Monday, March 28, 2016


hello america!!! far too many of you have to literally go out in a rain-storm to believe it's raining & that is pathetic---look, we have big problems with our border & immigration laws that can no longer be ignored...they are purposely not being adhered to & that puts us all at risk (i might add, it's a risk that our gov't can't even protect us against)...

every time there's a 'mass killing' by radical muslims, we learn that they were on the radar & yet, nothing was done to (even) try to prevent them from carrying out their dastardly deeds of inflicting pain & suffering on our people within our very own borders---&, we often learn that some of those entering our southern border (illegally) have previously committed crimes in addition to the latest one they got caught at---couple that with the fact that many of them had been deported only to illegally re-enter our country...good people, we have this info in our data-bases & we are not even trying to connect the dots &, none of the idiots (presently in control) seem to have any idea on why it's become a reoccurring problem...hell, we even lose track of the immigrants that legally enter our country & overstay their work permits or green cards & sadly, our gov't admits that...

extremely saddening is THIS &, just think, hillary clinton wants to allow 60,000 of them to come here...&, you have the ny times HERE's a short youtube VIDEO...

good people, we have enough homegrown mayhem that we inflict on one another so, we don't need to add to it from 'outsiders'...

we do need a 'workable wall' on our southern border & we need to be exceedingly cautious when allowing refugees here---if we can't fully vet them, we can't allow them in;;;if we can't fully track them, we can't let them in---hence, a 'ban' until we can figure out what's going on sounds like a very good idea...


hello america!!! to those of you that don't think we need a wall, how do you defend this??? READ HERE...