Wednesday, March 2, 2016


hello america!!! i actually voted for gov mitt romney &, at the time, thought he was the answer for my country to return to its greatness, however, after seeing him go after donald trump to release his taxes, i'm glad he didn't win because the real mitt romney has now risen & it's sorry to see...mitt didn't release his taxes until september so, donald still has time if he wants to release his---there is no law mandating it &, if donald has 29 pages to put forth, somebody will find something to pick apart...i once thought mitt had class but, he has recently dispelled that theory by going after donald & nobody else---hell, rubio has flip-flopped on immigration & has supported bills that republicans had vowed not to;;;cruz has problems with his ties to goldman-sach's but that's allowed to go under the radar...when the gop can send out a flunky (like mitt romney has become) to do its dirty work, i question my future support for the party...

i started out hoping that rubio would win the nomination but, he seems weaker than the others & cruz does not appeal to me on any level &, i've switched my support & hopes to trump...i live in allentown pa & people of color are talking about trump or hillary & nobody else is in that conversation &, it seems to me that trump is our best chance of winning the white house...

if the gop continues to go after trump & causes him to run as an independent, i'm running with him...