Saturday, January 9, 2010


hello america! 1 year in office---these are the topics &, when you look at them, i only ask that you judge each one fairly.

1. transparency

2. hiring lobbyists

3. open & honest administration

4. pork infested bills

5. getting rid of programs that don't work

6. improving programs that do work

7. keeping america safe

8. putting the healthcare debate on c-span

9. healthcare for ALL americans

10. changing how washington does business

11. blaming the repubs for their opposition to the healthcare bill

12. calling the "tea party" people un-american

13. closing 'gitmo'

14. trying enemy combatants on american soil

15. affording those same combatants american constitutional rights

16. bowing to foreign dignitaries

17. fear tactics

18. teleprompters

19. attempting to shut down foxnews & other opposition outlets

20. no clear-cut foreign policy

21. no clear-cut american policy

22. 'cash-for-clunkers'

23. bank bailouts

24. auto bailouts

25. executive privilege lifting the ban on federal money to be used overseas for abortion

education, etc.

26. months long delay in approving increase of troops for afghanistan

27. 10 days plus delay in responding to xmas-day attempted plane bombing

28. no clear-cut immigration policy

29. exposing cia tactics

30. fixing the american economy

31. creating jobs

32. 'greening' america

33. reaching across the isle

34. 'card check'

35. 'cap & trade'

36. unemployment

37. 'global warming'

38. raising the taxes of the middle class

39. not pursuing our own oil interests

40. inability to provide congress with your own bill

41. inability to correct your own security breaches

42. calling mass. police action stupid

43. calling chris brown a jackass

44. lack of support for 'charlie r' to step down

45. expanding federal government

46. increasing the national deficit

47. cancelled 'ask & answer' news conferences

48. falsified 'job created' records

49. asking americans to sacrifice while their government spends more

50. blaming pres bush for all of america's present problems

51. needing more time

52. exports & imports

53. closed door deals with the unions

54. iran deadline

55. housing foreclosures

56. bank loans

57. fairness for all americans

58. lack of support for mass. senate race

59. honesty with the american people

60. opening obamas past to america

i'm sure there are other topics i over-looked however, i'm sure you get the point. i will disect each topic at a later date (after the state of the union address) & post my own grades for obama...