Friday, November 10, 2017


hello america!!! the dems are full of crap---bush (in 8 years) put $5 trillion on our national debt & obama called him 'un-american/un-patriotic'---obama (in 8 years) put $10 trillion on our national debt & the dems were/are silent about it---& now (since repubs control all 3 branches) they want to pretend that they are the party that cares about out national debt---all of a sudden they portray themselves to be the responsible fiscal party---what a crock of smelly crap...

regulations, taxes & obamacare stifled our nations growth for 8 long years under obama & company &, the dems know it---they just chose to remain silent about it because they adhere to that old slogan, 'never eat your own, no matter what'---

whether you like trump or not, he does have our country heading in the right direction economically &, when america grows, so do her people (ALL OF HER PEOPLE)---look, true math never lies---obama took over in 2009 with a gdp of 2.8% &, in all of his following years, never reached that number again---by contrast, trump has been in office since jan 2017 & has already hit 3% & 3.2% (a feat he talked about accomplishing when he was campaigning & all the 'so-called experts' scoffed at him for thinking like that---'never' they said)...

our national unemployment rate is 4.1% (it was 4.8% when trump took over)---the black unemployment rate is 7.5% (it was 7.7% when trump took over)---1,477,000 jobs have been created since trump took office---companies are remaining within our borders &, many overseas companies are bringing 'the trump promised jobs' to our nation---the stock market is steadily climbing; manufacturing is up; the housing market is up; & hey, you gave obama credit for all of the above so it's only right to award the same to trump...

the dems just don't want any parts of anything that trump proposes because, if he's successful, that will just high-light their failures during the obama & company reign---they didn't like his budget proposal; his healthcare proposal; nor his tax proposal & yet, they're extraordinarily quick to get in front of a camera & lie about willing to work with the repubs while at the same time lying to you about how badly trump's proposals are for our country---hell, they go about negatively talking about proposals & bills before they even see them &, they don't mind instilling fear in you or playing the 'race-card'...

look, trump won the election because of his message about 'making america great' & how he'd do it---&, he's living up to his words...

i don't care what side of the isle you're on but, do yourself a favor & ask your sitting dem elected politician exactly what have they done for the american people during the past 8 plus years---&, please, remember, they did give you {affordable/keep your doctor/keep your health plan/not a tax} healthcare coverage better known as obamacare which is everything but what they told you it would be...

by the way, every time a dem gets in front of the cameras to denounce trump & company's proposals or bills, have you ever noticed what they don't have with them??? they never have their own proposals or bills to present to you---you owe it to yourselves to ask them why that is...

&, just so you know, the dems are 100% against repealing obamacare & yet, their solution for 'fixing' it is to pay the insurer's (with more of your money) to remain in the market to make up for their losses---yeah, you should be happy with...