Friday, August 5, 2016


hello america!!! here we go again with the BS---this monthly gov't bureau of labor statistics report (bls) says we added 255,000 jobs for july 2016 &, there are those 'so-called experts' that say the report is a good thing---READ ABOUT IT HERE  &, i have to wonder what math classes they attended because the truth is this---for the month of july 2016 we lost a total of 1,296,000 jobs---so please, do yourself a favor & subtract the jobs added from the jobs lost & then paint that same rosy picture---good people, those figures come from our very own weekly gov't report/just scroll down to the bottom of page 6 of this & you'll see that all of our gov't officials (from obama on down) continue to lie about our jobs market--- & hey, this isn't my first post concerning our jobs market & in doing my own research, i've discovered that obama & company only talk about jobs added/gained & not the jobs lost & that is fact---here's one of my posts proving just that

& then, there's little thing called the 'national unemployment rate' which is currently 4.9% & that's the figure everybody refers to but hey, i'm here to tell you that it's faulty as hell &, here's why---'table a-15' from the same bureau of labor statistics report puts our 'real unemployment rate' at 9.7% &, hey again, all the figures are faulty because on 1 jan 2011, the bureau of labor statistics changed how they calculate the unemployment rate which in itself helped lower the rate that much more---because i'm such a nice guy, you can READ MORE ABOUT IT HERE or you can research it for yourselves instead of just accepting what all you're told as 'truth'...if everything were as it was under bush, our rate would be in the double-digits...