Monday, February 11, 2013


hello america!!! the following two articles should show you just how much obama & company continue to lie to you. the first one is rep nancy pelosi saying we don't have a 'spending problem'...   she seems to ignore the fact that our spending is totally out of control. she seems to ignore the fact that all this 'fair share crap' & 'raising taxes on the rich' was supposed to generate more revenue to off-set our spending. she seems to have ignored the fact that she called for one trillion dollars more in raising more taxes. she seems to ignore the fact that our 'fiscal cliff' problems all stem from spending. hey, let's keep it real...if you're the bread-winner for your household & you can pay all your bills on time & have something left over to save or splurge with, you don't go out & get a 2nd job; you don't cut off the kids allowance; you don't sell your 2nd car; you don't cancel your cable subscription. on the other hand, if your bills can't be paid on time & you can't borrow anymore, you do. i can only think that obama & company were absent from school when they were teaching 'real math 101'. & hell, in terms of being 'street-smart' they are 'street-dumb'. who doesn't know that when you're bringing home less then your paying out, you have a big problem??? in real life, you either get another job &/or you cut your spending. oh, & if things are really going bad for you, do you continue to 'LIE' to your children about how well things are going & yet, not explain to them why you can't afford to pay for their cell phone usage?

well, since we're talking about lies...   how come obama & company never ever mentioned this to you? if you're supposed to be the 'champion' for mother earth, how can one tell people he wants to clean up america &, at the same time, fill her with 'toxic waste'? by the way, california is rep nancy pelosi's neck of the woods & she hasn't said crap either.......