, i actual have egypt, iran, syria, joradn & turkey & we seem to be putting their interests first---WHY??? israel has hamas, the plo, hezbollah & fatah gunning for them & we get upset when israel defends itself---to this day, we willingly continue to give 'aid' to those that would wipe israel off the map...

8.....under pres bush, iraq & afghanistan were somewhat stable compared to now---obama & hillary have allowed both country's to revert back to pre-bush, WMD's were never found, however, under pres bush, our presence was making a big difference which cannot be said today...

9.....both obama & hillary speak of women's rights & equal pay & yet, they both do business with country's that don't recognize women as having any rights---hell, both of them have been accused of paying their own female staffers less than their male counter-parts...&, while we're at it, they talk a good game about gay rights but, just look at the anti-gay country's they support...

under obama & hillary, our foreign policy was one based on denial & reaction & not pro-action & it's not changed one iota since---hillary can say what she wishes to but, she cannot distance herself from obama;;;they're locked together at the hip, lip & brain---a vote for her is a vote for obama...