Saturday, December 24, 2016


hello america!!! i, for one, really enjoy the way that trump communicates directly with america through 'tweeting' &, i hope he will continue to do so---it's actually refreshing to know & see that he is aware & responding to all around us &, is not waiting for the media or teleprompters with pc messages...

the media seem to be the only ones complaining about the way trump gets his message to us &, they're upset that he hasn't held a recent press conference with them---where were their voices when hillary would disappear from them or 'rope' them off??? as is usual, the media likes to make something out of nothing & then present it so that it best fits their agenda...

look, let's keep it real---do we really need trump to hold a news conference so he can tell them that we need to update our nuclear arsenal & then, they can tell us after they edit & slant it to their satisfaction??? just look at their response to his tweet & yet, those very same idiots so conveniently forget that obama called for our 'nuke program' to be expanded &, if i'm not mistaken, the price tag would have been $1 trillion dollars---hell, they already have him starting another 'arms race' & 'nuclear war' & they haven't even asked him one question about his comments---you just have to know that the media is great at speculation (even with the facts) no matter the subject; good speculation if they like you/bad speculation if they don't...

hey media, remember this???---trump said he wanted to ban muslims from entering our country until our people could figure out what was going on---far too many of you truncated the hell out of that sentence & only told your viewers that trump wanted to ban muslims &, you did it deliberately...

good people, i side with trump when he calls the media dishonest---they wouldn't show you the size of his crowds (unless there was a protestor causing a problem) &, most of them gave hillary the election until people actually started voting...

look, i could say a lot of negative things about the media, however, that's for another time---right now, i'm just glad we have somebody that doesn't have to wait to get the news to us....

Thursday, December 22, 2016


hello america!!! if you watch the major news networks, you really can't be surprised at how their coverage of so-called 'news-worthy' events are so skewed...i watched msnbc's 'morning joe' & i'm still trying to understand this chart they put up comparing romney & trump---wasn't this election between trump & hillary??? where was the chart comparing them together??? to even make a statement that trump garnered a lot of the vote from drug user's is just plain stupid when you compare how many inner-cities voted for hillary...

Saturday, December 10, 2016


hello america!!! just when you think everything is about to wind down, everything erupts in turmoil...

we now have 'fake news' (for which hillary is now blaming for her loss/after blaming the electoral college/after blaming racist people/after blaming misogynist people/after blaming lowly-educated people/after blaming bernie sanders/after blaming the hackers/after blaming the 'deplorables')---if we wait for it, she'll come around to blaming the pope for not coming over here to bless her campaign---not once has she accepted or acknowledged that her loss was due to her & only her...

yeah, i know, i'm stupid but hey, how can i win a car race in ny if i never go to ny??? hillary simply played the 'numbers game' & almost got away with it---she went after those states with the most people & thought that would put her over the top (&, that's stinkin thinkin) & yet, she did come away with the 'popular vote' &, we have all of these idiots protesting trumps win because of that---NEWSFLASH!!! if all the figures stand up, she only won 22 states out of the 50 we have so, you do the math... i can only surmise that 38 states relied on the 'fake news' to determine who to vote for---HMMM???

now, let's talk about 'fake news' which is nothing more than 'real lies'---the media is great at it, as are we as individuals (yeah, i know, not you)---we read or hear the news & some of you totally accept it as 'gospel' & can't wait to spread it---the media edits what they want or don't want you to know & you do the same---the left-wing media covered up a lot of 'dirt' about hillary & covered her in a favorable way just as the right-wing media did for trump---neither reported the news as it was, they had to put their own slant on it to appeal to their subscribers---look, people supporting trump didn't want to listen to msnbc or cnn & people supporting hillary didn't want to listen to foxnews (they are all liars)...good people, i'm a realist & i call it like it is---all politicians lie & many do so while looking you straight in the eye without blinking---the sad part of that is, the media pick sides & perpetrate those lies---unfortunately, they do so with self-serving purpose---when  trump was calling the media 'dishonest', hillary, her supporters &, the left-wing media all but called him an idiot but hey, the elections are over & now they're talking about 'fake news'---who knew???

america, our national media has the ability & tools to vet all of the news they cover & they should do so honestly (all of them) &, if they don't, there should be consequences---& no, i'm not against freedom of the press, however, i am firmly against the media freely reporting lies (while knowing they are lies)---look, i could be here all day giving you examples of the duplicity between a liar & the media but, i'll try to keep it short...let's go back to the dream act bill (2010) that failed to clear the senate (after passing through the house)---obama blamed 'a few (repubs) on the other side' for that failure & the media (to include the hispanic media) ate it up & called the repubs every vile name one could think of---to this day, the repubs are still blamed for that bills failure---what obama & company failed to tell you was the truth about why that bill failed so, here is the truth---the bill needed 60 'yes' votes to pass, however, the actual vote was 55-41 (which included 3 repubs (bennett, lugar & murkowski voting 'yes'/3 repubs & 1 dem were not present to vote)---what's been kept from you is, 5 dems (baucus, hagan, nelson, pryor, tester) voted 'no' &, since i'm not a 'rocket scientist' will one of you please add 55 plus 5 & then tell me why the repubs are at fault---it was a lie then, it's a lie now &, it will remain a lie in the future &, through it all, the left-wing media (along with all the dems) deliberately lied to you about why the dream act bill failed to pass through the senate---the extremely sad part of all of that was/is, you failed to look up the vote for yourselves & went along with the dems narrative that the repubs were/are racist...

just so you know, i have more staff, resources & computers than all of the left-wing media combined &, if you believe that, i can see why you're so easily duped...

far too many of you are 'head-line readers' &, because of the dishonest media, many of you only know, 'trump wants to ban muslims from entering our country' & that's all you know---if you did your own homework & learned his whole statement, you'd be hard-pressed to disagree with him...

our national media needs to be held accountable for reporting lies (regardless of who they help of hurt)...

Friday, November 25, 2016


hello america!!! how can the senseless chicago killings not make the 'all day/every day' news??? & yet, a celebrity dies & we send out prayers & the media is all over it---HMMM???

look, less then a week ago, i posted this CLICK HERE & here it is 5 short days later & we have new numbers---45 more people have been wounded/9 more people have been shot & killed/10 more homicides were reported/police wounded 1 more person---& all of it goes unreported---what am i missing that allows these killings to continue unabated???

let's keep it real---the vast majority of the guns used are not registered or recovered which brings me to this---how & why are so many of them getting into our communities??? we not only know who manufactures guns but, we also know exactly who they ship/transport them to &, we know what all is needed for the 'honest' citizen to purchase one---& yet, it's easier for a teenager to get his own gun than it is for him to get his diploma---why is that???

i'm not one to jump up & start conspiracy theories, however, something isn't 'right' & it smacks of the same problems we have with drugs & gangs---hey, i can remember when the limos would pull up in harlem & their passengers would go into the drug houses while the cop was on the beat twirling his baton & nothing was done---drugs were never a problem as long as they remained in the downtrodden communities &, they never became news or an epidemic until they started showing up in rural america---the same can be said of the gangs...hell, i use to joke with people that asked me 'who had the good shit' & i'd tell them, if you're looking for good drugs, go ask a cop---yeah, i know, i've got jokes but hey, don't ask a locksmith who has the best locks, ask that neighborhood house burglar that breaks in...

guns, drugs & gangs are problems that will not go away on their own because of the money involved & somebody has to be held accountable for all of these 'street guns' magically appearing in the hands of people so willing to use them...

i don't know what the solution is to illegal guns on our streets but, we must unite to stop it &, gun-control laws have nothing to do with it---furthermore, for all of those claiming 'social injustice' (police brutality against people of color) what about people brutality against other people &, even more specifically, black on black crime??? all you have to do is look at the numbers in chicago & elsewhere to know that the 'social injustice' is the least of our problems (3,986 people shot & the police were involved in only 24 of those shootings---killing 8/wounding 14)---our problem is ourselves...

Sunday, November 20, 2016


hello america!!! firstly, i want you to know i do not take any homicides lightly nor do i try to belittle those speaking out against them, however, there comes a time when even i must break my own rules---i've been following & writing about all the senseless homicides in chicago (& other cities) for years & see no reason to stop now---i also had something to say when baltimore's dem rep elijah cummings showed up & sounded off during the 'freddie gray' uprisings---so, please don't think this is new to me...

what's been going on in chicago has been going on for a very, very long time & the saddest part of all of it is, it's been going on under the 'so-called leadership' of the dems &, more pathetically, under the radar of our main-stream media, the obama admin &, those protesting &/or speaking out for 'social injustice' [police abuse]...look, there's something very wrong going on in these dem-controlled cities where murders have become the 'new norm' & go unchecked & unreported---you need to open your minds up & really think about that...

here are the chicago 2016 stats---3,941 people shot & wounded (not included in this are those that were wounded but never went to a hospital or reported it)---634 of those people shot were killed & yet, 707 total homicides have been reported ---police were involved in 23 shootings (killing 8/wounding 13)---529 victims were black/111 were latino (by the way, donald trump was the only one to hammer this during his campaign)---how come this isn't front page news every day/all day??? how come main-stream media isn't camped out in chicago blasting this on tv 24/7??? why are all of those 'so-called' civil rights groups so silent??? where are our elected leaders on these unjust killings??? (i can understand why the dems are quiet because for them to make noise would be to criticize the dems that run these violent communities)---most of all, where are the collective voices &/or protests of people of color at???

on the other hand, let a cop shoot a person of color under suspicious conditions & it's all over the tv & social media; the 'big-shots' grab camera time &, the liberal left yells 'social injustice' & claim 'racism'---HMMM???

unfortunately, a black killing has made the headlines but for the wrong reasons---yesterday & today we have seen (depending on who you follow) the media reporting the murder of 15 year old javon wilson &, also unfortunately, i believe it was only covered because he is the grandson of us rep danny davis (dem/ representing illinois)---while i feel for rep davis, his grandsons death does not deserve more 'air-time' over any other chicago homide---you aren't hearing about the shooting death of 16 year old (also black) elijah house (thurs/3 nov)---you aren't hearing about the shooting death of 16 year old (also black) clarence coakley (mon/7 nov)---you aren't hearing about the shooting death of 17 year old (also black) jeremiah parker (also mon/7 nov---not connected)---& hey, you also didn't hear about a 1 year old being stomped to death (thur/10 nov)---damn, there's just far too much you don't hear about & i call that 'willful ignorance'...but, you'll raise hell if a cop shoots a black man when he has a loaded gun that he refuses to put down---are you crazy???

there have been 278 homicides in baltimore (so far) this year & 180 of the victims have been black & you don't hear crap about them---

there have been 118 black homicides in st louis (so far) this year & you don't hear crap about them---just so you know, 104 black people are suspects in those killings---

there's something terribly wrong within these violent communities & hey, maybe i'm just stupid but look at the common facts---
1...the vast majority of these communities are controlled by the dem party
2...the vast majority of these communities live around the national poverty level
3...the vast majority of these communities have high unemployment rates
4...the vast majority of these communities have high dropout rates/low education standards
5...the vast majority of these communities have a hell of a lot of unregistered fire-power
6...the vast majority of these communities continue to re-elect the dem party to power
7...the vast majority of these communities are over-run with gangs, drugs &, people willing to shoot others...

you have to be a very special kind of stupid to think that our problems with the cops needs more attention than our problems with each other---gangs, drugs & guns are being allowed into our communities & the results speak for themselves...

my stats come from---

Thursday, November 17, 2016

John, I can only hope this will help...

Mr John C.Randall lll, i hate to bust your bubble but, these are the facts...

1.....the policies of the bush admin were not the cause for the housing market collapse &, although you won't give him the credit he's due, he actually tried to stave off that collapse starting in april 2001 by warning congress about his concerns &, had congress have acted on his concerns, the collapse may never have occurred---the following is from the white house archives (the very same place obamas official activities will be kept)--- & please, take notice to which party continued to rebuff his concerns & when they did act on them, the damage had already been done...

2.....our economy is far from being 'turned around'---the following will explain what determines our economic growth--- &, if you don't understand it, please call me---this is our gdp rate quarterly--- &, there's no way you (or anybody else) can tell me it's at a 'good point' or that obama has turned it around---let's keep it real, when we're importing much more than we're exporting, our economic growth will never occur... talk about private sector job growth to which you are so willing to give obama credit for, however, what they are telling you are lies & i have the proof of that statement which will come from the dep't of labor & the bureau of labor statistics---for the month of october 2016, we added 161,000 jobs per however, we lost 1,270,000 jobs for that same month per so, you do the math for that one month alone & figure out who's been lying to you---hell, the week ending saturday/5 nov saw 254,000 initial unemployment claims alone---i have been following the jobs gained verses the jobs lost & the jobs lost have reached an astounding number under obama but, nobody tells you that &, you don't do your own homework---since feb 2009, 4,637,000 jobs were not gained because of the recession (& obama didn't start counting job growth until after his 15th month in office which is just not right)---he is taking claim for the 15,536,000 jobs gained &, i'm here to tell you that you have to subtract that 4 million plus from the 15 million plus & you'll end up with 10,899,000 jobs gained from feb 2009---seems like a good number until you look at all the jobs lost on a monthly basis during that same time frame---you want facts, here are the facts---from the week ending 10/31/15 through the week ending 11/5/16, we have lost 14,106,000 jobs---you can only begin to imagine what that number is if you add all the monthly job losses up from 2/2009 through the present---& here is another little fact about unemployment/employment per which brings me to your talking about the unemployment rate of 4.9%...

the way our gov't measures unemployment was changed 1/1/10 to exclude certain groups so as not to have them count in the ratings thus, lowering our rate automatically (which many argued was done to assist obama---i am one of them)---here is an article that i do not have 'rights' to written 2/9/12 that may give you more insight--- &, it's well worth reading & following up (if you want to learn the truth)---here's another article written 2/3/15 worth reading--- ---nobody wants to believe that the leader of our country would continuously lie to us about the jobs market but hey, that's what he does best &, in addition, he gets his minions to support him...

the stock market is privately controlled & is further proof that gov't just needs to stay out of the public sector---the system is designed to take care of itself (the gov't isn't buying or selling the stocks)---give obama credit when he is due it---i was against the tarp bailouts under both bush & obama & still am---yes, we fell but hey, big companies have a way of surviving without gov't interference---you brought up the stock market so allow me to ask you this:::since you steadfastly support obama, did you invest in any of his green-energy projects??? if you did, you'd be broke because the vast majority of them failed & the taxpayers also got screwed---remember that 'chevy volt'??? oh, wait a minute, they are now making it in mexico---caterpillar is another example---am trac (obama didn't start this one) is another one we need the gov't to stop spending our money on---they lose money every year as does our postal service---those that have the money to invest/sell stocks will do so regardless of what happens in the white house---if you really want to go there, the markets fell heavily during the election day/night & after trump was announced the winner, they rebounded to having their best week in 5 years & yet, none of you even hint at talking about that---HMMM???

here is the latest social security report--- & the truth is, it's not as well off as you were told---our treasury secretary will say what he is told to say...

income equality (wealthy vs the not wealthy) will always exist & hey, there are far too many ways of looking at it to reach an honest conclusion---i don't begrudge those that have & yes, i do try to help some of those that have less than i do (especially our vets)---i look at it this way;;;if you're the guy getting paid to dig a ditch with a shovel, there's no way in hell you should earn the same money as the guy digging it with a bulldozer---& no, you just can't raise the minimum wage at one end without raising it all the way through---if you've been on your job for x amount of years & you're making good money because of raises (etc), you're going to resent somebody just coming in (without that same experience) & making the same money---you're going to want to be paid more simply because you should...

let's talk about those 'loopholes'---obama did say he wanted to close them but, he chose the ones he didn't like & wouldn't budge from that stance---on the flip side of that, he signed democrats sponsored bills into law that had 'loopholes' for his chosen people---obamacare is the best example of that---it's good enough for all of america except for him & his family, our politicians, professional people & the unions---obama's the same person who said he wasn't going to hire lobbyists---go figure---speaking of party opposition, dem harry ried denied the repubs constantly &, if you care to remember, obamacare was drawn up & signed into law without any repub input...

personally, i know we, as a country, are far worse off now compared to pre-obama days & that's especially true for people of color...

Saturday, November 12, 2016


hello america!!! i said i'd get back to all of that negative anti-trump protesting so, here it is...

first, if any anti-trump protesters are blocking traffic, harassing &/or harming others or, destroying property, they're wrong & should be arrested, PERIOD!!! their negative actions will always drown out their concerns...

second, where are the dem 'so-called leaders' & left-wing media at in condemning &/or trying to quell the negativeness of the protesting??? their repeated silence is louder than all of the anti-trump protesters voices combined & yet, they couldn't wait to denigrate trump for just saying he wanted to punch somebody in the mouth...

third, yes, hillary was defeated & yet, it took 8 hours for her to confront her supporters---had she of won, she would have given her 'thank you-we won' speech around 2:30am where her supporters were gathered awaiting her??? however, her campaign manager, john podesta was quick to tell the supporters to go home---what kind of happy horse crap is that???

fourth, the media needs to tell the truth on all it covers because, had they unbiasedly done their jobs without inputting their own feelings & beliefs in the mix, all people would have been better prepared to accept the results---as of 7pm/est (on election night) they were still 'talking up' hillary while 'talking down' trump & now, they're blaming the 'pollsters' for it---hmmm; those were not 'pollsters' manning those big maps telling us which states hillary would carry...

fifth, trump supporters are being denigrated for casting their vote in his favor---i.e; i'm a misogynist for voting for trump because he's a man (my reasons for him just don't count) & yet, what about the women that voted for hillary simply because she's a woman (wouldn't that make them misandries???) we could continue the name-calling for the next 20 years & never get anything resolved---somehow we have to bury the hatchet & get along...

sixth, certain dems are coming out & saying they can work with trump to move our country forward & that's a plus for all americans...

seventh, when are all those big-mouthed celebrities leaving my country---they didn't say it jokingly so don't joke about i now---pack up, get the hell out &, stay gone...

eighth, think whatever you wish to but, give this some honest thought---trump won & will be our seated president come january 20th---i've no doubt that he will do some things &/or say some things that will even piss me off but, for whatever it's worth, i'm willing to give him a chance to make america great & hey, we have a multitude of problems that need fixing in order to get there & yes, i'll be on here to speak my mind (good or bad)...

ninth, protesters, protest with class & do it legally---&, for you that side with the protesters, that could have been your family member dragged from that car & beaten; that could have been your car that was vandalized; that could have been your store-front windows smashed &, it that needs to stop before the bullets start flying because it may be one of yours that stops that bullet...


hello america!!! while i am extremely happy that a repub (donald trump) won the white house, i'm also extremely upset that people have taken to the streets to voice their displeasure with the election results in the negative way they are presently going about it & hey, i'll get back to this in a my very next post...

look, trump beat out 17 other repub candidates (regardless of his rhetoric or methods) to put himself in the position he's now in &, know this---he had to fight his own party that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight the dem party that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight most of the media that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight the many groups that organized to do everything they could to stop him///he had to fight all the celebrities that did everything they could to stop him///hell, he even had to fight the pope who spoke against him (BUT, THAT WAS OK WITH YOU THOUGH)///he had to fight all the pollsters that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight obama & the first lady that did everything they could to stop him///finally, he had to fight hillary who did everything she could to stop him---the man (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU MAY THINK ABOUT HIM) is a winner & now, he has to fight all the organized activist's that are doing all they can to derail him...

look, to me, you have to be a very special kind of stupid not to want:::
lower taxes
school choice &/or vouchers
smaller gov't
more jobs/better jobs
less regulations
better & truly affordable heathcare
better secured borders w/wo the wall
less drugs, gangs & violence within our own borders
equal foreign trade deals
the very best military in the world
foreign countries paying us their fair share
unity as a country of one (with no exceptions)
restoration of the american dream
better care & more choices for our vets
enforced vetting of foreigners entering our country
holding all of our gov't officials accountable (regardless of influence or position)
better support & training for our police forces
securing our social security system for the present & the future
rebuilding our infrastructure
more home ownership
restoring 'greatness' to our country & what our flag truly represents
all political party's working together (with the white house) to do what's good for our country
making the needs of america first over the needs of other countries

i say give trump a chance because the greatest thing about him is, he is not a politician &, more importantly, he will be the first president that's not beholding to lobbyist's & special interests groups...

Saturday, September 3, 2016


hello america!!! before you even think of commenting, please allow the following to float around in your mind for a minute or so---how are all of these 'street guns' getting into the hands of those who are so willing to use them without any regard to the consequences??? hell, i've often said it's easier for a 12 year old to get a 'street gun' than for a lawful citizen to legally purchase one & hey, that's a very big problem &, before one of you idiots say it, gun control has absolutely nothing to do with it...

for 2016 alone, chicago has had 2,917 people shot of which, 449 have died & far too many of the guns are untraceable, un-recovered &, very few arrests have been made---by the way, chicago has one of the strictest gun control laws in the country but you wouldn't know it by judging all the gun violence...

&, before we proceed, the police were involved in only 17 of the above shootings---killing 6/wounding 11---so yes, we need more idiots like colin kaepernick & other 'famous' celebs; obama & company; the liberal media & organizations like black lives matter to further tell us about this great imbalance between the police & their use of deadly force---especially when it comes to their dealing with people of color---for those of you steeped in stupidity, take 2917 & subtract 17 from it & then tell me where the real problem lies...

america seems to be at war with america & it has nothing to do with race, religion or sex---we are killing one another at an alarming rate & it's even worse in all of our 'down-trodden, poverty-struck, jobless, & lowly educated' communities---just so you know, democrats have been in control for quite some time in many of those same communities &, regardless of badly their policies have hurt people of color, people of color continue to vote them into office---the dems only reach out to people of color when it's election time & then, when they're elected/reelected, the people of color are forgotten---in the meantime, the communities fall farther into neglect, more people are are forced into poverty, more jobs continue to disappear &, the education level lowers as does the graduation rate---it's a vicious cycle & very few (in terms of numbers) are able to climb out of it---the one constant is crime &, moreso, violent crime...

let's keep it real---whenever a cop kills a person of color under questionable circumstances, obama & company are all over the networks & the liberal media go crazy covering it---(if you did the above math you'll understand this)---from obama on down (to include the media) nobody mentions those 2,900 people that the cops were there for if only by just showing up at the scene, however, we all know they did a hell of a lot more than that:::they secure the scene making it safe for our fire departments & ems people to to their jobs &, usually, they render whatever aid they can until the relief shows up---but, what do i know??? we tend to allow ourselves to get caught up by all the distractions that we lose focus on the real problem...

when it comes to people of color & the cops, our biggest problem is among one another & how effortlessly (& willingly) we kill one another---instead of focusing on the WHY IS THAT, we are distracted by cops shooting us (justified or not) & we become incited & tear up or burn down our own crap---that has to be super-intelligence at its highest...

we can argue politics any damn time you want but, when we have numbers like this:::2016 baltimore/200 homicides/144 of them black or, 2016 chicago/497 homicides/380 of them black &, in both city's, it's mostly black-on-black crime & my question resurfaces itself here; how are all the 'street guns' getting to all of those so willing to use them??? for whatever reason, nobody ever questions that & seemingly, nobody investigates it---it's almost like these guns are allowed to magically show up in our communities without ever coming from anywhere---which takes me back in time when 'drugs' were allowed to fester in our communities & weren't a problem until they reached the urban areas of america & then, it became an epidemic...HMMM!!!

we need to work on coming up with solutions to stop all the violence & we'll never accomplish that by making cop killings our focal point---i've been posting about the chicago violence for a long period of time &, just think, none of our politicians even mention it & yet, donald trump mentions it & has provided some insight as to how to deal with it...

related sources::: 


hello america!!! here are the jobs numbers for august 2016 & hey, they are not good, have not been good &, will not be good unless we can put our country back to work...

for august, we added/gained 151,000 jobs (HERE'S THE GOV'T REPORT) & some of you accept that number as a good thing because obama & company (along with the liberal media) tell you it's a good thing---most of you just refuse to do your own homework & are left in the dark---

here is the light---for august, we lost 1,052,000 jobs (GOV'T REPORT HERE) &, that's what the democrats try to hide from you & you allow them to---they've been playing a numbers game with you for a very long time...

your willful ignorance &/or arrogant denial won't alter the facts concerning our jobs reality, & good people, it's extremely bad---the proof is in the numbers & hey, true math doesn't lie---so, get your calculators out so you can add all the jobs added/gained (under obama) from feb 2009 through the present using (THIS GOV'T CHART) & be prepared to be skeptical---because, i also have another chart listing all the jobs lost since feb 2009 & this one is tricky to get into---when you click on this link it's 'yahoo unorthorized' so click on the 'here' link---it is the dep't of labors site--- Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Data,...
start with 2009, HTML & click on 'submit' & check out the left column of numbers of jobs lost weekly... 

as you can, this old man can add & subtract & hey, jobs-wise, we are nowhere near where we need to be nor are we as well off as we are told we are---we need a leader that can put america back to work & hey, i'm all for putting americans first...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


POVERTY---obama once told us, 'middle-class is a state of mind' so, i can only wonder what he thinks of those living on or below our federal poverty level which is approximately 12%-15% of our entire population made up with approximately 47 million people of color plus---so, as i refer back to my original request, i have to look at both sides of our political party's & somewhere in between the answers lies the truth of which party has helped better the lives of people of color, however, before i get in to it, i would like you to remember just one never-changing fact; if it doesn't help america, it helps people of color even less---& hey, i never thought i would be able to say a white person could sum it as well as a person of color but, i was wrong---

our 2016 financial poverty level is set at---$11,770 for a single person & up to $40,890 for a family of 8 &, good people, that's before any taxes, rent, groceries, utility bills or other bills are paid---for whatever reason, our politicians don't talk about our people living in poverty just like they don't talk about our homeless unless something drastic happens or it's election time---even though all of the numbers fluctuate yearly, they have remained in the same ball-park for years---in fact, with the middle-class shrinking & now struggling, our economy is hurting people of color even more---i'm here to tell you that poverty is directly related to jobs & i'll get back to that in a moment or two...

the poverty rate for black people is 26%-31%---for our male youth (18 & under) it's 38.1%---for our female (18 & under) it's 38.8%---black females with no spouse is 37% &, with children under 18 is 46.1%---black males with no spouse is 23.7% &, with children under 18 is 31.2%---all of these numbers have pretty much remained the same for years which tells me that the programs that people give the democrats credit for aren't helping the people of color a whole hell of a lot PERIOD!!! here's 2 sites for you to examine so you'll know where my numbers came from--- which is much like this one--- matter how you slice it, black people are hurting a hell of a lot more than our gov't is telling us &, unfortunately, the media doesn't deem our status as 'newsworthy' to cover...

 hey, it's really freaking simple, if you're honestly out there every day working to make ends meet & you're still struggling to do it, something is not working & i don't give two craps who tells you that they did something to benefit people of color---yes, there's ss & ssd, food stamps, welfare, medicare, medicaid, housing, day care, food banks, soup kitchens, free clothing, free busing, educational assistance, rent rebates, obama phones, utility assistance &, there are churches & other organizations that can/will help you &, they were all designed to help somebody on a temporary basis until they could get back on their own feet & hey, you're still struggling---somebody's been peeing on you & calling it rain & instead of you questioning them about the taste of it, you added sugar & swallowed it...

now back to that job issue---far too many people of color are on the bottom rung of the ladder of life when it comes to good-paying jobs & it has nothing to do with skin color or laziness---you simply can't be a chef if you can't cook which should tell all of us that if you're not qualified for a job, you probably won't get it & hey, i'm here to tell you that i am against affirmative actions---i don't want anybody giving me crap because i'm black-that's an insult---let me earn it &, if i have to take a second job, sobeit...

most people of color are not qualified for a lot of the good-paying jobs when (& if) they graduate high school &, we can blame that on our sorry education system &, before you hang me, allow me to point out the proof of that seemingly ridiculous statement---i live in allentown pa in the allentown school district & i'm about 2 1/2 blocks from william allen high school & yet, the average allen hs grad has not taken the same classes/material as somebody from parkland hs or central catholic hs & that's because the 'standards' are different---& hey, the dems are all about taking credit for trying to keep our educational system up-to-date but, they have nothing to say about our youth graduating without the knowledge that they should have & unfortunately, the parants don't make a lot of noise so, it's allowed to continue unchecked (just how dumb are we???)---for the most part, poor neighborhood schools graduate 12th graders that are really on a 9th or 10th grade level & they do it with consistency---how in the hell can anybody expect these kids to rise above the poverty level when we allow them to be 'dumbed down' in school??? the education problems & jobs problem are co-related but what do i know---after all, the obama & company have said that they put america back to work which is another example of that 'rain water'...just so you know i don't make this stuff up, the allentown city school district ranks 491 out of the 577 pennsylvania school districts & here's the proof---

good people, we need jobs PERIOD!!! obama promised jobs & those 'shovel ready jobs' ended up not being so 'shovel ready'---besides, not a whole hell of a lot of people of color got them nor will they---the unions will see to that because they have invested in our gov't at all levels...

here's two more articles for you to read---
& he wrote this the following day---

so, while you are so willing (for which i thank you) to tell me what all the democrats have done to better the plight of people of color (& more specifically black people) simply because they pushed a bill through congress & into law, allow me to ask this;;;if black people are suffering as much today as they were were 50, 60 years ago, are you still willing to stand by your comments??? &, before you respond, think of this---if you break your leg & i give you a crutch & that's all i give you, have i really helped you or hurt you???

with all of the success that the democrats get for helping the people of color, why aren't their lives improving???

Monday, August 8, 2016


SMALL BUSINESSES---there are many ways to look at this issue &, if one is true to the facts, our small businesses have caught & are catching pure hell & that is greatly magnified for businesses owned by people of color---yes, there are programs in place that are supposed to aid the minority business owners but, when you compare their effectiveness to the bankruptcies, downsizing & closings, they're just not working---also, one has to always bear in mind that business competition is extremely fierce &, it's almost impossible to compete with the giants, walmarts, sears & home depots of our country as well as our shopping malls...

while you & others are so quick to credit obama for supporting sba's, etc; please look at how little they actually seem to be accomplishing & hey, i'm not the only black person that feels this way, there's this--- &, just to show how fair i am, there's this in obamas favor--- which is just like the bill that was signed into law to better aid our veterans & isn't worth the paper it was written on, however, you're free to draw your own conclusions...

well, since we're talking about black-owned businesses, there's this which puts us in last place--- & yes, there are many ways to judge that report, however, it must be held all the business losses that seem to be 'not-news-worthy' &, i'm here to tell you that we are fighting a losing battle on that front as well...

here's a site that should give you a better idea of business closings--- & remember, if america suffers, we suffer even more...hell, we lost 200,000 plus businesses between 2008-2010 alone & the banks just aren't into making loans like they once did (thank you dodd/frank---& i'll get to them soon since you brought them up)...

while it's extremely easy to give credit to somebody or a political party for creating a bill that becomes law, it's just as difficult to prove how effective that law is unless it's an instant success or an instant disaster...


UNEMPLOYMENT/EMPLOYMENT---even though i'm retired, this subject is very dear to me &, i've been following the faulty numbers ever since obama was first elected---also & foremost, people of color unemployment levels (rises & falls) can be attributed to whichever political party is in power & instead of just swallowing what you've been told, please do your own homework & research both sides of the issue...

allow me to say this; the method for calculating our national unemployment rate was changed 1/1/2011 & automatically reduced that rate & those that followed---that said, it would now be unfair to compare bush or any other president's employment/unemployment rate to obamas...

there's this:::all you hear about are the jobs gained/added & everybody paints a rosy picture, however, just the opposite is true &, because i'm such a nice guy & since i like proving myself right, i'll even provide you with the gov't links to support my facts...

when obama & the dems talk about jobs, they're full of crap & think that people won't be able to decipher the truth from their deceptions & lies---&, if you were doing your own homework, you'd know the facts---let's just look at the month of july 2016...our department of labor (dol) says we added/gained 255,000 jobs for that month & our national unemployment rate is a lowly 4.9%---by itself, that looks good &, our 'so-called economic experts' agree---here's their link which is the same one obama & all the dems talk about---i hope you read every word of that report because i'm about to destroy it with this--- &, as you can see, i'm very diligent in my research & hey, regardless of who wants to defend what, true math will never, obama never took credit for jobs lost during his first 15 months...

look, if america, as a whole, has a jobs problem, that problem is magnified for people of color & hey, we're deep in the doo-doo---while some of us may thrive (&/or at least seem to) the vast majority of us do not---in short, the dems talk about jobs & than go about finding ways to keep us from working---those are facts you may argue with but, nonetheless, they remain facts---when you look at what the dem party is about concerning jobs growth & what they've done, perhaps you'll eventually realize that they are not the party for you or your kind---what's hindering our jobs growth is; obamacare, taxes, regulations, medicaid, disability, robotics, business closures & relocations, uncertainty & unfair trades deals where we import more than we export---these are all areas that obama & company control &, you can't help but see the negative results...

when you tell me that the dems & obama are concerned with jobs for people of color, i'm going to tell that you are full of crap---they are all about CONTROL & please, don't confuse that with what they tell you---obama & company spent his first two years passing obamacare (that will fall apart on its own) & not on putting america back to work & they've blocked every jobs-related bill from the repubs ever since---591,000 people just gave up looking for work in july & walked away from the jobs market...

there is no way that you nor anybody else can convince me that the dems are for people of color when it comes to jobs because their actions belie their the way, just so you'll see the jobs losses for the month of july, scroll down to page 6 of this gov't report--- & know that our real rate is a hell of lot higher than that of any other race...


HOUSING---the federal housing authority (fha) which is also known as housing & urban development (hud) was created by congress in 1934 because of the 'great depression' & was not originally intended for people of color who were still fighting for their rights---it was designed for white people that were losing their homes in record numbers, PERIOD---it has since evolved to where it is supposed to be more inclusive for all people &, that only came about because of our supreme this day there is a great disparity between white & black home ownership that has nothing to do with financial income...while we may attribute 'housing improvement for all' to a certain political party &/or president, the fact remains that the democrat party was still adamant in their refusal to grant people of color the same rights as whites & that continued long after supreme court rulings against their actions...there are far too many articles (for & against) to post concerning this subject, however, i like this one---

when i look at the 2007/2008 housing market collapse, i can't help but feel for the people of color who were negatively impacted by it because for many, they lost everything & yes, i can actually point to the guilty party that could have prevented it---hell, i can even name them, however, i'll let you read them for yourselves here--- by the way, that's the same dodd & franks that wrote the dodd/franks bill after all the crap hit the fan...for those of you that like videos, there this--- &, to further my point, hillary clinton was a seated senator & on the senate budget committee 2001-2002 & had to have seen bush's fy02 budget plans/requests &, as you now know, then senator obama took no action to ward off the collapse...& yes, we could go all the way back to the glass/steagall act & the weakening of it by bill clinton but, i think i've made my point, however, some of you will still call me a hater so, watch this video of the democrats trying to defend their actions &, i want you to know that had they of heeded bush's warnings, our housing market collapse may never have occurred... in mind that the dems were strongly connected with fannie & freddie & still are (do your own homework) & no, this post isn't about trying to absolve the repubs from any fault---it's about who has honestly been trying to help people of color with home ownership...

we can go back & forth on this issue all day, however, as it now stands, home ownership for blacks is at best, sad & there's a plethora of reasons for that---let's just sum it up to this; if the national rate of home ownership rises or lowers, that rate is directly related to the rise & fall of home ownership for people of color &, while there are other articles & stats to examine, there's this--- &, when you realize that home ownership has fallen all across our great country, you'll also have to realize that it's fallen even more for people of color---& yes, i could provide other links but perhaps you'll settle for this one---

while the dems do a great job of selling their ideas of home ownership to help the plight of people of color, i have to judge them by all of their actions & hey, they're not nearly as good as you would have me believe...

Friday, August 5, 2016


hello america!!! here we go again with the BS---this monthly gov't bureau of labor statistics report (bls) says we added 255,000 jobs for july 2016 &, there are those 'so-called experts' that say the report is a good thing---READ ABOUT IT HERE  &, i have to wonder what math classes they attended because the truth is this---for the month of july 2016 we lost a total of 1,296,000 jobs---so please, do yourself a favor & subtract the jobs added from the jobs lost & then paint that same rosy picture---good people, those figures come from our very own weekly gov't report/just scroll down to the bottom of page 6 of this & you'll see that all of our gov't officials (from obama on down) continue to lie about our jobs market--- & hey, this isn't my first post concerning our jobs market & in doing my own research, i've discovered that obama & company only talk about jobs added/gained & not the jobs lost & that is fact---here's one of my posts proving just that

& then, there's little thing called the 'national unemployment rate' which is currently 4.9% & that's the figure everybody refers to but hey, i'm here to tell you that it's faulty as hell &, here's why---'table a-15' from the same bureau of labor statistics report puts our 'real unemployment rate' at 9.7% &, hey again, all the figures are faulty because on 1 jan 2011, the bureau of labor statistics changed how they calculate the unemployment rate which in itself helped lower the rate that much more---because i'm such a nice guy, you can READ MORE ABOUT IT HERE or you can research it for yourselves instead of just accepting what all you're told as 'truth'...if everything were as it was under bush, our rate would be in the double-digits...

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Diane---i must ask, why is donald trump being labeled a racist for saying what has already been said by those labeling him??? HMMM??? & no, i don't expect you to read everything in 1 day so, take your time & i hope you learn something from it...

bill clinton 20 years ago...

hillary clinton in 2006...

obama in need to read the whole thing...

just so you know, this is from pbs---you know, the 'big bird' network...

&, we have this...

&, because i really love you, there's this...

professor john will be giving you a 35,000 questions test & fully hope that you are up for the challenge---by the way, did i spell 35,000 correctly???

Friday, July 22, 2016


hello america!!! while it amazes me that so many people can watch the same thing at the same time & come up with so many convoluted opinions, what amazes me even more is how the media will tell us what a speaker meant & then, go on to tell us what should have been said---i.e; if i said 'the sky is blue' it somehow gets interpreted as, he said, 'the sky is not orange & cloudy'---that i meant, 'it wasn't raining'---&, some go even further to tell you how i tried to say, 'there is snow in alaska' &, some will tell you that 'i have a problem with inclusivity' because i didn't include the color green or red---&, we have those that will tie my original comment to my being against the moon (you know who you are)...

some of you are just looking for a speaker (any speaker you don't like & the opposite for those you do like) to make a mistake when speaking---you pounce on it & rehash it all day & you can't wait to be surrounded with those that think like you do---throughout all of that, the meaning of the message gets lost...

black people, what donald trump said should resonate with you more than with all other ethnic groups because (& you'll deny this) it was true---while there are some of us that have prospered for the last 7 plus years, the status for the vast majority of black people has declined & the numbers are backed up by our very own fed gov't & other sources---i posted this on the 17th--- there are those of you laughing at trump, he's the only one that has spoken about the current plight of black people, PERIOD!!! what he said about chicago & all the shootings & killings are facts that the national media & our black president don't even mention nor do they put forth any plans to combat all that senseless violence---just look at how many black lives have been snuffed out for this year alone &, there's this one

you've been lied to & there's no other way i will phrase that---you're told our unemployment rate is a lowly 4.9% & that we 'add jobs' every month GOV'T REPORT FOR JUNE & everybody's happy & yet, nobody tells you the other part of that which is, we lose a million plus jobs a month---check out page 6/left side of the columns & do your own math &, bear in mind, we've already lost 761,00 jobs for july &, we still have the reports for the weeks ending the 23rd & 30th still coming---we are losing jobs because::: our businesses are moving to other countries for less regulations, less taxes &, cheaper labor---technology & robotics are replacing human labor---legal & illegal immigrants are being allowed to work---welfare-like benefits are more enticing to many instead of working---&, there are millions of discouraged workers that have simply given up looking for work...

i really wanted to keep this clean without name-calling but, some of you are just plain stupid!!! which one of you idiots that now supports 'sanctuary cities' would still support them if one of yours was killed or raped by someone seeking shelter there & the police were restricted from going after them??? can you imagine turning bed-sty or harlem into a 'sanctuary city'---&, while i'm at it, all american women &, those of same-sex relationships need to read the quran & educate yourselves on exactly what 'sharia law' would mean to & for you because i honestly think ignorance is clouding your judgement---hell, all american men need to read it also...look, when we 'allow' immigrants to enter our country & they turn around & demand that we cater to their beliefs & culture while dismantling ours, i have a very big problem with that---you won't let me enter your home & dictate to you & hey, america is your home...

let's keep it real---obama & hillary (in 2006) were both telling us of the problems that illegal aliens pose to us & here is hillary in the flesh, sounding like trump from numbersUSA but, you never called her 'racist'---HMMM??? &, regardless of what you heard, our cia & fbi directors have testified under oath that we can neither vet nor track all the middle-east refugees that we've already allowed in & hillary wants to allow in 65,000 more---HMMM???

yes, america is ready for a female president---just not hillary---black people, you support her & don't even care that she she advocated for the clinton crime bill (which is still locking us up at unreasonable rates) or that she called us 'predators'---at least do your research on the party you support because, if it were up to the democrats, we'd still be in chains...

hillary clinton has already promised you (at least) 4 more years of the same which translates to no growth for people of color &, come next week at the dem convention, she'll say how she's going to elevate you but hey, she's been saying that for 25 plus years of public service---she has a public gov't record & it's far from being a good one...

Thursday, July 21, 2016


hello america!!! hillary brings up trump's 4 bankruptcies as well she should &, for those that have a problem, have a look at this FROM POLITIFACT &, as you can see, she was correct---she was wrong when she said taxpayers had to bail him out---what she deliberately omitted was, the bankrupt &/or failing company's that have &/or will cost us money---as a seated senator representing ny & as sec of state, she never even bothered to mention all the money they have cost us &, she's pledged to give them even more of our's a list from foxnews---

bankrupt or failing---
    Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
    SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
    Solyndra ($535 million)*
    Beacon Power ($43 million)*
    Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
    SunPower ($1.2 billion)
    First Solar ($1.46 billion)
    Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
    EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
    Amonix ($5.9 million)
    Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
    Abound Solar ($400 million)*
    A123 Systems ($279 million)*
    Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
    Johnson Controls ($299 million)
    Schneider Electric ($86 million)
    Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
    ECOtality ($126.2 million)
    Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
    Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
    Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
    Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
    Range Fuels ($80 million)*
    Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
    Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
    Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
    GreenVolts ($500,000)
    Vestas ($50 million)
    LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
    Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
    Navistar ($39 million)
    Satcon ($3 million)*
    Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
    Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)

i'll take my chances with trumps business judgement any day compared to the business judgement of hillary, obama & all the people they've hired to guide them...


hello america!!! so, you don't like cops, that's your choice---you want to shoot at cops & kill them, that's also your choice---however, the next time you need a cop, don't call them, please call obama, hillary or black lives matter & tell me how that works out for you...


hello america!!! i have a very big problem & it's this---why are people of color so silent about all the senseless killings that occur within all the 'chicagos' of our country??? i can understand (but don't accept) the national media, obama & company &, the 'so-called' civil rights groups silence because those killings don't fit their narrative or agenda but, what is the agenda of the people of color???

look, let's keep it simple---as of this writing, for 2016 alone, chicago has had 361-370 murders (depends on the source)---348 of them have been people of color (287 black/61 latino) & nobody even mentions them---let a cop kill a black person & we lose our minds; the media feeds it to us 24/7; the big guns come out of the wood-work to soak up 'camera time' & then, everything just settles down & fades away...

if those 348 lives of people of color matter, where's the uproar???

&, just so you know, of those chicago killings, the police have killed 4 while wounding 7...

Monday, July 18, 2016


hello america!!! just because we may have different viewpoints, do not paint me in as an idiot---facts back up facts...

there are many ways to define 'protests' & 'racism' &, while i agree that some cops are extremely brutal, it's not just a 'black/white' issue---i also agree that no life should be taken by anybody unjustly---with that said, in a world driven by technology, everything is instantly put on public media & we make our judgements based on that &, unfortunately, we also allow ourselves to be led by the national media & our 'so-called leaders'---yes, there are many more white cops than black ones, however, cops have killed more whites than blacks by (almost) a two to one ratio based on the 2015 stats---cops killed a total of 990 people & of that number, 258 of those killings were black (the vast majority of them were deemed justified) &, that holds true for this year---the majority of cops do an honorable job but, all we see are the ugly ones &, regardless of how may you feel, the bottom line is, they are just as human as the rest of us &, if we can forget ourselves in a moment & do something stupid, why is it that we expect them not to do the same (even though they are supposed to be trained not to)??? seemingly, everybody wants to talk about the abuse by cops on black lives &, if that's all we had to worry about as a people, i would be in the streets throwing bottles & rocks with you, however, our bigger problem is within our own communities that goes uncovered by the media & it's called 'black-on-black' crime---unfortunately, i have a better chance of getting shot or abused by another black person than a cop, PERIOD!!! we get all caught up in the 'headlines' & very seldom do a thorough research of them because we have the proof of what goes on in our chicagos of our country & the sad part is, nobody says crap about them---for this year alone, 366 people have been killed in chicago & the cops were involved in only 11 of them---killing 4 while wounding 7---277 blacks lost their lives & nobody (NOT EVEN YOU) even mention them &, 'black lives matter' (along with our 'so-called leaders') are nowhere to be found...nation-wide for 2016, the police have killed 524 people & the vast majority of them were 'justified' & of them, 129 were black---it's easy to pull the 'race card' out but, it's hard to put it back---case in point; in a black & latino community where they outnumber whites & others 80% to 20%, the cops give more tickets to the 80% group & we scream 'racism' without even thinking about the true numbers---in that setting, we should get more tickets...also, if a white politician disagrees with obamas policies, he's branded a 'racist'---if you honestly want to look at today's american racism, look at who's funding those protests & who's inciting blacks to violence...

when you look at today's black communities you'll find that they are over-run with gangs, drugs, guns, poor education, lack of jobs, crime & poverty &, unfortunately, that's an unforgivable constant throughout our country---try a 'ride-along' with the human police that have to service those communities & have to deal with the abuse that they receive on a daily basis & then, you'll realize that we're fortunate that many more of them didn't 'snap' sooner...

Sunday, July 17, 2016


hello america!!! i wish they had taught more of you history like it was taught to me---today, so much of it is purposely omitted, deliberately ignored or, conveniently altered because of 'political correctness' & other convoluted reasons---perhaps that helps explain why so many black americans are members of the democrat party---they've been blinded by ignorance & steeped in denial which equates to, if you don't know much, you can't say or do much...

over the last seven a half years (actually you could go back to before the civil war), exactly what have black people gained from the democrat party??? exactly what has the democrat party done to improve the lives of black people??? &, fear not, i have until the rest of my life to wait for you come up with some valid answers---& no, an increase in food stamps, a free safe link phone, etc, don't count although, for some, those might seem like blessings...

the dems had total control of our federal gov't for obamas first two years & they did nothing (then, before then or since then) that improved the lives of black people one iota---if anything, the truth is, they've pushed us further down the ladder of life &, for whatever reason, you refuse to acknowledge that & steadfastly support them---why??? is it because they make all of those campaign promises they never intend to keep??? or, because they tell you what you want to hear??? or, because they convince you that the republican party is the worst evil on the planet & would actually throw granny off the cliff??? whatever the reason, you just might want to redo your history lessons on them...

look, when i have to argue with a black man about which party was for slavery & which party fought against it, something is very wrong so, knowing your time is valuable, check out this PBS ARTICLE because far too many of you don't have the information you need &, here's another factual & interesting read from REDSTATE.COM...

now, i know some of you idiots will be yelling that slavery was a long time ago & yet, you're still a slave to & for the democrat party gov't & hey, NEWSFLASH!!! you'll remain a slave to them until you can gain your own independence & folks, the dems aren't about to allow that---they'll just continue to import foreigner's (illegals & legals) that take those jobs you depend on away (it's already happening & it's more wide-spread than the national media acknowledges) & then, you'll be forced to accept their meager offerings of welfare related assistance---which means gov't control which means slavery...

you support the very party that would still have you in shackles (hell, democrat vp joe biden even joked about 'yall going back in chains') &, if not for those much hated republicans, the civil rights bill would never have passed but, you can read it for yourselves from the GATEWAYPUNDIT.COM...

let's keep it real---the dems have sued every state that has tried to make gov't issued id cards mandatory &, they've won saying it would cause a 'hardship' on blacks & others that would have to go get one---however, that 'hardship' doesn't apply come voting time---look, it's simple, no valid id card equals no valid job & he who has no valid job is dependent on somebody &/or the gov't...what can a black person do legally in this country without valid id??? hell, we can go one even better---try visiting one of those elected politicians in washington, dc without valid id & see how far you get...

simply put, the dems are all about controlling your lives; telling you that they know what you need better than you do; telling you they must intervene in all facets of your life to better serve you; telling you that bigger gov't, more regulations & taxes are the only way for us to go---hey, take a good look around you & tell me where we have grown (as a country) in the last 7 1/2 years---yeah, i know, you'll need more time...&, before you blame bush for all of our current problems, let me educate you it because it was the dems that thwarted all of his warnings & efforts to avoid the housing market collapse &, knowing you won't readily accept that, please educate yourselves by reading this FACTUAL GOV'T REPORT...

just look at how divided we have become & hillary clinton wants to continue obamas reign of ruining us for another 4 years---can black people really afford that knowing they will not prosper, however, we'll be told how well off we are & you'll eat it up...WAKE THE HELL ON UP!!!
1.....the national unemployment rate for black adults 20 & older is hovering around 20%/for our black youth 16-19 it's hovering around 40%--- home ownership is a lowly 41.5% (the lowest in america)---table 7/page 9
3.....the black poverty level is hovering between 25%-40% (depends on the source) 
& this one--- high school graduation rates are "catastrophically low & appear to be getting worse" & that come from crime---
6.....blacks fill low paying jobs & you read about it from THEATLANTIC.COM

black people,
1.....we have a black president
2.....we have the naacp
3.....we have the congressional black caucus
4.....we have the black panther party
5.....we have the black lives matter organization
6.....we have all those black fraternities & black colleges
7.....we have all those black clergymen & black churches spread across our country
8.....we have all those black civil rights organizations serving our black communities
9.....we have all those black judges & lawyers
10...we have all those black business owners
11...we have all those black celebrities
12...we have all those black athletes
13...we have all those black media outlets & black media pundits
14...we have all those black doctors & nurses
15...we have all those black police, black firemen, & black ems personnel
16...we have the aclu (at least we're supposed to have them protecting our rights)
17...we have all those black politicians
18...we have all those black military personnel
19...we have approximately 50 million plus black people in this country

so, ask yourself this:::why are we still suffering as a people??? with all of the 'clout' we possess, one would assume we would be better positioned on the rungs of the ladder of life!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


hello america!!! first & foremost, i must say that the democrat party excels at 'name-calling' & utilizing 'fear tactics' far better than the republicans---why this is i don't know but, it's true...

republican donald trump has been called 'racist' because he wants to build a wall between us & mexico &, he wants to ban travelers from the middle east until we can figure out what is going on with who we're allowing in & where they're coming from &, he didn't denounce former kkk grand wizard david duke fast enough---what is wrong with you people??? are you that daft that you allow yourselves to be persuaded by the national media & others so quickly without even examining the facts??? well, if you are so willing to brand trump a 'racist' you must also include hillary clinton as one & here's some video proof from, my, my---look at how things suddenly change...but, let's not stop there---obama knew the problems illegal immigration caused & expressed his thoughts &, i can only hope you read the whole article here THENEWAMERICAN.COM...

there's the kkk & david duke incident that trump finally denounced, however, we have the counter to that with hillary & her high praise for former kkk 'exalted cyclops' member & a senator, robert byrd & you can read it from the ANONEWS.COM...

you must be a 'special kind of stupid' not to recognize all the potential problems that may face us from accepting middle east refugees &, per judicial watch, you can read it HERE...we're allowing people into our country that we know nothing about & that's stupidity in action...

hillary talked about carrying hot sauce with her wherever she goes while talking to black people; she embarrassingly tried using a subway transit card to prove she's one of us; she tried imitating our voice; she advocated for the clinton crime bill while calling black people 'super predators' &, she still has the audacity to call trump a 'racist'---good people, learn your facts...

hey, just for emphasis, CHECK THIS OUT...


hello america!!! after seven & a half years under a black president living in our white house, our once beautiful nation is once again embroiled in 'racism' &, unfortunately, we are as divided as ever before---now, don't get it twisted because i'm not blaming obama for all of our racial problems (they existed long before he was even born & they'll continue long after he's gone) however, i am blaming him for purposely pumping gasoline on the flames...

obama set the tone regarding how we perceive police actions within our communities when he said 'the police acted stupidly' HERE'S THE VIDEO OF IT &, this occurred in july 2009---i'm sure you've heard all the negative comments he's uttered ever since about 'police actions'---so yes, he set the tone &, equally yes, some police have acted stupidly...when, since 2009 to the present, did he ever set up a dialogue between the police & the communities they serve to quell our nations racial division??? hell, he's even gone as far as to say that the police have too much tactical weaponry...

good people, nobody is denying that we have a racial problem &, we always will but, instead of inciting everyday people with foolish rhetoric, shouldn't we all just calm down & deal with the problem as rationalized adults??? shooting at cops & unarmed citizens only escalates the violence, distrust, fears & racial feelings & accomplishes just the opposite of what is needed---perhaps the most important thing lost here is, the citizens cannot win a 'war with bullets' against the cops...

something else lost here is, the left-leaning 'so-called leaders' (obama included) seem to go out of their way to inflame us to violence &, if you know your history (something they don't teach like they used to), community violence against the police & establishment leads to tighter gov't control over you---the dems are excellent at subterfuge & you'll be so steeped in hatred towards the cops that you won't know what happened even after it happened...

& yes, while people of color have been killed by cops, more white people have lost their lives by cops but, our biggest problem is the violence within our own communities committed by our own against our own &, from obama on down, this subject is taboo---they go out of their way not to talk about it & the media refuses to give it the daily, all-day coverage it so rightly deserves...

let's keep it real---when others talk shit about us or to us, we're either ready to go off on them &/or we actually do go off on them &, we chalk it up to our being human & provoked which is something we don't afford our police---they're expected to be better trained & to exhibit stronger restraint while ignoring all of their humanness---far too many of us know that many people from our own communities have been killed simply because of running their mouths---while i don't condone police brutality in any form, i do realize that our police are human & can fall victim to that at any given time---if they do, let them have their day in court & don't condemn the entire police force because of the negative actions of a few...

Monday, July 11, 2016


hello america!!! most of you need to stop what you're doing & wake up to reality because one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results---people of color, you should know this better than most & if you continue to deny that, you'll continue to suffer...

yes, we have some cops that have 'quick trigger fingers' & yes, they should have their day in court---the flip side of that is, we also have the vast majority of cops that do their jobs honorably---in short, if we treat the cops like shit, they'll treat us like shit &, when you let idiots incite you to the point of violently confronting the cops, we're all going to have a very bad day...

i don't care where you live, the good done in our communities far outweighs the bad done by our police forces---if we continue to violently confront &/or defy the cops, they'll be more cautious in doing their jobs & that could prove to be the difference on you (your children or others) getting to a hospital in time to save your life---

obama & company have you believing that the cops have declared war on people of color---specifically, black people, however, the stats don't back up their rhetoric---approximately 1,000 people were killed by the police in 2015 &, of that number, approximately 260 were black (approximately 170 were latino)---bear in mind, the vast majority of them were justified homicides---while i wish that nobody would lose their life in the street, that's just wishful & wasteful thinking because the reality in our country is, a person of color has killed another person of color a lot more than all the cop-killings combined...

for 2016 there have been approximately 500 plus cop-killings (&, again, the vast majority of them were justified) &, of that number, approximately 120 of them were black (&, approximately 80 were latino)---hell, let's keep it real---our gravest concerns should be all the senseless homicides committed  within our communities that don't draw the interest of the national media or obama & company until it's voting time---they'll talk about it then & tell you of their bold plans to combat it...

good people, while any life taken by violence is a tragedy, let's look at the big picture confronting us---let's look at chicago---for this year alone, there have been approximately 350 homicides & of that number, approximately 265 of them were black (&, approximately 60 were latino) however, nobody is talking about those killings so, their lives must not matter---just so you can get the proper prospective, of those 350 homicides, the chicago police were involved in just 10 of them (killing 4/wounding 6)---yep, we need police to police the police; we need body cameras; we need 'cops better not shoot' laws; we need to burn down our communities; we need never to trust white people; we need stronger gun laws; etc, etc, etc---& yes, i'm being sarcastic but, how much stronger can our guns laws be than the ones that govern chicago??? they just happen to have some of our nations strictest gun laws on the books & they're not working...

hell, just look across our country---baltimore has had approximately 150 homicides this year &, approximately 110 of them were black---nyc has had approximately 165---for the whole country, we've had approximately 8,850 homicides/approximately 6,050 of them by gunshot & we still have 5 months left in this year...

as you can see by the numbers, our biggest problem isn't with the police, our biggest problem is with each other & the careless way we are so willing to take a life---groups like 'black lives matter' & their financial backers, politicians like obama & company, our clergymen, our national media, & ourselves, could make a very big difference if we all focused on the real problems within our communities & not just the political ones...

lost in all this 'down with the police' crap is the fact that people of color are being forced to even deeper depths on the scale of life---we are losing our jobs to legal & illegal immigrants; we have no structured activities for our youth that gain their attention; our communities are literally falling apart; banks aren't as quick to make us loans as they are others; our educational standards have fallen; our home ownership ability has fallen; our raising our children in a technology-driven world is hurting both us & them; our willingness to hurt one another, to tear one another apart, to not support our own community businesses is hurting us; groups that supposedly have our backs are hurting us because they have turned their efforts to chasing that dollar bill; we allow the drugs into our communities & we silently sit back & watch all the destruction they cause among & to us---but, voting's right around the corner & the dems will tell you (once again) how they can solve all your problems & you end up voting for them only to have to endure even more suffering...

let's just assume that 'no justice-no peace' actually spurred the cops to never shoot another person of color again, how does that stop all the senseless violence within our communities??? i've said this before but, it bears constant repeating, it's easier & faster for a 12 year old to get a street gun than for you to buy one legally---FACTS!!!

keep voting democrat & you'll always have these problems...

Sunday, July 3, 2016


hello america!!! here are the june chicago numbers---of the 70 or 71 june 2016 chicago homicides, 47 of them were 31 years old or younger; the youngest was 2 months old/the oldest 67 years old; all but 7 of the victims were people of color; all but 4 of the homicides were from gunshot---

before i forget, the 2016 chicago police involved shootings tally up like this---they killed 4/wounded 5 &, before you jump on that 'bash the police' bandwagon, just know that 1,996 people were shot & 301 of them died---some of you are a 'special kind of stupid' because of those 1996 people shot, 1,695 owe the police a lot of gratitude because the police have to secure the scene before our ems & fireman personnel can do their job & then, render aid in any way they can---1,996 shootings & the police are only involved in 9 of them in america's most dangerous city???

just so you know, there have been 3 chicago shooting homicides since 1 july... 

Saturday, July 2, 2016


hello america!!! please, don't think i'm suddenly writing about the following because i've been posting about the chicago violence for several years on here...

70 or 71---that's the number & you haven't heard crap about it---not from the media; not from the politicians; not from the civil rights groups; &, not much from the communities...

for the month of june, there were 70/71 homicides in the city of chicago alone & all you heard about was the orlando, fla shootings on june 12th---WHY IS THAT??? how can we, as an american people of one, continually allow this to occur in our neighborhoods??? have we become so desensitized to violence that we silently accept it as a 'part of life'??? &, when we do get to air our thoughts about it, we make asinine statements like 'the cops need to do a better job' or 'the cops aren't doing their job'---FIRST & FOREMOST, I DON'T BLAME THE COPS ONE IOTA!!! (i'll get back to this because it bothers me a lot)...

chicago has had 325-333 homicides this year &, for the most part, they've gone unpublicized by the media & those that can't wait to grab camera-time & incite---you know, those 'so-called leaders' that are extremely quick to respond to a cop killing a person of color---they're all over tv & the media loses it's mind covering them...where's obamas voice??? why isn't representative elijah cummings marching locked arm-in-arm during the protests of all of those homicides??? where's al sharpton??? where are all the 'so-called' civil rights groups??? where's the 'collective voice' of the victims family & friends??? where's the community's voice??? where's america's voice??? oh, i'm sorry, i forgot that the chicago homicides don't fit the biased media's 'sensationalizing standards' & aren't deemed worthy enough to 'earn coverage'---my bad!!!

senseless violence isn't just limited to chicago, it's all over the country &, although i agree that semi & automatic weapons shouldn't be on our streets, the solution isn't more 'gun-control' rhetoric (that political narrative is played out)---approximately 8,401 homicides have been committed within our borders for 2016 &, approximately 5,748 of them were by gunshot---however, you should know that most of the guns used were 'street guns' & the only way to stop that is to ban all guns from being made in our country &/or brought in---hell, don't forget, obama & company lost 2,000 guns on their own...

now, back to the cop issue---yes, we have some that are over-zealous in their duties but, that's a small number compared to the rest of them that perform their duties with honor---we denigrate them; we place all of their actions under a microscope; &, we vow to punish them even before all the facts are out---so yes, we risk them not doing their job as diligently as they could/should---who among us would??? when you have split seconds to react to 'your going home or being put in a body-bag', your choice is evident...we need our cops & their lives are just as important as any other lives...

info for this post comes from:::