Tuesday, February 25, 2020


hello america!!! the following are the 2019 homicide totals from the 6 communities i've been following---&, the numbers are even more staggering in the face of all the silence the media gives them...

chicago---517 homicides/415 of them black/73 of them hispanic/62 of them female/police killed 6 people while wounding 6 others...CLICK HERE

baltimore---348 homicides/167 of them black/5 of them hispanic/38 of them female...CLICK HERE

la county---531 homicides/180 of them black/266 of them hispanic/62 of them female/police killed 34 people...CLICK HERE

jacksonville---129 homicides/97 of them black/22 of them female...CLICK HERE

milwaukee---111 homicides/81 of them black/13 of them hispanic/25 of them female...CLICK HERE

st louis---194 homicides/145 of them black/4 of them were hispanic/38 of them female...CLICK HERE

1,830 homicides/1,085 of them black/361 of them hispanic/247 of them female/police killed at least 40 people while wounding at least 6 others...

good people, that's 1,830 families directly separated from their loves ones (FOREVER) & the 'dem-controlled' media don't/won't tell you crap---neither will those dems (tearing each other apart) that are vying for the presidential nomination---however, they'll raise hell when a cop kills a person of color (justified or not)...

look, let's keep it real---i'm not an expert but, at least 90% of these homicides are drug &/or gang related & hey, for the record, there's only one prominent politician (the trumpster) that has promised our communities help in ridding them of the gangs, drugs & violence, however, he is met with staunch resistance at every turn...& yet, where he has sent the feds into our communities, they had have amazing results...

we just don't talk about all the senseless violence we inflict on one another &, unfortunately, we do even less to combat it---what we will do is support somebody railing against 'social injustice' with no plan to address it & then, self us out to the highest bidder---& hey, our history is ripe with them...

america, we need to elect our leaders based on what they have or haven't done to help rid our communities of the gangs, drugs & violence---PERIOD!!! we need our media to present the truth to us &, more importantly, we need to be truthful with & to ourselves...

the dems would have you believe that stricter gun control is the answer to all of our problems & hey, you know in your heart that law abiding citizens could turn their guns in, however, the criminals won't & that would leave you defenseless & at the mercy of those very same criminals & those very same cops you express hatred towards---good luck with...

what's so sad about the above homicides is, there is no boundary criminals won't cross---it's long past time where we must stand up (with the police) & take back our communities...