Thursday, November 17, 2016

John, I can only hope this will help...

Mr John C.Randall lll, i hate to bust your bubble but, these are the facts...

1.....the policies of the bush admin were not the cause for the housing market collapse &, although you won't give him the credit he's due, he actually tried to stave off that collapse starting in april 2001 by warning congress about his concerns &, had congress have acted on his concerns, the collapse may never have occurred---the following is from the white house archives (the very same place obamas official activities will be kept)--- & please, take notice to which party continued to rebuff his concerns & when they did act on them, the damage had already been done...

2.....our economy is far from being 'turned around'---the following will explain what determines our economic growth--- &, if you don't understand it, please call me---this is our gdp rate quarterly--- &, there's no way you (or anybody else) can tell me it's at a 'good point' or that obama has turned it around---let's keep it real, when we're importing much more than we're exporting, our economic growth will never occur... talk about private sector job growth to which you are so willing to give obama credit for, however, what they are telling you are lies & i have the proof of that statement which will come from the dep't of labor & the bureau of labor statistics---for the month of october 2016, we added 161,000 jobs per however, we lost 1,270,000 jobs for that same month per so, you do the math for that one month alone & figure out who's been lying to you---hell, the week ending saturday/5 nov saw 254,000 initial unemployment claims alone---i have been following the jobs gained verses the jobs lost & the jobs lost have reached an astounding number under obama but, nobody tells you that &, you don't do your own homework---since feb 2009, 4,637,000 jobs were not gained because of the recession (& obama didn't start counting job growth until after his 15th month in office which is just not right)---he is taking claim for the 15,536,000 jobs gained &, i'm here to tell you that you have to subtract that 4 million plus from the 15 million plus & you'll end up with 10,899,000 jobs gained from feb 2009---seems like a good number until you look at all the jobs lost on a monthly basis during that same time frame---you want facts, here are the facts---from the week ending 10/31/15 through the week ending 11/5/16, we have lost 14,106,000 jobs---you can only begin to imagine what that number is if you add all the monthly job losses up from 2/2009 through the present---& here is another little fact about unemployment/employment per which brings me to your talking about the unemployment rate of 4.9%...

the way our gov't measures unemployment was changed 1/1/10 to exclude certain groups so as not to have them count in the ratings thus, lowering our rate automatically (which many argued was done to assist obama---i am one of them)---here is an article that i do not have 'rights' to written 2/9/12 that may give you more insight--- &, it's well worth reading & following up (if you want to learn the truth)---here's another article written 2/3/15 worth reading--- ---nobody wants to believe that the leader of our country would continuously lie to us about the jobs market but hey, that's what he does best &, in addition, he gets his minions to support him...

the stock market is privately controlled & is further proof that gov't just needs to stay out of the public sector---the system is designed to take care of itself (the gov't isn't buying or selling the stocks)---give obama credit when he is due it---i was against the tarp bailouts under both bush & obama & still am---yes, we fell but hey, big companies have a way of surviving without gov't interference---you brought up the stock market so allow me to ask you this:::since you steadfastly support obama, did you invest in any of his green-energy projects??? if you did, you'd be broke because the vast majority of them failed & the taxpayers also got screwed---remember that 'chevy volt'??? oh, wait a minute, they are now making it in mexico---caterpillar is another example---am trac (obama didn't start this one) is another one we need the gov't to stop spending our money on---they lose money every year as does our postal service---those that have the money to invest/sell stocks will do so regardless of what happens in the white house---if you really want to go there, the markets fell heavily during the election day/night & after trump was announced the winner, they rebounded to having their best week in 5 years & yet, none of you even hint at talking about that---HMMM???

here is the latest social security report--- & the truth is, it's not as well off as you were told---our treasury secretary will say what he is told to say...

income equality (wealthy vs the not wealthy) will always exist & hey, there are far too many ways of looking at it to reach an honest conclusion---i don't begrudge those that have & yes, i do try to help some of those that have less than i do (especially our vets)---i look at it this way;;;if you're the guy getting paid to dig a ditch with a shovel, there's no way in hell you should earn the same money as the guy digging it with a bulldozer---& no, you just can't raise the minimum wage at one end without raising it all the way through---if you've been on your job for x amount of years & you're making good money because of raises (etc), you're going to resent somebody just coming in (without that same experience) & making the same money---you're going to want to be paid more simply because you should...

let's talk about those 'loopholes'---obama did say he wanted to close them but, he chose the ones he didn't like & wouldn't budge from that stance---on the flip side of that, he signed democrats sponsored bills into law that had 'loopholes' for his chosen people---obamacare is the best example of that---it's good enough for all of america except for him & his family, our politicians, professional people & the unions---obama's the same person who said he wasn't going to hire lobbyists---go figure---speaking of party opposition, dem harry ried denied the repubs constantly &, if you care to remember, obamacare was drawn up & signed into law without any repub input...

personally, i know we, as a country, are far worse off now compared to pre-obama days & that's especially true for people of color...