Monday, May 29, 2017


hello america!!! at what point will you, the american people, start demanding that those we elect to public office do their job???

it's been just over 4 months since donald trump was elected & the dems have fought him every step of the way on everything he campaigned to do---yes, even i know that if trump is just halfway successful, he'd earn a second term & that is one of the reasons the dems are fighting against 'anything trump'---hell, he is a direct threat to their 'power' over you & if they lose their 'power' over you, you'll have no reason to vote for them because, up to now, you've always voted for the dems based on what they claimed they'd do for you...

the dems are not above using 'scare tactics' to retain your votes---surely you remember the "throw granny off the cliff" ads; & today, the dems are saying trump's budget proposal will "kill your children"; as for his healthcare package, "26 million people will lose their healthcare" &, before you even give that any thought, which 26 million people are they talking about??? (obamacare has only 11 to 15 million people on it because the rest are on medicaid)---seemingly, every time the repubs come up with a plan, the dems say it will cause the world to stop---they claim the budget plan will 'kill' medicaid & yet, trump is proposing to leaving it up to the states to weed out those on medicaid & food stamps that are eligible & able to work---what's wrong with that???

under obama, the dems had 8 straight years to get our country running correctly---they didn't pass laws that actually helped us & factually, they did everything to make us more dependent upon them for gov't relief---these same deals trump is working out with businesses to either enter or remain in our jobs markets could have been done under obama---if you care to remember, 332 plus repub house passed bills just sat on the desk of (then) dem senator majority leader harry reid & many of them were work-related bills however, i can't remember the left-wing media raising hell about that nor do i remember obama telling the senate to send him those bills---DO YOU???

look at trump's tax plan to which the dems say it helps the wealthy---what they purposely don't tell you is, TRUMP'S TAX PLAN AS IS WILL CUT EVERYBODY'S RATE TO 15% & THOSE MAKING $25,000 OR LESS WILL PAY NO FEDERAL TAXES, PERIOD!!! good people, that's a great thing for all taxpayers---far too many people of color make $24,000 or less & they should be all over their elected politicians to put this plan into law as should every other taxpayer---plus the plan would lower the corporate tax rate freeing up more money which translates to many, many more jobs---look, why should somebody that makes $35,000 a year even care if somebody making more gets the same tax rate of 15%???

no, i don't agree with everything trump proposes & yes, even i have a problem with how it comes out of his mouth---he's extremely blunt but, for whatever reason, i like that---plus, i like that he doesn't back down---we all need somebody like that (regardless of political party) to stand up for 'regular america'...

a big part of me wants trump to pull his healthcare plan & allow obamacare to either fail or succeed & hey, it's failing---the dems aren't proposing anything & seemingly have no idea on how to get the insurers that left the market back nor do they have any plans for combating the escalating costs of premiums & deductibles yet, they're still fighting for it---when will you stand up & demand better because i want to know what you're going to do when you can't afford it; & worse, what are you going to do when there are no insurers left in your state to do business with leaving you & yours uninsured??? if you care to remember, the obamacare bill was a bill that 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it' (then speaker of the house, dem nancy pelosi told us)---'you can keep your doctor & plan' (a big lie)---it's affordable (the 2nd biggest lie)---'it's good for all americans' (the biggest lie of all---our elected officials don't want it, obama & his family don't want it, the unions don't want it, the medical profession doesn't want it however, it's good for you)---hell, even aarp which endorsed it then doesn't want it---that should have told you something a long time ago---congress & our presidents should have to live with the same laws they force on us...

instead of focusing on all the 'left-wing donald trump hate', perhaps you should actually look up his proposals & see what's in them for yourselves & than make an informed decision about them instead of just following the crowd...