Tuesday, March 27, 2012


hello america!!! color me stupid; call me stupid; however, you'll never be able to call me ignorant...i was against obamacare from the beginning &, the more i learn about, i still am.

there are those obama supporters that accept obamacare with open arms &, that's their right. that being said, let me ask all of you if the following makes sense.......

unless i have my facts confused, a big section of obamacare kicks in in 2014. part of that section says (paraphrazing here): that means, if you don't have & can't afford healthcare coverage, our federal government is
going to "penalize you with a fine" (this just happens to be what all the commotion is about...it's called the mandate). this also applies to business's for not offering you coverage.

so, you don't have it &, you really can't afford it (just google private healthcare coverage for 1), you're going to have to pay a fine!!! it's as simple as that & i'm not BS-ing.

if obamacare is allowed to stand, the federal government is going to force you get coverage either through your job, on your own or, through the welfare system...you won't have a choice...which leads me to this!!! IF THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH FORCING THE ABOVE ON YOU, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THEY FORCE YOU TO BUY WHATEVER ELSE THEY DEEM 'GOOD' FOR YOU...&, IF YOU DON'T BUY WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO, THEY WILL FINE YOU...............&, the other side of that is JAIL...

good people, obamacare is your vote gone amuck & i'm very happy to say that very few republicans supported it in washington dc &, regardless of which way the supreme court swings, this is a strong wake up call for what's down the road for this nation.