Wednesday, April 25, 2012


hello america!!! this should make you as sick as it made me.........
when will obama get the message? the good people of this country are not ready or able to afford the 'greening' of this nation at this time, no matter what he 'pushes' on us. however, it's one thing to invest our money 'foolishly' & it's another thing to allow our 'technology' to fall into the hands of foreign country's...........
america, regardless of whether you're for obama or not, you have to be upset that our children, grandchildren (& the children after them) are going to have to be saddled with the debt obama is creating &, if that wern't bad enough, they're also going to suffer because our technology is falling in the wrong hands.

change, huh? more like, you give-you-get.........

this was written feb 2012......

& here's your money creating or saving those 'green' jobs........

good people, obama does not have a clue as to what he's doing & to give him 4 more years is just plain stupid........


hello america!!! up until now, when have you heard of obama talking about really helping college students like he is now? don't rush that answer to me, i (GOD willing) have plenty of time...

obama needs that 'youth' vote & he's going to try & convince college students he's all for them however, i ask those same students to look at his record in regards to them. let them look at the 1st 1/2 of his term & let them see that he had the power to do (unchallenged) what he is now proposing to do. let them see that he didn't 'freeze' (& could have) their student loans interest rates.

those same students voted for obama because of 'hope & change' & i want them to them to tell me where the 'hope' is & where the 'change' went...

&, i want them to look at a report by the associated press that says the unemployment/underemployment rate is at 53.6% for those 25 & under.

i need them to look into why gitmo isn't closed & we're still in iraq & afghanistan. plus, i want them to see that we may be quickly drawn into 'war' with syria, iran, north korea &, some of the african country's.

i need them to tell me what part of our economy obama has fixed. i want them to see which banks obama bailed out that are still not making loans & which homes are being saved.

college students, i can only assume you are more 'acceptable' to obamas plans for the 'greening' of america then the rest of america &, i have no problem with the time obama has had, i need you to tell me which of his 'green' projects have succeeded.

obama wants to portray himself as someone that cares about college students & i counter that with this:::if college students are having a hard time paying their student loans, keeping their homes & finding & or keeping their jobs, how in the hell does he figure they can afford his pushing the chevy volt on them or that $50.00 lightbulb?

to all of you that are young (25 & under), please vote smartly this november. please don't allow yourselves to be caught up in the hype. &, please remember, there is no right or wrong vote, there are just smart ones & not-so-smart ones.

a vote for obama is not a smart vote!!!!


hello america!!! obama & the dems continue to push this country in the wrong direction &, many of you really aren't looking at the bigger picture. case in point; see here.....

on the face of it, many of you don't see anything wrong with the above however, when you can no longer afford the dollar menu at mcdonald's, you'll understand but, it will be much to late to save the day & here's why...

before i get into it, ask yourself this, if unionized labor is the way to go, why did obama have to 'bail' the unions out? &, if you think they are all that, why are they the ones at the very top of the list that received obamacare waivers?

the repubs oppose the union election rules because they will allow unions to form faster & easier then before. it gives the company's less time to fight them, plan for them &, makes it harder for them to remain non-union.

you may want to ask me what's wrong with unions & i'm here to tell you........they are assisting us in going broke &, they continue to want more without doing more.

teachers, policemen & firemen are all vital to this nation however, the teachers aren't teaching more or better, the police aren't policing more or better &, the firemen are still putting out the same old fires. i have the utmost respect for all three of these professions however, when i look at the benefits they receive at our expense, i get this queasy feeling that all is not well with the world. their benefits packages are hurting every state in this country & that should set off warning bells to everybody. &, when states try to change their packages, look at how the unions oppose that action. who can forget the unions rising up in wisconsin or those 14 elected officials fleeing to another state to avoid having to vote on a bill? look at the uproar from the unions because boeing moved some of its work to 'work friendly' south carolina.

the unions that opposed the wisconsin challenge are so powefull that they caused the 'recall' of gov walker & don't forget the demonstrations they put on in the capitol building...

now, i'm sure that the union people protesting didn't come up with the idea to protest on their own...the order had to come from the top &, if you care to remember, many of those union workers protesting, called out 'sick' & got paid. try that at dominos or kfc & let me know how long it took them to suspend or fire you.

why can't a 'bad' teacher be fired without us having to 'buy out' hers or his contract? that is not fair to the rest of america....however, you can fire a burger king worker & that's all there is to it.

obama strongly & actively supports unions &, as quiet as it's being kept, most union workers are made up of government workers. &, look at how he continues to expand government.

in these dire economical times, unions are the last thing we need to help & yet, obama insists on helping the 'middle class' & guess what class most union workers fall in...take from the rich, give to the middle class & the hell with those really need all the help they can get.

one would think that obama would be reaching out to those living on or below the national poverty standards  by helping them to rise above their present status.