Tuesday, July 3, 2012


hello america!!! it's one thing not to see the writing on the wall &, it's quite another when you keep banging into the wall & walk away with the ink smeared on your face. in either event, you'd think that an average person would finally get the message---well, not obama & based on his reactions to his failed policy's i can only say he may have attended harvard but, i'll bet he flunked 'lunch'. here's the ink & it's on the wall & when you see obama tommorow, you'll see the ink on his face---

by the way, isn't GE the same company that jeffrey immelt was the CEO of? you know jeffrey don't you? he chaired obamas jobs council...i cannot understand why obama would go after gov mitt romney when he allowed jeffrey to do what he did on his watch...please read it here...
& a follow up from ABC....

obama has a problem with hiring bad choices followed by bad policy's & then he neglects to see the damage he's done. how could he let jeffrey sit in the whitehouse while he canned american jobs & hired overseas? what a man?

america, when your 'so-called' leader wants to give you food stamps over jobs, you know we all have a big problem.....you should contact him & ask him why?
&, when you're talking to him, ask what's wrong with the dem senate? how come they're not doing anything about these house passed bills just sitting there &, how is it the repubs fault?


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/       just for the hell of it, i rechecked the jobs situation at 7:15pm/est & i was somewhat surprised to see the amount of layoffs that had been added to the list---unfortunately, we have no one in a leadership position that can help us reverse the continuing loss of jobs........obama talks all that crap about helping 'small business's' but, his record doesn't back up his rhetoric---see here---

now, if small business's aren't meeting the standards then the fed gov't should do something to help them meet them. it's as simple as that. obamas about 'talking' about it but he's not about being about it.............


hello america!!! despite knowing that he doesn't have all his facts right, obama just won't give up & change tactics. this is why we are in the shape we are in. he would rather 'lie' & 'smear' gov mitt romney because, as he said, he doesn't believe americans follow the campaigning that much. they'll read, see or, hear the headlines & the damage is done. that's very pathetic for a man who is supposed to 'lead' our country & says a lot about his lack of character.....see here.....

this is just one of the 'independent fact-finders'.....please read it.....

i have no tolerance for a liar especially when they deliberately lie & know the truth. however, this seems to be what obama is all about. one would think that when he 'discovered' he had lied, he would apologize & keep the campaign clean.

how & why should america continue to trust obama. this is, by far, not his first lie &, judging by his lack of morals & lack of character, he will continue to 'lie'.


hello america!!! 'hind sight'---'monday morning quarter backing', or whatever else you wish to call it is: the ability to look back at what you did or didn't do & come up with ways to improve what you did or didn't do. the only problem with this is:::::::::it only works after the fact.

okay, we have obamacare as our law &, like it or not, now is the time for our congress to take it & vastly improve it. i love the fact that those with pre-conditions cannot be denied coverage however, 'taxing' those that may not be able to afford it is wrong. the senate should take this up at the very next session where 51 votes will decide its fate.

that said::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::what part of hindsight does obama not possess? can he honestly not see the forest because of the trees? the hurting fact is, americans need jobs-not lip service & obama seems not to even have a clue that something is wrong so, he just continues with that 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it' attitude.

when one is battling the 'headwinds' (as obama says), one should veer from the course they're on & seek a more favorable route. you just don't steer into the storm: you try to outrun it; you go around it or, you go over it........you just don't sit in the path & wait for it to smack you in the face---& think, i never even passed by harvard or columbia & yet, even i know the above to be true.

say it any way you wish however, the bottom line is, obamas economic policy has failed america horribly. the excuses used in his defense didn't hold water before & they don't hold water now...he promised us so much & has delivered so little. yes, he signed obamacare into law but, in truth, the time he spent on obamacare would have been better spent on putting this nation back to work. & please, don't run that crap that he's only one man on me....his regulations; his signing the dodd/frank bill; his active support of public sector jobs vs his non-support for private sector jobs; his staunch support for unionized labor; his stubborn refusal to cap gov't spending; his inability to pay down our national debt; his lack of a detailed plan to move america forward; his extremely feeble attempts to work with the repubs in congress; his consistently blaming pres bush & the repubs for our problems; his total refusal to ask the dem controlled senate to act on all the house-passed jobs related bills just sitting there, all severely hurt this great nation ................see here...........http://www.gop.gov/indepth/jobs/tracker 

however, obama is going after gov mitt romney's record as gov of mass with lies...see here...
http://factcheck.org/2012/06/obama-twists-romneys-economic-record/    & says nothing about his own.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/    i don't expect july to be a good month for job growth especially with the post office layoffs kicking in along with other company's...i'm still waiting for june's numbers to get posted but, i've heard 100,000 jobs may have been added. obama & company will tout that as a sign things may be turning around but, i'll have to dig out the jobs lost for the month.......nobody seems to see anything positive in the near future...see here...

in fact, things are so bad you have this.....

& here, while everybody is trying to figure out where the next dollar is coming from, look at this...

i am so glad my gov't is really trying to save our dollars, i mean, it's not like we don't have more because if you say we don't, we have this...which opens up a new can of worms......
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/02/wind-farm-foes-claim-obama-administration-caved-to-political-pressure/    i can only wonder if the ag, william holder, will lead this investigation also?????