Friday, June 3, 2016


hello america!!! as a follow-up to the post preceding this one, here (again) is the MONTHLY EMPLOYMENT SITUATION REPORT FOR MAY 2016 &, it's not only horrible, it's also an embarrassment & direct contradiction to obamas claim of our country being in better shape...the numbers speak for themselves---to know that we only added 38,000 jobs (the worst performance since sept 2010)compared to having lost 1,107,000 jobs is disgraceful & a direct reflection on just how sorry our jobs market is...

if you noticed, 1.7 million people are classified as being 'marginally attatched to the work-force' & yet, they're not counted towards the unemployment rate...HMMM??? &, 538,000 of them walked away from looking for work in may...

however, worry not, some gov't idiot will get in front of a camera to tell you how well we're doing in spite of the sorry-assed jobs numbers...


hello america!!! obama recently said our economy 'is better off than 8 years ago because of his policies' READ HERE---good people, that's a bunch of pure BS & here are the facts that dispute his claim...

1.....for the month of may 2016 we had 1,107,000 unemployment claims per our very own gov't  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REPORT (this report comes out weekly & obama & company never refer to it)---good people, even a math-simpleton can tell you that losing 5,912,000 jobs (since january 2016---see page 6 of the same report & do the math) is an extremely negative thing &, only a complete idiot would tell you differently---i can also tell you that that same idiot would tell you it could be worse because we could be losing 6 million jobs a month...

2.....we are supposed to count our 'jobs growth' by our very own gov't BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS REPORT (this report comes out monthly) which also reflects our (faulty 5%) unemployment rate, however, this is the only report obama & company refer to because it's easier to convince you we are adding jobs compared to telling you the truth that we're losing them--- good people, here's your shot to color me 'stupid'---all of our gov't & private expert economists say we need 300,000 new jobs monthly to achieve real jobs growth & we're not even close &, before you actually apply the color 'stupid' to me, check out our very own BLS TIME SERIES REPORT &, if you're almost keeping up with me, do your own the jobs lost against the jobs added & tell me how we're better off---if you care to remember, obama didn't start counting jobs growth until after his first 15 months in office...hey, in truth, i honestly believe that obama & company are counting 'jobs available' & completely ignoring all other gov't statistics & that is deception at its best...

3.....regardless of what side you're on, THIS GOV'T RECORD CANNOT BE IGNORED nor should it because it shows you just how opposed obama & company were to even attempting to avoid the housing market collapse & yet, still, they were/are so willing to blame bush & company for all that ails us (unfortunately, it also shows just how weak the repubs were in defending bush & that hurts)---i've asked this before, where was bernie, obama & hillary??? let's be honest, people are still losing their homes, banks aren't all that loose in lending &, home-ownership is down---our housing market drives our economy, not our wall street trader's (sorry obama but, that's a fact) &, for the record, that market is not delivering...please remember, obama was a strong advocate for 'sub-prime loans' & bill clinton actually weakened THE GLASS-STEAGAL ACT PER WIKIPEDIA; 
look, there's plenty of blame to go to all party's for our economy being in the present sad shape it's in but, the reality is, the housing market has not/nor is it better off than 8 years ago...

4.....i honestly think it's extremely disgraceful for obama & company to 'claim credit for our low gas prices'---i could provide you with multiple links that would disprove that obnoxious claim, however, i'm going to sum it up like this:::on lands that obama & company control, oil exploration, drilling & production are down whereas, on private owned lands it's up, PERIOD!!! our current gas prices have nothing to do with our gov't at any level & i defy somebody to factual prove otherwise...

5.....our present 'trade deals' are a joke & again, only an idiot would think differently---look, if we're exporting one hundred thousand cars while importing one million, something is extremely wrong & there's no way in hell that it balances out & hey, you can apply that same rational to all of our goods...if you do the math-we're the one's on the short end, PERIOD!!! however, obama & company are so very quick to say, it's not the best deal but we needed it---what kind of happy horse-shit is that??? (they also say that about a lot of their regulations & bills---IJS) deals directly relate to jobs lost/gained & that's a fact that obama & company stupidly refuse to accept---think & say what you want but, we're bringing in more than we are sending out & that's a very big problem---our trade deals need to be equal or balanced in our favor...
BASED ON HONEST MATH, OBAMA IS LYING!!! is our present us debt clock CLICK HERE & you can compare it to 8 years ago & see for yourselves if we're better off---we are quickly approaching $20 trillion in national debt &, who can forget obama calling bush 'unpatriotic' for adding $5 trillion plus to our debt---just in case you were on another planet, HERE'S THE VIDEO OF IT so what does that make obama???
BASED ON HONEST MATH, OBAMA IS LYING!!! for obama saying the world's being better off than it was 8 years ago makes me wonder what planet he's on---but first, here's our STATE DEP'T TRAVEL WARNINGS & there are a lot of countries on the list...there are more terrorist groups than ever before to include that pesky jv league isis---the middle-east refugee migration is not something to be caught up in &, seemingly, all country's are on a more heightened alert status...iran & north korea are hell-bent on obtaining nuclear weapons while china & russia not only continue to ignore us, they are ramping up their military & grabbing other lands...&, don't forget that infamous 'arab-spring' which has severely fractured the middle east...

with obama, it's lie after lie after lie---like blaming a few repubs for his failure to get the 2010 'dream act' passed (5 dems that voted against it); like his telling the unions that he would march with them if they went on strike-he didn't; like his telling us about how great those 'green company's' were except they went bankrupt; like his telling us about those shovel-ready jobs that somehow weren't so shovel-ready; like his telling us anything about obamacare---&, his admin has been embroiled in scandals from day one & he claims not to know anything about them...