Saturday, August 19, 2017


hello america!!! this goes out to all of the 'so-called conservative' media outlets to include foxnews...

i preferred watching you rather than the left-wings media outlets but, as of late, you're no better than they are---regardless of how you do, you all get around to bashing donald trump---you parade your 'so-called experts' to try & promote your own agendas & i'm tired of it...

who really cares what charles krauthammer has to say or, for that matter, anybody else not currently in the trump admin??? in case you missed it, america voted for donald trump & mike pence, so, please, report the news & leave the speculation to us...

you spend so much time telling us about the possible repercussions concerning trump's admin 'firings' & his comments that you have no time to spend on his accomplishments---if you were truly doing your jobs as 'so-called conservatives', you'd be playing the video of trump's comments on charlottesville so as americans could compare them with the comments from the charlottesville chief
of police (instead of condemning them)...

you'd also be promoting his proposals for making us a better america, not back-feeding into what the left does or says...

do your jobs by reporting the news instead of being the news...

i must say that OANN seems to better than all of you...


hello america!!! yes, let's take down all the statues that you find offensive---but hey, let's not stop there, let's take them all down; let's start renaming streets, buildings, city's, groups, etc---let's just assume that the present name will be offensive to somebody---&, just think, this all started with removing religious symbols from gov't & public buildings---there is no end to it & hell no, you can't put the toothpaste back into the tube...

what the idiots fail to realize is, they are not doing our country any favors by removing those statues they don't like---where will it stop??? when you're allowed to erase history, what will be taught to our children of the future??? will there even be any mention of 'slavery' in our future schoolbooks???

look, some of the statues have been up for many decades plus but, i can only guess that it's just of late that those opposing them &/or finding them offensive recently discovered their offensiveness---just goes to prove the power of a movement regardless of which side of it you're on...

good people, our country is dividing as never before &, what's even worse is, that division is by the design of the 'puppet-masters' that pay their minions to do their dastardly bidding---by now, you have know that they bus 'outsiders' to the various events to demonstrate, protest, disrupt, prohibit &, physically confront those they disagree with &, our local authorities are allowing it by trying to be so politically correct---what happened in charlottesville was allowed to happen PERIOD!!!

what has been occurring all over our great country has been allowed to happen by the authorities that were supposed to be in control---you, & no 100 people like you can convince me that all these violent events could not have been controlled from the onset---the 'violent protests' in ferguson, baltimore & our college campuses (just to name a few) could all have been avoided if the authorities in charge were more proactive & less pc-reactive...

what's extremely frustrating about all of this is the way the media, dems & rino's treat donald trump for his reactions/comments concerning these violent events---hey, the black charlottesville police chief, al thomas, held a press conference on monday & hey, i never heard him even mention the neo-nazis, how ever, he did mention the alt-right & said that there were 'mutually combating individuals in the crowd' & the media hasn't said crap about it---but, don't take my word for it, hear & see it for yourselves RIGHT HERE---compare that to what the trumpster said & tell me where trump was wrong...

good people, we owe it to ourselves not to be influenced by the 'idiots' that are doing everything they can to dismantle the trump presidency because they mean our country no good...