Thursday, July 21, 2011


hello america!!! obama, this is for you....

here it is, thursday--7/21/2011--& the new jobs numbers don't support what you've been trying to sell to america---------418,000 new claims & you, & your think-tank of super-smart idiots thought the number would be lower. & guess what, they're going to be even higher in the next two months due to summer jobs ending, back to school, & all of those government & teacher layoffs. WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED TO SEE THAT YOUR POLICY'S HAVE NOT & ARE NOT WORKING? MORE IMPORTANTLY, HOW MANY MORE AMERICANS HAVE TO SUFFER BECAUSE OF YOU. & yes, i'm blaming you.

you ran around this country campaigning for the office you now hold, telling americans that you had all the answers & the people you hired, were the best in the country. you & your think-tank of super smart idiots may be qualified on paper but, all of you lack good old american common sense. i find it hard to believe that you went to harvard, graduated, & this is what you've become!!!!! you are what america didn't & doesn't need----i think of all of those people of color you think you helped & i wonder just how badly you've hurt the future for the people of color.

look, common sense say that if one of your daughters gets a paper cut, you clean it & put a bandaid on it but, after 10 bandaids & three days later it's still bleeding, you take her to a doctor. please take off your blinders & see what you are doing to my country. you are failing it & instead of looking elsewhere for answers, you're still steeped with forcing your own agenda on us.

all of your bills that were supposed to 'create &/or save' jobs have failed. i don't want to hear that crap that america would be worse off if you hadn't stepped in----this whole mess would probably have been more then half way fixed had you not bothered it. you are the fault we are where we are & you can't spin failure. &, since i brought up 'create &/or save' jobs, when you were running around the country promoting your stimulus bill & your obamacare, it was just 'create' & when you saw that that failed, you added the words '&/or save'.

when are you going to understand that the free market is the only thing that can save this country? no amount of government intervention you apply can 'bail' us out of this mess. in fact, the more intervention, the more retarded is our growth. surely any idiot should be able to see & understand this.....for starters, you need to de-regulate some of the rules you've imposed on small businesses &, you need to lower their tax rates. common sense says this will lead to job growth which in turn will lead to the federal government receiving much more revenue. it's called BUSINESS 101 but i guess they don't teach it at the schools you went to.

obama, you have actively sought out & supported unionized labor & that is america's biggest day you might understand that...unions are only good when an economy can afford them. right now, americans are buying non-union goods because they cannot afford what the unions offer the market----they're just too expensive. the teachers, policemen's &, firemen's unions are costing us far too much &, regardless of how much funding you continue to send their way, the problem will always exist until the states, city's & county's do what they did in wisconsin---& you got upset about that & got involved.

look at the state of texas & learn from them: look at the state of south carolina & learn from them:::::look at all the states that are bringing jobs in & balancing their budgets & learn from them....

obama, you can say what you want but, the facts don't lie-----the state of texas has created 38% of all united states jobs since your announcement about your 'summer of recovery' last year....have you asked yourself why? have you or your people gone down there to see what they've done to create those jobs? texas is a job friendly state &, because they were able to create those jobs, they have a hell of a lot more revenue coming in that they wouldn't have had by 'raising taxes'. take a look at south carolina.....

obama, i've said it before, you are not a 'leader', you are a follower. i just wish you'd wake up & follow the good things that can save this great nation. please get off your soapbox & do what's right for america &, unionized labor ain't it. &, if you don't believe me, unionize walmart & mcdonalds & see how much business they lose & how many of their employees will be out of work.