Monday, April 22, 2013


hello america!!! the following link shows the fbi should have had the boston bombers on their radar screen but, they didn't...

& then, there's this...

which brings us to this...

there's plenty of blame to go around on why this was allowed to happen at an event that had a large, visable police & security presence &, this video will prove just that...     &, before i make my point, please take the time to study this picture & perhaps you'll make my point for me..........there are at least 11 cops in this picture.............

the following youtube link is 9:17 long however, i want to draw your attention to the 1:18 mark & the 1:26 mark. just look at the police (in yellow vests) & staffers/security (in yellow jackets)

here's the breakdown::::in the beginning, police & security are actually facing the crowd but a short time later, they turned their backs to the crowd to watch the race. now, i'm not saying they would have been able to actually spot the bombers planting the bombs &, i'm not blaming them. however, king kong could have planted a bomb to their turned backs.

we need to tighten up the training of those we place in positions to keep us safe. perhaps nobody would have spotted a backpack placed on the wrong side of the barrier & then again, it's hard to see what's coming from the east when you're facing west.

so, while many are happy with the boson police & our fbi, hindsight has proven that they (collectively) turned their backs &, before you call me an asshole, can you tell me how many secret service people would still be employed today if they turned their backs to the crowd to watch obama give a speech & somebody took a shot at him? 

no, i'm not calling for anybody's job however, i am calling for "better" training. we dropped the ball with the 9/11 airplane hijackers; we dropped the ball in benghazi; &, we dropped the ball in boston...what's next???

Friday, April 19, 2013


hello america!!! i don't wish to seem callous however, when i see how the authorities respond to the boston bombings, it makes me wonder if one persons life is more valuable than another's? the authorities locked down several communities in & around boston & launched a massive door-to-door search for the boston bombing suspect & the major media outlets have given the search continuous coverage. look, i really don't care how you feel about what's going on but hey, if they treated all homicides like this, there would be a lot less of them....

while i feel for 8 year old martin richard's family & friends & yes, i am very sympathetic, i have problems grasping what has been done for some but not for others.......this is the 8 year old's story & it deserves telling...    & then, you have this & you all don't say shit & the media doesn't cover it like they should...   &, we damn well know the authorities don't treat it the same.

good people, call me what you wish to but, let's just look at the facts:::::shooting in that aurora theater---all over the news; virginia tech shootings---all over the news; sandy hook shootings---all over the problem. 500 plus homicides (230 plus of them children) in 2012 in chicago---extremely little coverage...WHY??? is it because 392 of the homicides were black (77.01%)????-------so yeah, america, you got me wondering & hey, i don't like what i'm seeing because it points directly to racism.

how can a 6 month old being shot to death not be plastered all over the news? is it because she's black??? is it because she's not living in an affluent neighborhood???

so yeah, i have a problem when i see the death of the white 8 year old daily & none of the same reporting news agencies saying shit about a little black, 6 month old girl.........

Thursday, April 18, 2013


hello america!!! i have reached the point (concerning gun control) where being nice & polite doesn't pay. so, before i get into it, let me say this::::
#1.....any gun control proposal has to have a workable plan to take (& keep) illegal guns off our streets & out of the hands of gangs, criminals &, the mentally challenged.
#2.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be added to anybody convicted of a crime with a gun & must run consecutive to any other sentences.
#3.....a minimum of 10 years prison time needs to be given to those caught with illegal or stolen guns.
#4.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be given to those caught selling guns illegally.
#5.....assault-type weapons must be banned from the general public.
#6.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be given to anybody convicted of altering a gun to convert it to an automatic.

i'm sure congress can add more mandatory prison time to other gun related crimes, i.e; having a legal gun in the home & having it found in your vehicle when you're just driving around. yes, we're going to over-pack our jails however we can build new ones as needed. it sure beats creating more burial space.....we have to get serious &, by adding more mandatory jail time, the thugs would get the message in short time.

now, i am against 'background checks' so, i'll use obamas own argument against them: those applying for a gun would need to prove who they are & this would create an undue hardship on those that don't have & can't afford gov't issued id cards.......obama, surely you can remember how dead-set you are against people being able to prove who they are...........


hello america!!! while a lot of you are caught up in the tragedies that occurred in boston & texas, let's not forget that another national tragedy is constantly happening (week-after-week-after week)---JOBS---or lack thereof. the new jobless claims came out at 352,000 &, although obama talks about jobs, his inaction belie his words.

obama promised you jobs back in 2009 & you elected him twice to deliver on that promise. he shot down gov romney's plans for putting america back to work; he refused the advice of his own appointed 'jobs council' & eventually fired them; he's refused to pressure the dem controled senate to act on the house-passed (jobs related) bills just sitting there; &, he still blames everything & everyone else for the lack of jobs.

& just think, we have 3 more years of this to look forward to---you have to be thrilled to know that obama will give you food stamps long before he will give you a job.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


hello america!!! just like he did when his 'dream act' failed to pass the senate, obama will do the same for the  senate 'gun vote'---he will blame the repubs. 5 dems voted against the dream act then & 4 dems voted against the 'gun bill' today. both bills needed 60 votes to pass &, in reality, both bills failed because of the dems that voted 'nay', not the repubs...didn't know that did you?????????

before the blame game starts, the dems control 55 out 100 seats in the senate. had senate majority leader harry reid been able to keep his own party together &, had he voted 'yea', the dems would have only needed 1 vote from the repubs for the bills passage---instead, they got 4 repubs to vote 'yea' & 4 dems voted 'nay'. the bill failed 54-46.

the gun control issue was a joke from the beginning. yes, even i can see banning 'assault type' weapons however, they can be purchased illegally so, banning them & requiring background checks won't have any effect on those using them to do harm.

instead of obama running his mouth about the vote, he should be spending his time trying to come up with a workable plan to get guns out of the hands of the criminals & gangs.

&, you should laugh at that 7 bullets per magazine crap. can't you imagine the bad guys only loading 7 bullets in a 30 round magazine just to be playing by the rules?  &, if they did comply with that BS, what's to prevent them from having several 7 round magazines on hand? hell, a 6 shot revolver kills & maims people too.

it's a sad day when our senate can spend all this time on 'gun control' & not be able to offer anything to us that will actually help keep us safer &, for that, i blame obama. afterall, he's supposed to be the 'so-called leader'...where's his 'gun control' blueprint?

by the way, does anybody know how many deaths could be prevented by requiring back ground checks???


hello america!!! in regards to the boston bombings, we can argue about who did it & why however, for me, the essential question still remains: how did they do it? in this day & age of technology & heavy police presence, how could this be allowed to happen? wasn't anybody scanning the crowds & barriers near the finish line? didn't anybody see the 'suspected' backpack on the wrong side of the barrier? where were the 'bomb sniffing' dogs at?

i know it's early in the investigation however, immediately following the first blast, the area was flooded with police (wearing yellow vests with guns drawn) & responders---&, i mean immediately. the response time was fantastic!!! so yes, there were plenty of police at the finish line but, what were they doing to keep them from noticing a backpack on the wrong side of the barrier? hell, there are pictures of it---the before & after right next to what looks like a green, metal mailbox. on the other hand, why didn't the person taking the photos tell the authorities?

as i've previously written, the bombings cause more questions than answers............


hello america!!! we, as a people, are more than fickle...we are 'trend jumpers' &, we tend to pour our hearts out for our violent national tragedies such as: sandy hook & the boston bombings. perhaps it's the media that drives us that way with its 24/7 coverage of the sadness. another case in point, superstorm sandy.

facebook & twitter are on fire with people praying & asking for prayers &, (don't get me wrong) perhaps they should however, i can only wonder why we are so silent on the 500 plus chicago homicides (mostly people of color) in 2012 with 230 of them being children (mostly people of color). you should also wonder why it took took the killing of a 15 year old black female for the obamas to get involved??? i don't make this stuff up-you can read it here...

500 plus homicides in chicago & you didn't hear crap about 'gun control' nor did you read crap about it on facebook-------& yet, sandy hook happens & it's declared a 'national tragedy'. there is something very wrong with our thinking. now you can call me stupid but you can't tell me i'm wrong!!!!!!! during obamas campaigning, when did you hear him calling for 'gun control' because of the 230 senseless deaths of our young ones in chicago???? where was congress's voice on the matter???? where was the 24/7 media coverage???? hell, even our 'so-called' civil rights leaders weren't making a lot of noise until feb's rev sharpton in sep 2012...   & here's rev jackson this year...

good people, if it were not for that 15 year old's death, i strongly doubt you would have been able to read this or view the photos...

obama visited chicago this feb 2013 & he used the homicides in chicago to further his agenda for gun control...

look, i'm in favor of anything that will stop the killings of our people however, when obama & congress draw up a gun control bill that doesn't 'take' the guns out of the hands of those that want to kill & maim people, it's just a waste of time. let's be real about it---it's easier to get a gun on the streets than it is to legally buy one &, we all know that, in the future, criminals will be sure to only load 7 rounds in their magazines. what a crock!!!

while i feel for all those affected by what happened in boston, i also feel for those in chicago & elsewhere. if we can't change the mentality of those wishing to inflict harm, no laws on the books will ever stop the violence...&, just so you'll know, chicago is already on pace to top last years homicide count &, last year, we had 32,367 highway deaths........

united, we kill each other; divided, we kill each other; we can pray for others & not for our own &, you call me misinformed???

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


hello america!!! i feel for all those affected by the bombings in boston & i prayed. that said, there are more questions than answers:::who did it? why did they do it? how did they do it? etc; etc; etc. & then, i have additional questions such as:::have we let our guard down in our security measures? what were our bomb sniffing dogs doing?

yeah, i know. call me stupid but how can two bombs go off in close proximity & timing, at a populated event, without us knowing crap? hell, more people will be at/or near the finish line than anywhere else in a race &, the people that are charged with keeping us safe should know that. is it unreasonable to think that the finish line area should be an area that should require extra security measures? as i said, more questions than answers-which brings me to this...

i was okay with the fbi, atf, state police & boston's finest doing their job however, with obama entering the 'fray', i have strong reservations. i look at the full weight of justice for the benghazi attack & i look at the full weight of justice for the gun walking program & we're still waiting on answers...........

Friday, April 12, 2013


hello america!!! we all know that talk is cheap---actions speak louder than words. here it is, 4/12/2013 & we have this...

well, before i make my point, let's do some simple math here:::take 4/12/2013 & subtract 4/5/2009 from it & you should end up with::::7 days/4 years or, for you not-so-swift people, 4 years & 7 days. the math ties into this: 4 years & 7 days ago, obama gave a speech in prague just after north korea tested a rocket after warning them not to---this is an excerpt from that speech & at the end of it, a link to the whole speech as released by the whitehouse..............."But we go forward with no illusions. Some countries will break the rules. That's why we need a structure in place that ensures when any nation does, they will face consequences.

Just this morning, we were reminded again of why we need a new and more rigorous approach to address this threat. North Korea broke the rules once again by testing a rocket that could be used for long range missiles. This provocation underscores the need for action –- not just this afternoon at the U.N. Security Council, but in our determination to prevent the spread of these weapons.
Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished. Words must mean something. The world must stand together to prevent the spread of these weapons. Now is the time for a strong international response -- (applause) -- now is the time for a strong international response, and North Korea must know that the path to security and respect will never come through threats and illegal weapons. All nations must come together to build a stronger, global regime. And that's why we must stand shoulder to shoulder to pressure the North Koreans to change course."
after all the blustering, posturing, sanctions & global agreement, north korea is defying us once again & all we do is talk....4 year & 7 days later our gov't is now saying  that north korea may be able to mount a nuke on a missile...all i want to ask is: who allowed it to get to this point? &, the answer is; obama.

Monday, April 8, 2013


hello america!!! it's too late to change your vote & my telling you, 'i told you so', isn't any help to anybody. however, what made you obama supporters think he would be able to put america back to work in a second term when he couldn't do it in his first term? if obama were as serious about our jobs market as he would have you believe, he could have 'fixed' it (in his first two years in office) exactly like he shoved obamacare down our throats.

now, we can all make excuses for the horrific state of our jobs market but, in reality, something is hindering employers from hiring &, it's has nothing to do with them having a lack of's a lot more complicated than that. just about every day you read about an obama-regulation or tax increase that actually does hurt jobs growth. couple those two with the costs (& growing uncertainty) of obamacare on businesses & you begin to see why we are where we are. now, add in the added costs of energy, state & local taxes & fees &, the costs to run a business become strained.

yes, you can argue that employers are greedy but hey, who runs a business NOT to make a profit? on that same note; didn't you go to school &/or college to land a better paying job? does that make you greedy? obama & company condemn the walmarts, exxon's & BoA's & yet, you never hear a word from them about the music & movie industries, religions, professional sports or lawyers....why is one greedy & the other isn't?---hmmn!!!

look, for the month of march 2013, only 88,000 new jobs were filled while 385,000 new jobless claims were reported. as i've previously posted, in march alone, 1,757,000 filed for unemployment compensation. those numbers are pathetic &, according to the bureau of labor statistics, 803,000 people just stopped looking for work. good people, all this happened in just one month. here, read the report for yourself...

good people, while gun control, immigration reform & same-sex marriage may be very important to you, what good is it if you don't have a job? or, to put it another way, which one of you grew up with the dream of living of living on welfare & foodstamps????

in truth, gov romney's plan for putting america back to work is looking better every day....just saying.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


hello america!!! firstly, which super-smart-idiot thinks a $97,000 car is going to be a hit in today's economy? secondly, which super-smart-idiot thinks freely giving tax-payer money to a 'green company' is a good investment & defends that thinking in the face of the 'green company's' collapse? what super-smart-idiot would continue to invest tax-payer money in these failing projects just to stay true to his own personal agenda?-----good people, i give you obama........

here's another failure...

Friday, April 5, 2013


hello america!!! i said it before & it's worth repeating::::get ready to hear how the sequestration has cost us all these jobs; how the repubs are killing jobs-growth; &, it's the fault of pres bush & the repubs...the monthly jobs report (for march 2013) is due out in 1 1/2 hours & obama & company are preparing their condemnations of the repubs. the national unemployment number has to rise......

rather then let you get caught up in the lies you're about to hear, the following links should prove to you that the 'sequestration' has not caught up to us yet............none of the layoffs have anything to do with it.

good people, the dems are not interested in putting america back to work---they just want a monopoly in congress so they can print more more. more teachers & federally funded infrastructure jobs are not the answer.........

Thursday, April 4, 2013


hello america!!! we already know that obama is going to blame the high jobless claims numbers on sequestration but hey, what else can you expect from somebody that refuses to accept responsibility for anything that reflects failure. here are the newest numbers &, no matter what's the blame, they are not good for anybody...

good people, since obama was first elected, i've been trying my best to follow the unemployment numbers as best i can & at no time have i been impressed with them. &, i've been following the excuses:::::if the numbers were low it was because of obamas stimulus &, if they were high, it was because of pres bush & the repubs; if the numbers come out low (unexpectedly), 'we've turned the corner' or, 'we're heading in the right direction' &, when they come out high (unexpectedly), 'the repubs are holding up jobs bills'. so, i ask each & every one of you: in 50 months, exactly what has obama actually done to put america back to work? no, i don't want to hear anything about what he said, i need credible evidence that prove his actions..........&, we could argue about his stimulus but hey, it didn't work & doesn't count because it was like giving a homeless man $3.00 & never expecting him to be homeless again---it just doesn't work. 'give a man a fish & you feed him for today-teach a man to fish & you feed him for life'.

look, the bottom line is this: obama doesn't care about putting america back to work &, his actions have proved that. besides, employed people are more independent & less controllable whereas, unemployed people are more dependent on gov't assistance.

for the week ending 30 march, we have 385,000 new people to add to the rolls of the unemployed &, no matter what you say, i blame obama.