Friday, April 17, 2009


hello america! sleeping dogs should be left sleeping, especially, the big ones. but, it seems that those that wish to further damage pres bushs' reputation, never learned the dangers of waking the dog up.

the methods used, (torture), to extract information from our captured enemies should be a national secret. when the idiots---you know who you are---expose those secrets, they expose our national interests as well...they tell our allies that we are weak &, they tell our enemies what to expect or, what not to expect.

ie; if i can break into your home knowing what you will & won't do, doesn't that give me an added advantage? &, your ally next door knows you can't keep your big mouth shut &, does & says
nothing about my breaking in gives me even more of an advantage.

i wrote of this subject before & the questions i pose to those that have a problem with torture remain the same. so, which of you want to be the first & answer them?????

1. if torturing a foreign captured enemy combatant prevented the death of just one american on the battlefield, is it wrong?
2. if your daughter (or any loved one) were kidnapped &, the police tortured someone to reveal where they were being held, would you really care how they got the information as long as your loved one was returned safely?
3. or, in the case of 9/11---if we had of caught one of those responsible for so many deaths & damage &, by torturing them prevented 9/11 from happening, would you say--LET 9/11 HAPPEN, WE CAN'T TORTURE ANYONE?
4. if your sister or brother were about to run over a roadside bomb in iraq but, we could torture someone to prevent it, what would you say?
5. if obamas daughter were kidnapped & the fbi couldn't find her, do you think you would hear him saying 'respect the rights of the kidnappers'? if you catch any of those involved ask them nicely where she is &, if they don't tell you, that's okay?

america, i do not favor wholesale torture, but, if torture will keep any american safe, i strongly support it.