Wednesday, January 9, 2013


hello america!!! i've purposely stayed off of here trying to see which way our country is actually heading. well, some things never change. the 'fiscal cliff' was avoided but, at who's expense? oh, the rich people, right? WRONG!!! if you look at your pay-stubb, you just might notice that you are paying 2% more in social security taxes.

the deal the dem senate worked out allowed your taxes to raise from 4.2% to 6.2% (as of jan 1st) & yes, obama signed it into law...

look, you were fed that BS that obama would not raise taxes on the middle-class & yet, here he is, raising the taxes on the middle-class. you got so caught up in the talking points that you failed to see this coming. if you make $500 a week, you're going to take home $10 a week less or, $480 a year less. that money is supposed to go to social security &, in reality, it's being used for the retirees of today. the sad thing is, there may not be any left over for you (assuming you're in your 20's, 30's or, early 40's) unless they revamp the whole system & no, this is not a scare tactic---just the facts.

let's just keep it real::::if you want bigger gov't, you have to pay for bigger gov't &, by 4 million plus votes, america wanted bigger gov't. look, if you're the bread-winner of your home & you want more things, you either get a second job or make choices is some of the things you now do. if you get smaller gov't, you'll pay less, allowing you to keep more of your own money.

&, the dems want to raise an additional 1 trillion dollars in taxes.......welcome to the real world.

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