Monday, August 1, 2011


hello america!!! i can't believe that after all this debate on raising the national debt ceiling, the repubs caved in to what harry reid came up with. you cannot convince me that this is the best the repubs can get for america. the bill is crap & all those that think differently are un-american in their thoughts.

the bill does not address a lot of problems & their are no guarantees on what the 'super committee' will come up with. in fact, it cuts our the defense department (thank you , obama). i will discuss this bill in a minute but, we are approaching 15 trillion dollars of debt & the best these assholes (both party's) can come up is with 2.7 trillion dollars?

at this point, i am fed up with the repubs &, i will actively seek to support the TEA PARTY.

here is the bill as it stands right now but, i am hoping that the house will shoot it down....

just the fact that obama is willing to sign it should tell you it's a bad bill.