Tuesday, December 19, 2017


hello america!!! let's try it this way---if i...
1.....sign climate bills into law that restrict our businesses from growth
2.....sign healthcare coverage into law that forces businesses to cut hours; not hire; not expand &/or close up
3.....sign executive regulations that hinder the growth of businesses
4.....declare war on the coal & oil industries & carry through with that war
5.....sign bills into law (i.e; dodd/frank bill) that prohibits our banks & businesses from growing
6.....spend tax-payers dollars on green energy projects that knowingly fail/are failing/will fail
7.....allow businesses to willingly relocate to foreign soil without penalties
8.....allow illegal aliens to cross our borders without regrets & than provide for them at tax-payers expense
9.....institute an 'america last' policy
10...do nothing to raise our gdp & am satisfied that 2% is the new norm
11...do all i can to keep americans from working & then, lower the requirements for welfare related help
12...enter america into trades deals that put our interests last
13...add approx $10 trillion dollars to our national debt after calling bush 'unpatriotic & unamerican' for only adding $5 trillion dollars
14...allow isis & others that wish us harm to grow
15...downsize our military
16...withdraw/downsize our troops from areas where they were needed
17...start the 'war on police'
18...deny any knowledge of all the 'scandals' (of which there were many) surrounding my administration
19...apologize for america being america
20...attempt to close 'gitmo' & try enemy combatants in our courts systems
21...fail to provide protection for the citizens residing in our inner-communities
22...encourage sanctuary cities
23...deliberately refuse to acknowledge the jobs markets situation until after my first 15-18 months in office
24...make promises to take care of our vets & than do nothing for them
25...do all i can to fuel american racism
26...continually blame bush & the repubs for all of our problems despite knowing bush first warned congress in 2001 about the housing market collapse (& 20 times thereafter) but met stiff resistance from powerful dems
27...tell americans to live by their means & yet, take luxury vacations at tax-payer expense & then request an 18% boost for retired presidents
28...do all i can to not work with the repubs on any issue
29...keep america divided
30...add to the woes of people of color
31...attack & allow attacks on our religious beliefs, freedom of speech rights, gun rights &, other constitutionally protected rights
32...use executive power to by-pass congress
33...deliberately & continuously lie to the american people
34...bow to foreign heads-of-states & then lie about doing so
35...allow the desecration of our american flag
36...fail to protect our personnel in benghazi & then lie about why they were killed
37...draw a line in the sand & then fail to act when that line is crossed

first, can you identify me???

if i did all that, would you consider me a great president??? would you hold it against me for now wanting to take credit for the present state of our economy???