Saturday, June 16, 2012


hello america!!! regardless of what the supreme court does to obamacare, be prepared for it to take over the headlines & become a major talking point for both party's...for gov mitt romney & the repubs it will be strictly offense & for obama & the dems it will be strictly defense....yeah, i know, i've been sipping too much 'moonjuice'.....well, that may be my problem however, your problem is you haven't sipped enough &, for you true obamaholics that believe everything he says, what his own people recently released about obamacare (if it's allowed to stand) will not be good news.........

i was against obamacare from the beginning. knowing what i know about obama & his penchant for 'lying', i knew whatever he said about obamacare was the opposite of what it would actually do.........yeah, i know...don't drink the 'moonjuice' warm...i also knew/know it wouldn't keep healthcare costs down. the plan was flawed from its inception......

CMS (us centers for medicare & medicaid services) released a report on the 'rising' costs of obamacare & the news is not good. so, rather then bore, i am going to post several links all saying the same on any one of them or look at them all but, it won't change the fact that you have been lied to once again....

you know what i like about the above news is, the costs would not rise if obamacare is not there....if the supreme court decides to let obamacare stand, we're in a lot worse trouble then we are now & that's no lie because, just waiting in the wings is that obamapanel made up of 15 obamrobots that will decide which services you may or may not get...

america, i don't want to alarm you or even look at the 'panic button' but hey, for how long are you going to allow your own country to be taken away from you? every day we are forced closer & closer to the very far left edge & it's just a matter of time before we'll find ourselves trying to hold on to a handful of grass to keep from going over...


hello america!!! it bothers me that nobody has challenged what people say about why the dream act failed to pass in the senate...below you have senators reid, boxer, durbin & obama all telling the same lie about the same thing---the dream acts failure to pass the senate. they all blame the other side (the repubs) but, the honest truth of the mater is, the bill failed because 5 dems voted against it & it needed 60 votes to pass. the final vote was 55 for/41 against/4 didn't vote...&, as you will see, 3 repubs actually voted for it...but, what do i know so, good people, i ask for your help because unless my calculator is broke, 55 plus 5 equals 60. did i get it right? those 5 dem 'no votes' were the difference & yet, the dems, from obama on down, blame the is the actual vote.............

look at the very last paragraph of this link.......

look at the very 1st paragraph of this link.......

look at the sentence directly below the video......

this is obama in the rose garden on 3 may 2012 for cinco de mayo telling another lie---you can skip ahead to about the 4 minute 18 second mark to hear him tell it or you can listen to the whole thing........

so, unless i missed a whole lot in school (i did), five (5) democrats caused the failure of the dream act to go through. &, regardless of what has been attempted since that vote, obama & the dems have no one other then those 5 dem no votes to blame...not the repubs........


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation......   the numbers keep piling up & there's no end in sight. more of the same failed 'jobs policy' is not the answer..........

now, onto something else 'job related' that obama has been very quiet about::::see here...........

the above is going to sneak up & catch a lot of good people off guard. one would think that obama would at least warn his fellow americans about what's coming but, i guess he's too busy campaigning to bother. besides, it just wouldn't look right. after all, wasn't he the one telling you about the bipartisan passage of the bill which extended the unemployment benefits? ah, maybe he just personal opinion is: he couldn't figure out a way to lie to you about it so he just remained silent.

i live in allentown pa & i've yet to find out where the city/state is setting the unemployment office up at. yes, we used to have one on hamilton down by 3rd street but they closed that up when they went to the automated telephone system. actually, the only info i've been able to get so far has a listing in easton pa at 220 ferry, knowitall can't help you with a local address....

on the other hand, you can always call obama & tell him that your having to go to one of the offices will present a 'hardship' on you & maybe he'll waive your having know, like he's waiving valid id cards for undocumented residents.

well just a thought however, be expecting that phone call or a letter. &, for those receiving the benefits, i just hope that this info can help you so that you don't get kicked out of the system & lose your checks & then have to re-enter the system...ain't nothing like expecting a check that never got mailed to you & you don't know why.......