Tuesday, June 19, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/   there's no end in sight to the job losses...for that matter, there's not even any hope that obama (even if he really wanted to) could do anything to get the economy growing again...he's just to busy campaigning & blaming congress for the stalled job growth...what he needs to do is ask his buddy, senate majority leader, harry reid, why the dem controlled senate is sitting on the following house passed 'jobs related' bills...see all 27 of them here.....
http://www.gop.gov/indepth/jobs/tracker   they're just sitting there & the pro-obama media says nothing about them...where's nancy pelosi's big mouth on these bills?

the truth is, obama & the dems don't want jobs for you because if you're 'gainfully' employed, they can't make all those gov't 'hand-out' programs attractive to you & man, do they have plans. i've wrote about them expecting to add 1.3 million 'new people' to their 'free healthcare centers' within the next two years---please see here & look at the 4th paragraph of the article---this is from the fed gov't..................

you may give obama on getting our jobs market in order but i won't & don't & here's why...the very 1st thing obama should have done, at the end of his 1st year, was invite all the CEO'S to the whitehouse & had a meeting letting them tell him why they weren't hiring &, he should have used that info to come up with a good, acceptable jobs bill. their concerns then are the same as their concerns now:::uncertainty with taxes; more regulations; obamacare.........

if obama & the dems were serious about putting you to work, they would suspend the regulations, suspend mandating obamacare &, extend all the tax rates as they presently are for 2 years. instead, they have done just the opposite......&, obamas answer to where are the jobs is, 4 more years of the same......

for you people that count on your tax refunds, you can't even begin to make plans for any of that money because you don't know if the tax rates are going to remain the same or will obama allow them to expire. if they expire, you'll be getting a much smaller refund if you qualify....it's called 'tax uncertainty'.......


hello america!!! obama cannot run on his record & we all know that so, he's decided to try & stack the deck another way. when reading the following, please read it as a 'TRUE AMERICAN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

while many of you may now support obamas decision regarding immigration, i honestly wonder where your support will go when those 'so-called illegal immigrants' take your job. yeah, i know, it'll never happen to you. wanna bet on that? yeah, i know, many of you are thinking, well it's only so many of them...you are so right, you're wrong. yeah, it's only so many of them...i've been telling you about just reading the headlines alone. many of you are believing that this was a move to help the 'latino's'---better think again. obama was reaching out to a lot of people---it's an election year---but see here------

the papers & obama made it seem like his decision was directed at the latino's but, you now know differently. once the paperwork for all qualifying 'illegals' is done, the job markets are going to be flooded with these people because they will accept ANY job that comes along....see here because company's are already applauding this decision.........

so, in this obama-era of living 'paycheck-2-paycheck' please, continue to cheer for this new policy even if it's you, your family members or friends that lose their job to these people. by the way, try telling yourself which jobs they can't do or get, maybe that will help you sleep better. &, remember, we're talking millions, not that small number obama came up with..................

YOU WANTED OBAMA, YOU GOT OBAMA &, WHEN YOUR BUTT IS OUT OF WORK IN THE COMING MONTHS DUE TO OBAMA, ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP OBAMA? what you fail to realize is, this move will allow these people to not only compete for job slots not filled--it will also allow them to compete for job slots that are filled because 'NO EMPLOYER' will be allowed to reject them like they do us. they will be more protected by the fed gov't then you or i....in addition to all of the above, obama is hoping that by doing this, he will be able to get the unemployment rate down &, it just may work. he couldn't produce the jobs so he's resorted to producing the workers to take whatever jobs that are out there.

so, you just keep on applauding obama & please think about this; why should an employer pay you $10, $11, $12 per hour or more when he can now hire somebody to do that same job for $8 per hour??? &, need i tell you that our public assistance rolls are going to spiral upwards &, you know who pays for that?---why you do---it's called TAXES &, if that's not enough, when the schools in your district become full, this will cause you to have to enroll your children in districts further away from the home but, that's just a slight inconvenience that should be off-set by your support of obamas policy.

obamas policy is a setback for american's &, it comes at a time when american's need more jobs, not more people looking for them. this policy will have far more reaching consequences then even i can list here. when i 'bottom line' the numbers soon to hit the jobs market, i put it at 2 million plus, the experts will put it even higher & team obama will put it at far less.

an underlying question is this & it's based on what obama said in his speech about his decision:::how are undocumented people being allowed to even enter our school systems &, if they were known to be there, why weren't they rooted out? i'll bet the farm that team obama can honestly vouch for everybody attending his daughter's schools that they are american or well documented.

the other questions goes to obama saying that he knew of somebody in our military that should be rewarded by his policy---does that mean our military allowed somebody to enter that was undocumented??? why doesn't the media demand answers about this?

as i have always said, you don't have to believe me but, do you believe this????????

what's so great about modern news is, it could be your job lost to an 'illegal' we read about next.......


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/   perhaps, in my continuing strong dislike of obamas 'stimulus', i must be missing something here so, will you please point out the 'good news' to me concerning the daily losses of jobs, bankruptcy's &, business closings...

as is becoming the norm under obama, the news is flooded with everything but america's number one problem, which is, our economy & the lack of the promised jobs...whether by design or accident, obama has been able to shift the focus to:::: the (too many) fed gov't agency's scandals; the gay/lesbian movement; the women's equal rights movement; the (unsolvable) immigration movement; the untimely/timely whitehouse leaks; the division of the country; the college student loans; &, everything but the economy...

while the above issues are important to the nation as a whole (& even more important to those personally affected by them) our economy has to remain the constant headline. yeah, color me stupid but tell me, what good does it do to allow a man & a man to get 'married' if neither one can get a job & they can't afford to keep their house?

good people, you've seen what the it's been like under obama for 3 1/2 years plus; you've seen what his policy's have done & what they have not done; you've seen the division he has created between us; you are a witness to the many 'LIES' he has deliberately & repeatedly told the american people.

in obamas 1st 2 years, he could have passed: immigration reform; tax reform; gay/lesbian reform; women's equal reform; college student loan reform; &, he could still have passed his 'failed' stimulus & his obamacare. he had 2 years of 'FREE' time because the dems had total control of all of washington...however, you see what we got out of those wasted 2 years & his last 2 have been more of the same.

he blames pres bush for our economic problems---ask him to explain this---i triple dog dare you---
then ask him why he could allow dodd & frank to sponsor a bill he signed into law that all but kills business growth?

i posted the following yesterday & you should read it & look at obama talking about his stimulus & then take a look at our unemployment figures (8.2%) & then, tell me he knows what he's doing..........

after 4 years, one can look back & see where they made mistakes & make the corrective actions to allow for progress. how does one not even acknowledge they made mistakes & their answer for fixing the problems are to do more of the same.......it's insane----repeatedly doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results................................................see here............................................