Thursday, January 31, 2013


hello america!!! this country got all bent out of shape over the senseless killings at sandy hook elementary school (20 children & 8 adults) & the incident went straight to the whitehouse. what bothers me the most is, last year, chicago had 500 plus violent killings &, 270 plus of them were children--facebook & twitter were silent. the vast majority of those killings were of people of color & again--facebook & twitter were silent. here it is, 31 days into a new year & chicago already has 40 killings &, facebook & twitter are silent. here's the latest one which could be anyone of our children.,0,4361139.story

i call it like i see it: 500 plus killings (mostly people of color) & you didn't hear crap from obama, the dems, the repubs. 500 plus people killed in 1 year & there was no cry for gun control. 28 people were killed (mostly white) & the incident has gone world-wide. do you mean to tell me that those 28 deaths are more important then the 500 plus? must be, because i can't remember anybody on my facebook asking us to pray for the children of chicago...both black's & latino's asked for prayers for sandy hook & didn't say crap about their own people. &, up until now, obama never said anything about chicago.....go figure.

look, i really don't care where you stand on gun control but, everything i've been hearing from obama & the dems in congress is definitely not the answer...their actions simply go to inserting more regulations. stricter background checks may only weed out a few from obtaining a gun legally &, mandating that you can only have 7 rounds in a magazine will only be obeyed by the lawful. be real, the guns & bullets are out there if you really want them-no id card needed. on the other side, the approach they're going to take concerning 'mental health' is going to 'negatively brand' people for the rest of their life...if you can't be trusted to buy a gun, you'll not be trusted to drive & you won't trust them to work next to you.

stiffer penalties just don't work. we already have a 3-strike law on the books that doesn't work. we have stiffer laws for drug offenders that don't work. the laws for rape & burglaries don't hinder those that want to take what they want. hell, prisoners make their own deadly weapons in our prisons.

prisons are not the answer: according to the us depart of justice/bureau of justice statistics report (11 dec 2011), 10,005 prison deaths (not all of them homicides) were reported between 2000-2009 so, jail alone is not the answer. hell, at the end of 2011, we had 6,977,700 offenders either locked up, on probation or, on parole.

way back on 20 aug 1986, a postal worker shot & killed 14 co-workers, wounded 6 others & took his own life & remember, he did it with two .45 cal pistols. & there are reports of postal workers going 'postal' starting back in 1983 so, deaths by violence goes back a ways.

i find it strange that we can ask for prayers for the victims of sandy hook (vastly white) & not ask for prayers for our own.........makes me wonder where you get your news from.........

Saturday, January 26, 2013


hello america!!! it's really amazing that after all this time, we're still finding new items of concern in obamacare. such as..., the choices are simple; give up smoking, pay the increase or, just don't get coverage & pay the fine/tax................

while you're trying to adjust to the above, try adjusting to the fact that somewhere, somehow, you're going to help pay for obamacare if you're legally working. in a nutshell: your employers & insurance providers are simply not going to absorb all the added costs & taxes that obamacare imposes on them---they are going to pass them on to you &, hey, here's another one to get ready for...$63-per-person-fee-for-three-years/.

your check is about is to be stretched like never before---&, if you didn't notice it before, compare your december 2012 check with your 2013 checks & you'll notice that they are taking 2% more for social security tax. obama raised your taxes on 1 jan 2013 by allowing the social security with-holding tax to rise from 4.2% to 6.2%.

the $63 shouldn't even bother you. after all, it's supposed to go to coverage for those with pre-existing conditions &, you were all for that before, when you didn't know it was going to cost you.

between now & 2014, premiums are going up & the costs are going to be passed directly to you &, the bad thing is, i'm not even talking about the additional $63...

so, before you get to blaming me, look at this: the costs for goods & services are steadily rising; your food bill is rising; your taxes increased; your healthcare premiums are about to rise; you have another $63 to pay out; there are additional costs for obamacare that will also be passed on to you; & guess what, the dems want to raise another trillion dollars in taxes....................................

Friday, January 25, 2013


hello america!!! okay. i have to admit that i've had it wrong all along & hindsight is proving to be a very valuable tool::::

it's okay for us to continue to raise taxes on the rich but it's not okay to curtail our spending...

it's okay to applaud the tax raise on the rich but it's not okay to talk about the 2% social security tax imposed on all working americans as of 1 jan 2013...

it's okay for for us to call for new gun control laws because of what happened at sandy hook but it's not okay for us to even talk about the more then 270 plus children killed by violence in chicago in the last 3 years...

it's okay for us to limit the number of rounds in a magazine but it's not okay to stop how many magazines can be brought...

it's okay for us to continue to borrow money from china but it's not okay to move your business over there...

it's okay for us to talk about immigration & gun control but it's not okay for us to talk about our jobs problems...

it's okay for us to talk about female equality but it's not okay to talk about our arming a middle east country (egypt) that has no female rights at all &, is our sworn enemy...

it's okay for us to talk about bigger gov't but it's not okay to talk about who's going to pay for it...

it's okay for us to talk about raising our debt ceiling but it's not okay to talk about putting a budget in place...

it's okay for us to talk about gm & chrysler being on top of the world but it's not okay to talk about the plants they are preparing to open in china & canada...

it's okay for us to talk about our energy problems but it's not okay to talk about why it's taking so long to approve the keystone pipeline...

it's okay for us to talk about the repubs doing nothing but it's not okay to talk about the more than 30 house passed jobs related bills that have been sitting in the dem controlled senate...

it's okay for us to talk about putting women on the front line but it's not okay for us to talk about all the problems that may entail...

it's okay for us to talk about being 'middle class' is a state of mind but it's not okay for us to talk about any plans to help those living on or below the national poverty line...

it's okay for us to use a Holy Bible to be sworn into office & prayers to be said before congress convenes but it's not okay to talk about why GOD & crosses are being removed from public view...

it's okay for us to swear to uphold the constitution but it's not okay to talk about why it's being stripped from being taught in our schools...

it's okay for us to seek stronger gun control but it's not okay to question why we allowed guns to walk...

it's okay for us to praise our troops but it's not okay to talk about the jobs they can't get...

it's okay for us to talk about man-made global warming but it's not okay to talk about how the weather patterns have shifted...

it's okay for us to say we want to close tax loop-holes for the rich but it's not okay for us to talk about the loop-holes we keep creating...

it's okay for us to talk about getting aid to the victims of hurricane sandy but it's not okay to talk about why a lot of them are still not being helped...

good people...i can only imagine what the next 4 years hold for us....

Monday, January 21, 2013


hello america!!! color me stupid. obamacare was supposed to make healthcare affordable however, the premiums are steadily increasing &, what's even worse is, the full law won't go into effect until 2014. while many of you applauded when obamacare was passed, you never listened to those that opposed it & yet, what the opponents said, has come true: the costs have increased & will continue to do so; several states will oft out of it as have (& will) business's; it will lead to a negative impact on employment; when all is said & done, 30 plus million americans will still not be covered.....

just for fun i went online & compared prices for what it would cost me to obtain my own 'single smoker' coverage. here are the 'AFFORDABLE' numbers for just one person::::::::::
capital blue cross plan with a $5,000 deductible---$220 per month ($2,640 per year)---$30 per office visit---$16-$35 per month to add dental---$13 per month to add vision---$19-$36 per month to add accident benefit---$274-$307 per month to add critical illness. just using the base prices, i'm at $572 per month & i don't even have a clue as to who my doctor will be. $6,864 per year.......WOW!!!!

now i'm sure that i could shop around a little more & find a cheaper plan but, it won't have everything i want covered.

if you make $30,000 per year & have to get your own coverage, you're screwed. you do the math & then tell me how it's affordable::::::
the following figures are base numbers & will fluctuate depending on your individual situations:
$30,000 per year minus 22% tax ($6,600) equals $23,400 minus rent/mortgage ($800 per month/$9,600 per year) leaves you $13,800 to play with---car payment & insurance ($300 per month/$3,600 per year) leaves you $10,200 to play with---utilities/cable/phone ($280 per month/$3,380 per year) leave you $6,840 to play with---gasoline ($120 per month/$1,440 per year) leaves you $5,500 to play with---essentials like food, clothing, etc ($250 per month/$3,000 per year) leaves you $2,400 to play with---we're going to eat that $2,500 up like this---paying past due bills, pets, car/home repairs, etc leaving you in the minus because you've had to borrow to make ends meet. WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO COME UP WITH YOUR HEALTHCARE COVERAGE PREMIUMS???

$30,000 per year means you make to much for obamacare or foodstamps but, if you don't get approved gov't healthcare coverage, you'll get a $95 fine the first year you don't have it &, a $ 300 plus fine the second time. &, you're in the middle-class section. so glad we have people in office looking out for you.

by the way, as of this past jan 1st, your $30,000 per year was just hit with a 2% social security tax increase so, in reality, you're taking home even less---about $11.50 a week less/$600 a year less.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


hello america!!! from a 'fair one' to 'bats & chains' to 'knives' to 'guns' & other 'explosive-type devices'... from 'you can't mention it or show it on tv' to 'viagra & tampon commercials' airing all day long.

we've come a long way & you may wonder how we got here however, we still have more 'bad days' ahead. we have 'progressively' succumbed to liberal thinking. more importantly, we have lost control.

our churches are no longer full; our schools have lost their authority; our neighbors are all about themselves; our flag has lost its respect; our politicians only serve for their own agenda; our civil-rights leaders only get involved when the cameras are rolling; our news media has become extremely biased in its coverage & reporting of the news; drugs, gangs & violence have become a way of life in too many communities; we have become a nation of division; our children are school-taught to rebel against home authority; we turn a blind eye to the 'mentally challenged' & 'emotionally imbalanced'; 'bullying' is now broadcast on youtube before it's even reported; our 'police' are bound by laws that (at times) hurt us; our prisons are overfull; we have a very serious jobs problem (across the nation) that just won't fix itself; the dollar is losing its value; our gov't continues to take in less revenue & refuses to curtail its spending; hollywood continues to sell us violence; we've become a nation of handouts; & GOD & religion are being removed from the public's eyes & ears...

is it any wonder we are where we are? we have become so misguided that we raise hell about what happened in sandy hook & yet, we're extremely unresponsive when it comes to the 270 plus children violently killed in chicago over the past 3 years---


hello america!!! it bothers me that it takes a major newsworthy tragedy for us to get involved or vent our frustrations. i'm talking about the senseless killings in sandy hook. people were all over facebook, twitter & other outlets voicing their displeasure & offering up their prayers. & now, it's become a major political issue.

i'm not heartless or callous however, if the news media hadn't of broadcast the incident as much as they did, it would not be the big issue it turned out to be.

my problem is this: if it doesn't make the headlines, many of you wouldn't know anything. case is point: chicago has lost 270 plus children due to violence over the past 3 years & nobody is saying shit. a total of 500 plus people were killed in chicago during 2012 &, i can't remember anybody on my facebook saying anything. the black civil rights groups & leaders are also extremely silent.

you all jump on here supporting obama because he's black (he really hasn't done a damn thing for you) & yet, the vast majority of the killings in chicago were people of color &, you say nothing. the vast majority of the killings in sandy hook were white & you all went crazy.

i don't know where you get your news from but, you owe it to yourself to stay informed---hell, even msnbc has covered the killings in chicago & i've been blogging about them before last summer.

another case in point is: you all were on facebook & twitter congratulating obamas re-election after he promised you he would not raise taxes on the middle-class. as of jan 1st, you should be taking home 2% less of your check. he signed the 'fiscal cliff bill' into law allowing the increase to take place & not a one of you said a word. the 2% increase comes from the social security with-holding tax (4.2%) reverting back to 6.2%. just compare last years pay stub to this years. if you make $500 per week you take home $10 less per week which means you'll take home $480 less per year.

but, don't take my word on either issue---google it for yourselves & you'll find out how certain media outlets only report what they want you to hear.......

Monday, January 14, 2013


hello america!!! we had 371,000 new jobless claims for the 1st week of this brand new year. that's a lot of people &, bear in mind, there are others that were not eligible for claims. while we continue to add to numbers of the unemployed, one has to wonder when it will actually turn around.

there has been no 'push' from obama, for quite some time, to put america back to work; yeah, i know, he talks about hiring more teachers & infrastructure jobs but, we all know, that is not even a fair alternative to our jobs problems...america needs positive action, not more rhetoric.

for 4 years, america has been waiting for obamas promise to deliver the jobs & hey, come 2016, you'll still be waiting.

what can you honestly expect from a man that promised not to raise taxes on the middle class & then does just the opposite? yes, obama raised your taxes by not extending the social security tax of 4.2%...he allowed it to expire so that it would revert back to 6.2% & then, signed the 'fiscal bill' into law. so, some of you might not even notice that you're actually being taxed more; meaning you're taking home less. let's put it this way...that 2% increase will add up::::if you make $500 per week, you're taking home $10 less---that's $40 per month or, $480 per year.

what should piss you off the most is, obama never even told you he was going to do it. &, before you get to blaming the repubs, the dem controlled senate wrote the bill.

so, while just the rich may be paying more in taxes, don't you feel glad that you are one of them????

&, the dems want to raise even more taxes----one trillion dollars more......

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


hello america!!! i've purposely stayed off of here trying to see which way our country is actually heading. well, some things never change. the 'fiscal cliff' was avoided but, at who's expense? oh, the rich people, right? WRONG!!! if you look at your pay-stubb, you just might notice that you are paying 2% more in social security taxes.

the deal the dem senate worked out allowed your taxes to raise from 4.2% to 6.2% (as of jan 1st) & yes, obama signed it into law...

look, you were fed that BS that obama would not raise taxes on the middle-class & yet, here he is, raising the taxes on the middle-class. you got so caught up in the talking points that you failed to see this coming. if you make $500 a week, you're going to take home $10 a week less or, $480 a year less. that money is supposed to go to social security &, in reality, it's being used for the retirees of today. the sad thing is, there may not be any left over for you (assuming you're in your 20's, 30's or, early 40's) unless they revamp the whole system & no, this is not a scare tactic---just the facts.

let's just keep it real::::if you want bigger gov't, you have to pay for bigger gov't &, by 4 million plus votes, america wanted bigger gov't. look, if you're the bread-winner of your home & you want more things, you either get a second job or make choices is some of the things you now do. if you get smaller gov't, you'll pay less, allowing you to keep more of your own money.

&, the dems want to raise an additional 1 trillion dollars in taxes.......welcome to the real world.