Tuesday, March 1, 2016


hello america!!! just 60 days into the new year (31 in jan & 29 in feb) & we already have 103 chicago homicides (READ HERE) that nobody seems to deem 'news-worthy'---the vast majority of the victims are of people of color & again, i wonder why obama & company are so extremely silent??? why are our 'so-called' civil rights leaders & organizations so extremely silent??? why are our own communities of people of color so extremely silent??? why are the 'non'-people of color people so extremely silent???

this report (CLICK HERE) ---(type 2016 in the 'search box') claims 105 homicides &, you can scroll down the alphabetical list to see gender, age & ethnicity---all but 4 of them are of people of color &, if i counted them correctly, 65 of those senseless killings are of people aged 30 years old or younger (the youngest was 10 years old)---at the current rate, chicago is looking at 600 plus murders this year &, just think, the warm weather isn't even here yet...

good people, think about this---a cop kills a person of color & we have 'demonstrations' in several states at the same time, however, people of color being killed in chicago doesn't cause a whimper---

i honestly believe that the following site should be required reading for all americans (SEE HERE)