Saturday, September 3, 2016


hello america!!! before you even think of commenting, please allow the following to float around in your mind for a minute or so---how are all of these 'street guns' getting into the hands of those who are so willing to use them without any regard to the consequences??? hell, i've often said it's easier for a 12 year old to get a 'street gun' than for a lawful citizen to legally purchase one & hey, that's a very big problem &, before one of you idiots say it, gun control has absolutely nothing to do with it...

for 2016 alone, chicago has had 2,917 people shot of which, 449 have died & far too many of the guns are untraceable, un-recovered &, very few arrests have been made---by the way, chicago has one of the strictest gun control laws in the country but you wouldn't know it by judging all the gun violence...

&, before we proceed, the police were involved in only 17 of the above shootings---killing 6/wounding 11---so yes, we need more idiots like colin kaepernick & other 'famous' celebs; obama & company; the liberal media & organizations like black lives matter to further tell us about this great imbalance between the police & their use of deadly force---especially when it comes to their dealing with people of color---for those of you steeped in stupidity, take 2917 & subtract 17 from it & then tell me where the real problem lies...

america seems to be at war with america & it has nothing to do with race, religion or sex---we are killing one another at an alarming rate & it's even worse in all of our 'down-trodden, poverty-struck, jobless, & lowly educated' communities---just so you know, democrats have been in control for quite some time in many of those same communities &, regardless of badly their policies have hurt people of color, people of color continue to vote them into office---the dems only reach out to people of color when it's election time & then, when they're elected/reelected, the people of color are forgotten---in the meantime, the communities fall farther into neglect, more people are are forced into poverty, more jobs continue to disappear &, the education level lowers as does the graduation rate---it's a vicious cycle & very few (in terms of numbers) are able to climb out of it---the one constant is crime &, moreso, violent crime...

let's keep it real---whenever a cop kills a person of color under questionable circumstances, obama & company are all over the networks & the liberal media go crazy covering it---(if you did the above math you'll understand this)---from obama on down (to include the media) nobody mentions those 2,900 people that the cops were there for if only by just showing up at the scene, however, we all know they did a hell of a lot more than that:::they secure the scene making it safe for our fire departments & ems people to to their jobs &, usually, they render whatever aid they can until the relief shows up---but, what do i know??? we tend to allow ourselves to get caught up by all the distractions that we lose focus on the real problem...

when it comes to people of color & the cops, our biggest problem is among one another & how effortlessly (& willingly) we kill one another---instead of focusing on the WHY IS THAT, we are distracted by cops shooting us (justified or not) & we become incited & tear up or burn down our own crap---that has to be super-intelligence at its highest...

we can argue politics any damn time you want but, when we have numbers like this:::2016 baltimore/200 homicides/144 of them black or, 2016 chicago/497 homicides/380 of them black &, in both city's, it's mostly black-on-black crime & my question resurfaces itself here; how are all the 'street guns' getting to all of those so willing to use them??? for whatever reason, nobody ever questions that & seemingly, nobody investigates it---it's almost like these guns are allowed to magically show up in our communities without ever coming from anywhere---which takes me back in time when 'drugs' were allowed to fester in our communities & weren't a problem until they reached the urban areas of america & then, it became an epidemic...HMMM!!!

we need to work on coming up with solutions to stop all the violence & we'll never accomplish that by making cop killings our focal point---i've been posting about the chicago violence for a long period of time &, just think, none of our politicians even mention it & yet, donald trump mentions it & has provided some insight as to how to deal with it...

related sources::: 


hello america!!! here are the jobs numbers for august 2016 & hey, they are not good, have not been good &, will not be good unless we can put our country back to work...

for august, we added/gained 151,000 jobs (HERE'S THE GOV'T REPORT) & some of you accept that number as a good thing because obama & company (along with the liberal media) tell you it's a good thing---most of you just refuse to do your own homework & are left in the dark---

here is the light---for august, we lost 1,052,000 jobs (GOV'T REPORT HERE) &, that's what the democrats try to hide from you & you allow them to---they've been playing a numbers game with you for a very long time...

your willful ignorance &/or arrogant denial won't alter the facts concerning our jobs reality, & good people, it's extremely bad---the proof is in the numbers & hey, true math doesn't lie---so, get your calculators out so you can add all the jobs added/gained (under obama) from feb 2009 through the present using (THIS GOV'T CHART) & be prepared to be skeptical---because, i also have another chart listing all the jobs lost since feb 2009 & this one is tricky to get into---when you click on this link it's 'yahoo unorthorized' so click on the 'here' link---it is the dep't of labors site--- Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Data,...
start with 2009, HTML & click on 'submit' & check out the left column of numbers of jobs lost weekly... 

as you can, this old man can add & subtract & hey, jobs-wise, we are nowhere near where we need to be nor are we as well off as we are told we are---we need a leader that can put america back to work & hey, i'm all for putting americans first...