Thursday, June 9, 2011


hello america!!! i have many, many questions however, my most pressing question is: how in the name of all that's good do guns captured by the dea & the atf end up in the hands of the mexican drug cartel? what super smart idiot thought this plan up? who in their right mind would arm their enemy & then turn around & wonder why we can't defeat them? i've said it before & i will continue to say it; obama has surrounded himself with a bunch of super smart idiots &, although they have plenty of book knowledge, they, & he, lack common sense.

america, i could have provided more links to this subject but, you must do your own homework. please follow the link & watch the video &, please say a prayer for border agent brian terry's family.

what bothers me the most about this whole thing is: we can cross the oceans, invade pakistan, kill bin laden, capture all that info they keep talking about & yet, we can't go in & track down where these guns are &, remember, they have all that crap on or in them to let us know where they are. another big thing that bothers me is: we haven't taken down any of the drug cartels.

i know obamas going to spin this in his favor but, what can he really say to us or the family's that have lost loved ones because of the weapons he has armed the cartels with?

america, if you never remember anything i've ever written, PLEASE remember this---obama told us the people that he's surrounded himself with are the only ones in america that could do the job &, they've failed us every step of the way---

obamas failed efforts have affected us all no matter what you say::::at the gas pumps; our mortgages &/or foreclosures; our food costs; our jobs or lack thereof; our border security; our non-loaning banks; our national debt; our troops overseas; etc, etc, get the message:::i only hope you get my next message which is::::::::::::::::::::

obama is the snake & the people he's surrounded himself with are the body-----AMERICA, WE NEED TO CUT THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE OFF.

&, i must make this statement now: i am a registered repub but, if the dems were to present someone that i could trust & believe in better then a repub, that's who would get my vote. also, i strongly like the "TEA PARTY" as it is right now.

kill the snake!!!!!


hello america!!! sorry good people. in my earlier writings i said obamacare would cut 500 million dollars from medicare---that figure was my mistake & should have been 500 billion dollars plus.

in the meantime, below are four links to what obamacare will do to the very same seniors obama is trying to scare away from rep paul ryans plan.

america, seniors & soon-to-be seniors need to read about, or have read to them, what is going to happen to them under obamacare & compare it with ryan's plan. &, they need to call their elected officials & voice their concerns.

regardless of how we may feel, medicare is going to have to be addressed &, it has to be addressed soon. if we allow congress to keep putting medicare off, it's going to hurt a lot of people down the road because it won't be there as we now know it.

obama used scare tactics for his stimulus bill & his obamacare bill. now he's using those same tactics to scare the seniors into thinking that ryan's plan will be akin to pushing them off of the cliff. he could stop those adds from airing & he could tell america the truth. but, he won't---it's not in his makeup to tell us the truth or do the right thing.

america, please do your own homework & stay fully informed. as a nation, we have to get the next presidential election correct. we have lost our place in the world & we're in danger of losing our place right here at home.


hello america!!! texas, i never thought you would be my hero but, after reading about your job creation status, i must take my hat off to you. congrats....
now, if only obama would acknowledge your acheivements, he just might become inclined to get the ball rolling the right way. however, he seems to have a lot of disdain for you & the other states that border mexico so, good luck with that one.

america, did you know that 38% of all the jobs created in this beautiful country during the 'recovery' were created in TEXAS? i just know you had to have heard this from obama first::::he gets his info long before i do.................oh, you didn't hear anything from obama about this? that's really strange because as a 'so-called' leader, you'd think he'd be honest with the american people...especially running for a second term.....i've said it before & there's no reason me for not to say it again:::obama cannot & should not be trusted.

obama knew about the "job growth" in texas but he was hoping that you wouldn't find out about it until after the next elections. he's sneaky & a liar.

the reasons for obamas not wanting you to know should be obvious: if he told you about the success in texas, he would be admitting that all of his prior 'actions' were failures & that his plans to increase taxes & spend more money won't, don't, didn't work. more importantly, it would be further proof that, after all this time, he & his think-tank of super smart idiots still don't have a clue as to how to "CREATE" jobs.

so, let's see:::1  state = 38%
                      49 states = 62% or 1.265% per state
looking at that math makes one wonder why no else looked at the math but, then again, obamas math has always been 'fuzzy' at best---(no wonder his grades are 'locked')---anyway, 38% should have made somebody in obamas camp jump up & say, look obama, we should either go to texas or invite them here to see what they're doing that we aren't--------that is, if obama was serious about 'creating' jobs in the first place.

Texas, again congratulations & i can only hope that you are willing to share your methods for creating jobs with the rest of america should they come a calling since our so-called leader lacks the 'gonads'
to call you himself. go texas!!!

america, here's a link & you can go to find out how texas did your own homework....