Wednesday, April 25, 2012


hello america!!! up until now, when have you heard of obama talking about really helping college students like he is now? don't rush that answer to me, i (GOD willing) have plenty of time...

obama needs that 'youth' vote & he's going to try & convince college students he's all for them however, i ask those same students to look at his record in regards to them. let them look at the 1st 1/2 of his term & let them see that he had the power to do (unchallenged) what he is now proposing to do. let them see that he didn't 'freeze' (& could have) their student loans interest rates.

those same students voted for obama because of 'hope & change' & i want them to them to tell me where the 'hope' is & where the 'change' went...

&, i want them to look at a report by the associated press that says the unemployment/underemployment rate is at 53.6% for those 25 & under.

i need them to look into why gitmo isn't closed & we're still in iraq & afghanistan. plus, i want them to see that we may be quickly drawn into 'war' with syria, iran, north korea &, some of the african country's.

i need them to tell me what part of our economy obama has fixed. i want them to see which banks obama bailed out that are still not making loans & which homes are being saved.

college students, i can only assume you are more 'acceptable' to obamas plans for the 'greening' of america then the rest of america &, i have no problem with the time obama has had, i need you to tell me which of his 'green' projects have succeeded.

obama wants to portray himself as someone that cares about college students & i counter that with this:::if college students are having a hard time paying their student loans, keeping their homes & finding & or keeping their jobs, how in the hell does he figure they can afford his pushing the chevy volt on them or that $50.00 lightbulb?

to all of you that are young (25 & under), please vote smartly this november. please don't allow yourselves to be caught up in the hype. &, please remember, there is no right or wrong vote, there are just smart ones & not-so-smart ones.

a vote for obama is not a smart vote!!!!

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