Friday, January 23, 2009


hello america! it's ben 3 days since obama was sworn in & already the writing on the wall is becoming clearer. everybody says to give obama a chance but, when i see him doing just the opposite of what he promised, i am compelled to speak my mind.

i have several issues that i have a problem with:::transparancy; abortion; gitmo; &, the economy.

the obama camp knew about the tax problems of timothy geithner before his being named sec of the treasury &, that he paid the back taxes owed just days before obama officially named selected him. this smacks of back door crap-they know it, you know it &, i know it. it has been reported that certain senators had inside knowledge & were asked to keep silent until obame broke the news. the media really needs to look into this & report the truth about it.

obama knew about bill clintons connection to the foundation & saw no conflict of interest by naming hilary as sec of state. the confirmation committee supposedly worked out something that is very mysterious to me. bill might not be receiving a paycheck from the foundation or the countries involved but, clearly, there is a conflict of interest here.

obamas being resworn without the usual fanfare of media present looks like a 'pay-for-play' deal. out of all the pictures taken only 1 is allowed to surface? if i'm not mistaken, 3 media outlets refused to release any more of them. what's wrong with this picture?


you can deliberately not pay your taxes (even after signing the instruction forms for filing your taxes from the imf) & your reward is to be confirmed to sec of treasury. &, then the obama camp feeds you this crap about geithner being so smart & these dire times need him. based on that, why not put madhof in charge of our bonds? geithner should never have been nominated much less confirmed &, if he were the man obama paints him to be, he would resign. how is one to trust him or those responsible for his being where he is? don't pay your taxes for 4 years, then pay 2 years back taxes whenever you get around to it, talk to some governor about a treasury position &, then pay off the other 2 years of back taxes prior to being publicly nominated. this is like putting a child molester in charge of a daycare.

the hilary & senators may have come to an agreement about her conflict of interest involving the imf fund but, those countries involved in it now have more leverage then they had before. her nomination is a big mistake. gen powell would have been a better fit.

i don't beleive that any man has the right to tell a women whether she can or can't give birth. however, i don't think federal dollars should be used if the women decides to abort the pregnancy. if she can afford it, fine-abort; if she can't afford it, fine-have the child. why should i have to pay for this? everyone knew that obama was extremely liberal &, regardless of what he said or says, you are about to find out just how liberal he really is. lifting the ban on the use of federal funds for abortions is just plain wrong.

when all of you see what all comes out of this stimulus package that obama insists will jump start the economy---you're going to be very disappointed:even you die-hard obamaholics. if obama & washington were serious about helping the economy, they'd help those big companies that are laying off workers by the hundreds so that they wouldn't have to down-size. we don't need tax cuts, we need dollars to spend. this package is a farce &, the only thing it's going to accomplish is putting us deeper in debt. as i understand it, millions of dollars are going to the prophylactic industry. yeah, that's a sure way to help the economy. please remember that obama told us that there will be no earmarks in this bill. this bill will be for economic recovery only. well, again, you've been had. when the final bill is in print, i know you're going to find several large items in it that even you will question.

obama thought that closing gitmo would be easy---it's anything but. he's finding that out the hard way. who wants these prisoners next door to them? we already released one of them that's now a top al-quaida officer in yemen. yeah, let them all go, they are only going to try to kill more americans. &, don't forget to rewards their bad intentions by giving them american rights. obama, i have an idea! why don't you build a modern facility for them right next to the white house where you can see that they get treated right. just don't forget to allow room for a golf course & olympic size swimming pool. moving the prisoners out of gitmo will create problems that i don't think obama ever considered---so much for his panal of advisors...their first test & they flunked it big time.

america, what really bothers me more then anything is, obama is not the person he painted himself to be & you fell for what you saw & heard. had you have done your homework on him diligently, someone else would be president.

what i like about obama & his camp is that very soon they will prove just how great bush was for this country, to include his mistakes.

& don't forget, nancy pelosi has vowed to raise our taxes & i, for one, can see it coming soon.