Saturday, June 4, 2016


hello america!!! if you listen to the voices of the 'powerful' & judge them by their actions, you'll arrive at this; they're full of crap---case in point:::

donald trump proposes building a bigger & stronger wall along our southwest border & all the 'powerful' are telling you he's wrong & shouldn't build it---just so you know; these same 'powerful' live behind guarded walls---here's the irony of the whole situation;;;what happens to anybody climbing over the white house fence??? or hillary's??? or the popes??? we all know those 'wall-jumpers' are locked up &/or shot because they're violating the law & pose a 'threat' to whoever/whatever is inside of those walls...

a wall can be made out of anything that provides protection & prevents easy access, i.e; concrete, iron, water, trees, etc is a barrier/boundary & it also serves as a way to guiding you to a selected entryway PERIOD!!! the 'powerful' can talk all the 'ying-yang' they wish to but the fact is, they won't tolerate you crossing their barriers/boundaries (unannounced)---for the record, could any of the 'powerful' provide you with evidence that they allowed an 'illegal crossing' of their barriers/boundaries & 'rewarded' the perpetrator with the same gratitude they currently bestow upon illegal aliens crossing our barriers/boundaries???

michelle obama said we don't build walls to keep people out & the audience applauded her & i'm stuck trying to figure out which was dumber---her statement or the applause??? we all live behind some kind of wall (for our own protection & peace of mind) & we all have an entryway (s) specifically designed to receive visitors (even the unwanted ones like door-to-door sales people)---by the way, we even have doorbells, doorknockers, telecom & detection systems to alert us that somebody would like to enter or gain our attention...

you can bet the farm that obama won't be retiring to a 'common' apartment or house---he & his family will have the utmost top-end security to prohibit people from just gaining entry whenever they have the whim to do so &, NEWSFLASH, he's going to be surrounded by 'walls' designed to keep people out...

WOW!!! i almost forgot, obamas secret service proposes raising the white house fence by five feet & i can only surmise that that will enable 'uninvited' people to scale it even easier---HMMM???