Tuesday, June 19, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/   perhaps, in my continuing strong dislike of obamas 'stimulus', i must be missing something here so, will you please point out the 'good news' to me concerning the daily losses of jobs, bankruptcy's &, business closings...

as is becoming the norm under obama, the news is flooded with everything but america's number one problem, which is, our economy & the lack of the promised jobs...whether by design or accident, obama has been able to shift the focus to:::: the (too many) fed gov't agency's scandals; the gay/lesbian movement; the women's equal rights movement; the (unsolvable) immigration movement; the untimely/timely whitehouse leaks; the division of the country; the college student loans; &, everything but the economy...

while the above issues are important to the nation as a whole (& even more important to those personally affected by them) our economy has to remain the constant headline. yeah, color me stupid but tell me, what good does it do to allow a man & a man to get 'married' if neither one can get a job & they can't afford to keep their house?

good people, you've seen what the it's been like under obama for 3 1/2 years plus; you've seen what his policy's have done & what they have not done; you've seen the division he has created between us; you are a witness to the many 'LIES' he has deliberately & repeatedly told the american people.

in obamas 1st 2 years, he could have passed: immigration reform; tax reform; gay/lesbian reform; women's equal reform; college student loan reform; &, he could still have passed his 'failed' stimulus & his obamacare. he had 2 years of 'FREE' time because the dems had total control of all of washington...however, you see what we got out of those wasted 2 years & his last 2 have been more of the same.

he blames pres bush for our economic problems---ask him to explain this---i triple dog dare you---
then ask him why he could allow dodd & frank to sponsor a bill he signed into law that all but kills business growth?

i posted the following yesterday & you should read it & look at obama talking about his stimulus & then take a look at our unemployment figures (8.2%) & then, tell me he knows what he's doing..........

after 4 years, one can look back & see where they made mistakes & make the corrective actions to allow for progress. how does one not even acknowledge they made mistakes & their answer for fixing the problems are to do more of the same.......it's insane----repeatedly doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results................................................see here............................................


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