Tuesday, April 12, 2016


hello america!!! have you ever noticed that the politicians (from obama on down) that favor more middle east refugees to enter our country are the very same politicians that favor illegal aliens to settle within our borders, however, they just don't want them in their neighborhoods---but, that should come as no surprise to you because they are the same politicians that told you obamacare was good enough for you but not good enough for them...HMMM???

imagine this:::obama & company leave office (2017) with their families &, wherever they settle, you won't find undocumented immigrants or middle east refugees living there---PERIOD!!! hell, they couldn't even get obama to visit the border &, you might remember the amount of security his daughters had when they went on spring break to mexico (2012)...

look, i'm all for helping people but not at the cost of not being able to help ourselves first---&, when our gov't officials tell us they don't have the means to track the illegal aliens combined with they don't know & can't prove if all the refugees are truly what they proclaim themselves to be, why in the hell should we be so willing to allow them here???

not all illegal aliens will sneak across our borders to commit crimes &, not all people from the middle east wish us harm but, how do we prove that prior to allowing them to resettle here---the flip-side of that is, some do commit crimes & some do wish us harm...you'd have to be a very 'special kind of stupid' not to accept that as fact...

good people, i don't care what side of the fence you're on, if sarah root were your daughter, i wonder how you'd feel---READ HERE...this crime (& others) committed by illegal aliens could have/should have been prevented if we would simply enforce our laws &, we already have proof that there are those within the muslim communities that wish to do us harm---will it take another boston bombing or san bernardino shooting where you lose a loved one for you to open your eyes???

we have far too many problems among our own people for us to open our doors & allow just anybody else in to contribute to them...