Tuesday, April 5, 2016


hello america!!! yes, i've no doubt that donald trump speaks in a manner that turns people away from supporting him, however, to you i say, listen to what he's saying instead of how he's saying it &, do yourself a favor & research the whole message rather than just accept the media-edited version---this is what he said about people crossing  & there is a lot of truth in it---but, don't forget, illegal aliens are here from all of the latin american countries---

you may argue but, we are not getting their best & far too many of them have to be taken care of once they're here---the crimes, drugs & violence speak for themselves...what's lost on our 'super smart idiots' in charge & the media is, mexico has a lot to do with who & what crosses our southern border & only goes through the motions to prevent it...

obama & company, along with the dem & repub candidates, & the media went crazy when trump said he would ban muslims from entering our country---& you jumped on that wagon because that's all you heard or read---just so you'll know where i'm coming from, here's cbsnews challenging the legality of trumps ban READ OR LISTEN HERE &, in this washington post article, the commentators talk while trump is talking & no where did they print what he actually said---CLICK HERE & that is what the media runs with---their own edited version & you wonder why he calls them dishonest???

look, trump said, he would ban all muslims from entering our country until our people (gov't) could figure out what was going on &, he said all of that in one sentence plus, he gave his reasons why, however, it wasn't reported that way...yes, it seems harsh & a host of other negative things, however, ask yourself this:::other than radicalized islamists, what other religions have threatened us or have shown that they will harm us &, from what region of the world are they coming from??? when our enemy has the adaptability to blend in, we have to go extra lengths to protect ourselves---we can't tell where the refugees are coming from, who they are or, what their intentions are &, sadly, our gov't has admitted this...

in reference to trumps saying a woman should be punished for having an abortion (because that's all you hear or read about) i suggest you read an earlier post of mine on this issue---HERE...

as for our trades deals, they all need to be scraped & redone on a country-by-country basis---if we're importing more than we are exporting, something is wrong---plus, there is no reason for companies to be allowed to close up shop, lay off our people, move to another country & sell us their products without a penalty---our taxes, regulations & unions have a direct effect on why this is happening so often & must be addressed so as to prohibit from continuing...

our vets have earned their dues & obama was supposed to address their issues during his 1st term & didn't---it's time to allow them to get the medical & mental healthcare they need whenever they want or need it without going through waiting lists & bad services...

our military is rapidly shrinking while the world's military's are growing---we need to instantly reverse this & become number one in all aspects relating to our military because we offer the world more peace when we are strong & willing to use that strength...

this is simple---trump is the only one that has hired hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life...american citizens don't need more handouts, they need jobs & yes, there are those that are absolutely in need of gov't assistance...

we do need to make our country great again while putting american needs & interests first!!!


hello america!!! you may not agree with how donald trump says things (he's an extremely blunt speaker) but, you can't argue with the logic of his comments---our southern border has always been a major problem to & for us &, under obama & company, those problems have escalated to the present point of having our immigration & border personnel ignore the laws concerning detections, apprehensions &, deportations...look, there can be no doubt that our agencies have had their hands handcuffed while trying to carry out their duties---hell, i've even read articles where our people have been told to stand down...

when we have our own gov't advertising food stamps in mexico---you can google it yourself or read it  HERE while allowing train & bus loads of unchecked immigrants to enter our country, the problem has become deliberate &, our gov't heads have been telling us they can't track these people once they're let loose within our borders---hell, we even have places where these people are safe CLICK HERE & that should be illegal in itself...for that matter, you & none of the talking heads can convince me that unaccompanied 6 or 7 year old foreign kids can travel from ecuador to texas (approx 2,918 miles) without being detected until they arrive here---they have to have help from the countries they're passing through...

our primary southern border problems are::: drugs, sex-slave trafficking, illegal aliens, threat of radical islamists, smuggling, gangs, crime, violence, property destruction, drains on our personnel & financial resources (across the whole country) &, i'm sure you can add to this list..

the biggest solution to our southern border problems is to build a workable wall & to allow our agencies to carry out their duties &, this is how we do it TRUMP'S WALL PLAN---no matter what, we will have some saying that trump's plan is impossible...