Wednesday, September 19, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    if you visit the site & look at the jobs losses for yesterday, one would expect obama to say something however, he's just too busy...

obama is so hell-bent on re-election that he has no time to do his job, well, for that matter, he never did his in point, he has no time to meet with his jobs council; doesn't meet with his security council daily; was too busy to visit the wisconsin teacher's demonstrations to 'put on that soft pair of shoes & march' with them; was too busy to even visit wisconsin to help in the governors recall; was too busy to visit chicago & stand with the teacher's union---he didn't even comment on it; is too busy to meet with president netanyahu & discuss israel's future; he was too busy to understand & act on all the warning signs leading up to our diplomats death; he's much too busy to actually tell the american people the truth about the real state of our economy; &, for almost 4 years, he's been too busy to do the job he was hired to do..........

good people, look around america & tell me where 'hope & change' have worked for our betterment? the 'hope' has become:::
1.....hoping you can keep your job or find another job
2.....hoping you can keep your home or get more financing for it, or pay your rent
3.....hoping you can continue to pay your bills, car payments &, put food on the table
4.....hoping that you really can keep your present healthcare coverage & doctor
5.....hoping that obamacare really is affordable
6.....hoping that the bush tax cuts will remain in place
7.....hoping we become energy dependent so we can afford to fill the car up
8.....hoping we can pay down our national debt so as not to burden our children's children with them
9.....hoping we can become a nation of one & put all this divisionism behind us
10...hoping that we can attain that 'AMERICAN DREAM'
11...hoping that our future years will always be better then our past ones

while you may not like the 'TRUTH', all you have to do is look around this great nation & it will smack you into reality. we are not better off now then we were 4 years ago &, i don't care who does the story-telling...
you 'hired' obama to FIX our problems &, after 4 years, they've become worse. his stimulus failed miserably & we are seeing the backlash of it now. what happened to all those 'millions' of jobs he was suppose to create? what happened to that '90% of all stimulus jobs would be created in the private sector'? why are our states/city's still deep in the red after receiving stimulus funds? why haven't banks loaned out more money to those that really need it after being bailed out? why hasn't gm & chrysler returned all of the bailout money they were loaned since obama said they were doing so well. why has obama added $5 trillion plus to our national deficit in less then 4 years (more then all of pres bush's 8 years) after promising to cut it in half by the end of his 1st term? why are more americans receiving some form of gov't assistance now then before obama was sworn in? why are the prices for goods & services steadily rising? why is the federal reserve printing more money that will actually hurt our seniors when they cash in their cd's? what happened to all of those 'green jobs' & obamas investments in 'green technology'? why are we 'buying' more items imported then we export?

obama said 'we are heading in the right direction' so, why did 386,000 people just walk away from looking for jobs last month? why were only 96,000 new jobs created last month? how do explain that there are 30 house of reps passed jobs related bills just sitting at the dem controlled senate that have been collecting dust for months & obama hasn't (even once) asked the senate to act on them? since the 'summer of recovery' was so successful, why are we still recovering? look, when you have almost 50 million americans receiving 'food stamps', our last 4 years were not good ones.

obama reminds me of a chef that never does the actual cooking & spends his time mingling with the diners. he pops in the kitchen, says what he wants & leaves &, when the diners complain, he blames everybody but himself & his cooks...i.e; the flour came in wet; the meats were the wrong size cuts; the previous chef never fixed the freezers or stoves; the mice & roaches that have nibbled on your food came from the storm that went through there last year; the waiter's & waitress's come from his competitors restaurants & doesn't want him to succeed; the water is muddy because of the oil spill; your potatoes are not fully cooked because the cook used the glasses he got from china; &, even though we can seat 200 people in here &, you only see 6 people, the threat of next years corn prices are keeping people home; however, since i inherited this mess from the last chef (4 years ago) i promise you more of the same if you hire me as your chef for the next 4 years. oh, by the way, i promise that i can fix those water-stained napkins---they'll still have the water stains but, i can put some of these illegal immigrants to work ironing out the wrinkles.............

we are falling apart & obama knows it. he would rather spend the time attacking the romney/ryan ticket then trying to explain why his agendas & policy's have failed us. rather then say that the chef competing for his job is well dressed & looks & acts the part, he'd rather tell you that the steaks he cooks are tailor made for that snobbish crowd that knows the difference between well-done & burnt...........


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   &, this is devastating news for thousands of people. how can obama not address these job losses? is his campaigning & fund raising more important? is this truly who we deserve for the next 4 years?

good people, we need somebody that will put our interests above their own &, that's not obama. we need somebody that will try a different approach to fixing our job problems...