Tuesday, October 30, 2018


hello america!!! with only a week to go before the mid-term elections, it's time for those of you that haven't decided who to vote for to open your minds to reality...

&, that reality is...

1.....who doesn't want to pay less taxes???
2.....who doesn't want better care & services for our veterans???
3.....who doesn't want a terminally ill person to at least have the 'right to try' an unproved drug???
4.....who doesn't want the drugs, gangs & violence out of our communities???
5.....who doesn't want businesses returning to our lands & setting up shop???
6.....who doesn't want to know the costs of our drugs when they flash across the tv???
7.....who doesn't want their doctor to not tell them about cheaper, available drugs???
8.....who doesn't want 'fairer' trades deals for our country???
9.....who doesn't want countries that use our services & aid not to pay us their 'fair share'???
10...who doesn't want to be americans 'lifted' off of welfare or food stamps???
11...who doesn't want our police to be supported & respected???
12...who doesn't want our military to have & be the best in the world???
13...who doesn't want our 401K's & stocks to flourish???
14...who doesn't want to know who's entering our country & why???
15...who doesn't want our businesses to thrive???
16...who doesn't want our children to go to the schools of our own choice???
17...who doesn't want foreigners to follow our laws to cross our borders???
18...who doesn't want north korea nuke free & at peace with us???
19...who doesn't want dangerous illegal aliens rounded up & deported???
20...who doesn't want our judges to follow the constitution & not make their own laws???
21...who doesn't want our 'captured overseas citizens' released & returned to us free of charge???
22...who doesn't want our fellow citizens employed???
23...who doesn't want our economy to continue to grow???
24...who doesn't want american interests our #1 priority when dealing with other countries???
25...who doesn't want america to regain & keep her 'greatness'???
26...who doesn't want our media to just report the facts to us & allow us to make our own opinions???

good people, if you vote for the dems & put them in charge of our congress, the majority of what's been accomplished by the trumpster & company will be reversed---the dems have already said they would repeal the tax act thus raising your taxes; they would strip money from our military; they would seek to impeach judges so as to seat those that think would rule favorably for them; they would kill jobs & increase our benefits rolls just to name a few...

if you truly want this country to prosper, you need to vote repubs into office that will support the trump agenda & hey, so far, he's delivered 'bigly'...

as quiet as it's been kept, here is a complete list of all legislature signed into law by the trumpster...

270 of them & you don't hear squat about them from the media...

here is a link to the trumpsters accomplishments---http://www.magapill.com/

please back a trump-supporting candidate with your vote...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


hello america!!! have you ever taken the time to question why several people can all say the same thing but, only one of them is negatively labeled for it???

the dems & left-wing media have branded the trumpster for being racist against hispanics & yet, bill clinton, hillary clinton & obama are the apples in your eyes---now, why is that???

we have several 'caravans' of people (in the thousands) heading our way from honduras & guatemala (& who knows from where else?) whose only purpose is to enter our country illegally---& the trumpster is racist for wanting to keep them out???

FLASHBACK to bill clinton in 1995---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swtDFqaXy6Y &, because you still won't believe everything you see & hear, here is his actual transcript in full which is well worth reading because it reads like the trumpster might have written it---https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-before-joint-session-the-congress-the-state-the-union-11 ---NOBODY CALLED HIM RACIST FOR HIS REMARKS!!!

FLASHBACK to obama in 2005---https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4656370/sen-barack-obama-illegal-immigration --- & obama wrote (in his book 'audacity of hope') about how illegal immigration hurts black workers, etc---https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/05/04/black_america_face_the_facts_on_illegal_immigration_136979.html ---NOBODY CALLED HIM RACIST FOR HIS REMARKS!!!

FLASHBACK to hillary in 2008---https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/1194817098972/hillary-clinton-on-immigration.html --- &, we have this one for you---https://www.weeklystandard.com/daniel-halper/hillary-i-voted-for-border-fence-to-keep-out-illegal-immigrants ---NOBODY CALLED HER RACIST FOR HER REMARKS!!!



simply stated, we do need a border wall; we do need a merit-based system for accepting immigrants; we do need to get rid of the immigration lottery system; we do need to know who's entering our lands, where they're coming from &, what their intentions are, so yes, the trumster is 100% correct & is not being racist...

most of the country's these people are 'so-called' fleeing from are 'shit-hole' country's & that's because they have 'shitty' leaders that only take care of themselves...

everybody/anybody wishing to come to our country (for whatever reasons) need to do so legally because any other way is illegal...


hello america!!! this is an update on the homicides from 6 communities i've been following...

chicago---481 total homicides/379 of them black/63 of them hispanic/66 of them female/cops killed at least 4 people & wounded 10

baltimore---258 total homicides/199 of them black/4 of them hispanic/28 of them female

la county---478 total homicides/129 of them black/236 of them hispanic/80 of them female/cops killed at least 31 people

jacksonville---83 total homicides/61 of them black/no hispanics listed/22 of them female

milwaukee---89 total homicides/67 of them black/5 of them hispanic/18 of them female

st louis---153 total homicides/128 of them black/1 of them hispanic/16 of them female

6 communities---1,542 total homicides/963 of them black/315 of them hispanic/230 of them female/cops killed at least 35 people & wounded 10...

the media doesn't report any of it unless it becomes 'sensationalized' &, guess what, they're the ones that control what they do &/or don't report on, however, let a cop kill a person of color (justified or not) & everybody goes crazy...

before you cast your vote, ask your politicians what do they plan to stop all of this senseless killing...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


hello america!!! obama is running around our country trying to take credit for our economic growth &, here's an example of that from youtube---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sec8Q_EBkNo...

before i continue, you first have to realize that it was the dems (& obama) that allowed the housing market collapse to occur by not acting on any of the fannie mae/freddie mac warnings from (then) pres george bush (starting in oct-2001) &, this is your proof https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html  &, don't be afraid of 'fact-checking' the sources listed---i can only hope you read it with an open mind because it's not what you've been hearing from the media & yet, it's recorded for posterity...

i guess it's fair of you to ask me what that has to do with obama & it's just as fair for me to respond---obama was an illinois state senator from 1/1997-11/2004---then he was elected as a us senator from 1/2005-11/2008---then he was elected as president from 1/2009-1/2017---in all of that time (through the present) he never once acknowledged the bush warnings---in fact, he's blamed bush for that collaspe & everything related to it ever since---so much for 'manning up'???

now, obama thinks you're too dumb to figure out his 'switch & bait' tactics (which the dems are famous for) & is trying to claim credit for our country's 'trump-bump' when it was him & his party (along with some rino's) that allowed all that pain & suffering (& ruin for some) to be inflicted upon us---i find it ironic that the dodd/frank bill (signed into law by obama) comes from 2 of the most influential dems elected to serve us & yet, they thwarted those bush warnings at every chance they got)...

good people, obama & company are on record for saying our (then) gdp growth of 1.7% was the new norm---trump campaigned on raising it to 3% & all the dems & media called him insane---i guess trump's 4.1% gdp is insane??? this was written 2014---http://www.aei.org/publication/team-obama-sorry-america-the-new-normal-may-be-here-to-stay/...

obama's on record for saying the jobs are not coming back & mocking the trumpster while doing it---i might add, 5 plus minutes of wonderful talk backed up by NO ACTION...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKpso3vhZtw ---i cannot wait for the trumpster to walk on one of those big stages with a big-ass 'magic wand'---no words will be needed...

look, pres bush added about $5 trillion dollars to our national debt & he was called un-american as you will witness here---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLmru6no4U ---so, if obama damn near doubled that (from $10.6 trillion to $19.9 trillion), what does that make him???

when you can see it, touch it, smell it & taste it, common sense has to prevail & hey, i'm here to tell you that the trumpsters tax cuts; corporations tax cuts; canceling/re-working our trades deals; jobs growth/record low unemployment stats; repealing regulations; &, putting american interests first has propelled our economy in such a way that even has some of his 'haters' giving him credit---https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/07/how-trump-has-set-economic-growth-on-fire.html & hey, obama has had nothing to do with it---in fact, when obama was asked about all of those stimulus/recovery act shovel-ready jobs he promised, he joked about them not being so shovel-ready---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O55aRrvXtio--- by the way, why don't you ask your dem leaders how many of their 'hated 1-percenters' benefited from the obama stimulus & recovery act??? &, before you get caught up in all the hype, please, remember this---https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/obama-has-little-to-show-for-his-lavish-spending-on-roads-green-energy-and-e-cars/ &, just so you know, there's this---https://www.dailysignal.com/2012/10/18/president-obamas-taxpayer-backed-green-energy-failures/

you have to know that all gov't money is your money & it's up to every voter in america to elect responsible people to spend it...

the dems, left-wing media & rino's (repubs in name only) fear the trumpster because he is exposing them for what they truly are---they are power-hungry liars, charlatans & procrastinators---they exist only to serve their own interests &, i'm sorry to tell you this, the good of the american people is not a part of that---

america, don't just look at where we were & compare it to where we are---also look at where we could be if the trumpster gets more repubs elected to help him actually serve the american people...

obama could/should have been a great president, however, he failed america...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


hello america!!! what part of 'common sense' don't you understand???

the trumpster has done what presidents prior to him promised to do until they were elected...
1.....they all talked about our immigration problems
2.....they all talked about our unfair trades deals
3.....they all talked about moving our embassy to jerusalem
4.....they all talked about helping the middle-class
5.....they all talked about north korea
6.....they all talked about more jobs
7.....they all talked about our drug problems
8.....they all talked about healthcare
9.....they all talked about helping our veterans
10...they all talked about our energy problems
11...they all talked about climate change

'talk' was pretty much all we received from clinton to obama, & hey, i can break the facts down for you in another writing if you so desire me to but, for now, i'm going to keep it simple...

enter the trumpster & it's a matter of 'promises made/promises kept &, you can see his accomplishments RIGHT HERE...

vote for those that will help the trumpster continue making america great again...

Monday, October 15, 2018


hello america!!! the following post is in direct response to those 'people-of-color' that are upset with kanye west's comments at the white house with the trumpster---bear in mind that these are the same people that don't have an honest idea about what's going on in our country (at least they pretend not to know) &, without knowing them, i'll bet they are either liberals &/or dems...

kanye talked about the senseless violence in chicago & what he thought was needed to combat it &, you mock him for being honest---to the uninformed, he spoke the truth---he talked about 'single parenting' in the hood & you mocked him---he talked about needed jobs in the hood & yet, you still mocked him---he talked about the senseless violence we're inflicting on each other &, you mocked him---he talked about the police being forced into certain situations & our responses to them &, you mocked him...

these are the latest chicago 2018 homicides stats that you so blatantly ignore...
467 total homicides of which 359 of them black/59 of them hispanic/63 of them female &, for all of you that love to jump on that 'hate-the-police' bandwagon, the chicago cops killed at least 4 people & have wounded 10---per https://heyjackass.com/category/2018-stats/ which is backed up by other chicago web sites & media, however, don't just take my word for it, google chicago homicides & choose for yourselves...

if you care to remember, the trumpster offered to send the feds into chicago to help with the gangs, drugs & violence but was turned down---in fact, dem mayor (rahm emanuel) declared it a 'never trump city'---please think about this---chicago asked for fed help for the 560 plus car hi-jackings (2018) but not for the violence---JUST SO YOU KNOW, there have been (at least) 3,691 chicago homicides under that same dem mayor since 2011...

the above are just not 'talking points'---they are the facts that our black & hispanic elected leaders (& many, many others) refuse to address---the trumpster has addressed them but, you refuse to acknowledge him because you're so hell-bent on following what the dems program you to say & think---so yes, it bothers me when i see somebody being dragged through the mud for telling the TRUTH...

the people &/or groups of people that criticize kanye for speaking out are the same people that post all those 'prayers going up' for our celebrities when they die & yet, they don't have crap to say about all the black/hispanic homicides that occur on a daily basis---hell, the left-wing media doesn't even cover them unless they somehow become 'sensationalized'...

because i'm such a nice guy, i'd suggest that you try listening to all that kanye said for yourselves &, you can do that by clicking on this link---https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=gdvgxdcfV4g...

quit letting the left-wing media, celebrities & dems 'control' how you think---search out the facts & make your own decisions---people of color, you don't owe the dem party anything---if anything, they owe you because of the deliberate way they have suppressed your growth as a people &, that's a debt you'll collect from them...

be honest with yourselves & each other &, once you arm yourselves with the truth, you'll be surprised at how much voting power you actually have---8 long years under obama & company should be proof enough of what the dems truly crave & hey, your interests aren't a part of that---they crave power & they do whatever they can to obtain it &, they attack anybody that gets in their way to include kanye...

blacks & hispanics (thanks to the trumpster) are far better off now than they were under a black president &, you owe it to yourselves & your people to go out & vote people into office that will support his agenda because true math never lies & hey, i'm here to tell you that the dems want so badly to undo everything that he has accomplished...

look at the TRUTH---the dems are so busy talking about how the trumster is so bad for you & that he's doing everything wrong but, have you ever heard them talk about a plan to provide even more jobs??? or, how they will combat the drugs/gangs/violence we witness every day in our communities??? or, how they will combat our immigration problems??? or, how how they will make other country's pay their fare share??? or, how they will lower your taxes even more??? etc, etc, etc, etc...

vote for those that will actually do something positive for you...

Sunday, October 7, 2018


hello america!!! if you listen to &/or watch the main-street-media for your news, you are going to be greatly surprised at what all donald trump has actually accomplished because so much of what he's done has been 'deliberately' kept from you---so, please take the time to avail yourself to the facts that have carefully been hidden from you---PLEASE CLICK HERE...

look, you'd have to a very 'special kind of stupid' not to remember all the labels that the trumpster was tagged with & yet, when i go through the list of accomplishments, i can't find where his actions match up with any of those labels---speaking of labels, i posted the following on a saturday 12/16/17---CLICK HERE--- 

good people, many of you are wondering that, if the trumpster is so 'good for america', why are so many opposing him??? the answer is really simple---the dems oppose him because they want 'power'---the power of the presidency; the power of the senate; &, the power of the house of reps &, along with the left-wing media, everything the trumpster has done &/or will do is summed up as epic failures---i.e; his 'blustery talk' about & to north korea was supposed to have led us to war; his pulling us out of the paris climate agreement was supposed to have the ice-caps melting overnight; his pulling us out of nafta & other trades deals was supposed to lead to stock markets crashes & global trades war; his talk about a 3% (or more) gdp was the talk of a mentally challenged person; his talks about bringing back jobs/company's from overseas was the talk of a man needing a 'magic wand'; etc, etc, etc---please, honestly look at what  all he's done in less than 2 full years of being on the job & decide for yourselves...

now, back to that 'power' comment---the dems want full power so as to control your lives &, they will stop at nothing to achieve that goal & that includes throwing their own under the bus (latest case in point, those 4 accusations against brett kavanaugh for the supreme court---we're supposed to believe them simply because they came from women without any proof---they threw dr ford under the bus with no regard to how she'll be impacted by the dems making it all public---can you imagine how dem sen shumer would react if a female accuse him of sexual misbehavior some 30 years ago without proof??? nobody on their side would even suggest an fbi investigation & the media would blow it off)...

america, regardless of what you may think of the trumpster, which president prior to him even thought of an 'america first' agenda??? &, his agenda is working in spite of all the opposition from the dems, left-wing media & rinos (repubs in name only)---he has shown the world that the way we were doing business (both here & abroad) was seriously flawed &, if you can't/ won't accept that, it's you that has the problem...

Saturday, October 6, 2018


hello america!!! when one knows the facts, one cannot be easily deceived...

in june 2018 when supreme court justice anthony kennedy announced his retirement, the dems wasted no time in publicly saying they would do all that they could to keep the supreme court seat open until after the mid-term elections & would oppose whoever donald trump nominated for that seat---this was a carefully thought out strategy with the hopes of derailing/delaying the confirmation of whoever was nominated with the hopes of re-taking the senate majority in those mid-terms---PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, FEDERAL COURTS JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH HAD NOT EVEN BEEN SELECTED YET---the dems didn't care who was nominated...

apparently, kavanaugh was already on trumps short list (as well as others) &, once he was named, the dems went into overdrive to commit their dastardly deeds & hey, we're caught up in their wrong-doings as i write this...

but first, i have to give props where props are due---donald trump (the trumpster) has taught the repubs how to fight back &, i'll be forever grateful for that & to him---for far too long the repubs have always capitulated to the dems & hopefully, they will now continue to stand up & fight for their principles &, more importantly, stand up & fight for the betterment of all of america...

kavanaugh has now undergone 7 separate fbi investigations &, with all the dems screaming for his head, one would think that something negative would have been revealed, however, nothing has come out that would hurt him, in fact, it's just the opposite...

the dems (on the judiciary committee) tried to find negative flaws in the more than 300 court opinions against kavanaugh but failed to do so---they've attacked everything this man has written or said & have repeatedly come up short---& yet, during the hearings, they dragged him through the mud---hell, the judge had to visit (individually) with more than 60 senators (judicial committee) in their own offices for hours at a time & none of the senators reported a bad meeting...

at the completion of the hearings & the dems realized that they could not derail/delay the process from going forward, the letter alleging 'forceful-sexual groping' by kavanaugh suddenly surfaced in the news---it's important that you know that this info was only revealed shortly after a date to vote on the kavanaugh nomination was set...

look, let's keep it real---the top dem on the senate judiciary committee, sen dianne feinstein had received that letter in july 2018 & sat on it---she never mentioned it to kavanaugh during her 2 hour meeting with him in her office &, she never reported/revealed it to the committee during the hearings; she had that letter in july &, suddenly, since the dems couldn't stop kavanaugh's nomination process, the letter was leaked to the press & then, sen feinstein referred the letter to the fbi---WOW!!! THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM??? by the way, feinstein has denied leaking that letter & when asked about that, she went on to say that she hadn't asked her staff about it---MORE WOW!!!

dr christine blasey ford wrote that letter & sent it to a dem congresswoman (ca-rep anna eshoo) who sent it to feinstein---you have to realize that it was also feinstein's office that recommended lawyer debra katz---&, the rest of this story has been played out in the news---because of that letter, the committee vote was delayed until a hearing with ford & kavanaugh was held...

the hearing on the 'groping allegations' was powerful & both ford & kavanaugh were credible, however, nothing was 'PROVED' for or against kavanaugh---after watching the hearings, if anything, i'm confused as to how it was allowed to get this far---
1...ford couldn't remember how she arrived at the party or how she got home;
2...she couldn't remember where the party was & other specifics;
3...she named 4 witnesses that have all denounced the incident under penalty of a felony

which leaves me with this, if an allegation is made, doesn't one have to provide some substantial proof??? &, if that proof is not forthcoming, should a person have his life torn apart & be forbidden to pursue his/her employment???

others have come forth making other allegations, however, some have back-tracked &/or recanted & others have been proved false---please allow that sink in...

america, kavanaugh visited 65 senators prior to his hearing; he sat under oath for over 30 hours during his first senate judiciary committee hearing addressing over 2,000 questions from both sides; he has submitted over 6,100 pages of papers requested by the committee; the committee has supposedly read through more than a million pages of papers (know that during the hearings, the dems (trying to delay the process) were stuck on requesting even more papers that they knew kavanaugh did not own & could not produce---they knew they were protected by executive privilege (for those of you that disagree with that system, know that obama, as well as every other president, uses that system for their own reasons---so, don't blame the trumpster for it like the dems have done---he didn't seal the records instead, talk to pres bush)...

good people, over a year a go, i was talking to my significant other (the lovely & beautiful D.H.) before she retired about how to hurt a co-worker or manager by making a false allegation by posting an anonymous note on your work-place bulletin board---such as, (& please, don't do this) manager (insert any man's name) gropes little boys in the park & supposedly, there are pictures of him doing it---word's going to get around the workplace &, sooner or later, higher management is going to call him into the office---there is no way he can prove he's innocent &, he's either going to be fired or his fellow-workers are going to stop associating with him to the point he's forced to retire because of the hostility---the point is, no proof is needed to ruin somebody...

&, for you people of color, far too many of us are behind bars simply because we couldn't prove we didn't do what we were accused of doing---I SPEAK FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE...if anything, all of you (male & female) should be supporting kavanaugh until 'factual proof' against him surfaces...

while i feel for ford & kavanaugh, i'm deeply disappointed in the way the dems have politicized all of this & hey, i'm here to tell you that main-street media must be held accountable---simply put, anything for the dems & everything against the repubs---&, we owe it to our country to get out & vote people into office that will allow &/or help our country to grow as a people (which the dems & m-s-m are against)...

be real---when the dem minority leader (little chucky) got in front of cameras (from day 1 & on) saying he would oppose kavanaugh's nomination, no matter what, what more do you need??? hell, they said from the very beginning that they were going to oppose whoever was nominated...

america, what happened to kavanaugh (in the absence of factual proof) can happen to any of us---&, for you women that think this is strictly a 'man-thing' you are dead wrong---anybody that has a grudge against you can always make allegations against you 'groping little boys/girls in the park' & there's no way in hell you can PROVE you didn't & hey, once those allegations are out there, your life is going to change...

for all of those that reject the dems trying to ruin kavanaugh's life (simply because they hope to be in a position to be able to stop whoever the trumpster nominates), you just might want to get out & vote repub during the mid-terms to send a message to the dems that this is not acceptable...

in truth, i believe that something happened to dr ford, i just don't think that whatever it was was done by judge kavanaugh---just think, this could happen to any american at any time & your life would be ruined because you can't prove you didn't do what the allegations say you did---& yes, the dems have again shifted the goal-posts in the middle of the game...