Monday, March 30, 2009


hello america! let me ask you: when you root for your team to win, does that you mean you're rooting for the other team to fail? if you want rusty wallace to win, does that mean you want jeff gordon to lose? the answer should be yes to both.

let's go a step further: as a military veteran receiving benefits from a service connected injury, i am rooting against obama messing with the system & charging me for the medical attention i need. does that mean i want him to fail? you're damn right i do when it comes to my benefits.

however, there are other areas i root for him: such as; putting more police on the streets---tax cuts/breaks---border control---other then those issues, obama has done nothing i really support or approve of 100%.

so, do i want him to fail? yes i do because (just maybe) we can endure 4 years of his crap & then right the ship he so desperately wants to sink. his failure will lead to his being fired by smart americans in the next presidential election.

now, there are those that want to brand me un-american &, they tell me that if i want obama to fail, i want our country to fail. as usual, they have it backwards...i want our country to flourish &, obama has done nothing to allow that to happen. in fact, regardless of what obama does, it's going to take us 2-3 years to get back to where we were before he took office. americans are suffering now &, he's doing nothing &, has done nothing to relieve that suffering except get on tv with his teleprompters to tell you what a good job he's doing.

obama is a fake & judging his actions, he does not have america's best interest at heart. he's weak &, you true americans better hope that some of his plans do fail:
such as:::
his wanting to reduce the defense budget. what idiot is he listening to? russia's getting ready to revamp her whole military force; build 6 new nuclear subs with cruise missiles; is still helping iran; is demanding we not put a missle system in poland; is threatening to put missiles in cuba (again); &, seems willing to take us head-on when it comes to who owns the arctic (which we have claimed). russia is a very formidable opponent. then you have china (who also can shoot satellites down) &, they have been flexing their muscles. we're close to their waters mapping the ocean & they're bothering the hell out of us. the difference between us & them is, they have so much more. we're still involved in iraq & afghanistan. north korea spits in our face every time we say something to them &, we have a bunch of troops & equipment in south korea & germany. venezuela hates our guts & turkey & syria are still not to be trusted. as if all that wasn't enough, we're going to end up with our troops on our border with with mexico &, we still have to have something left over to deal with any other threats & gitmo. combine all that with the role the national guard & coast guard play during our disasters & then, tell me you want obama to succeed at reducing the defense budget. if anything, the lame-brain should be increasing the defense budget to keep our military with all of the very best of the best that technology has to offer.

& then, there are those of you that say: give him time. how much time will he have if we get caught with our pants down? he had time & did nothing with it. of the 2 big bills he signed into law (that he ran around the country touting), there was nothing in them for the military, the defense department or the veterans. give him time? assuming that iran & israel get into it, we're going to get into it---how much time will obama have? if north korea gets fired on, they're going to fire on south korea---how much time will obama have?

obama has no military experience & it shows. he lacks the brain-power to realize we are only safe when we can take the fight outside of our borders. we have to maintain that ability at all times & when we don't, we won't be able to assist our allies &, more importantly, we'll be at risk.

you don't have to have military experience to know that we cannot afford to fight a war within our own borders. maybe obama can convince an invading country to confine the fighting to within the grand canyon. after all, he's good at talking & wants to sit down to dinner with our 'enemies'.

america, contact him & tell him to increase the defense budget, put america first &, return his campaign money to the companies that received TARP money.

so yes, you're damn right i want him to fail when it comes to his lack of plans for the defense of this great & proud nation.


hello america! perhaps i have it wrong (DON'T BET ON IT). obama says 'buy america; invest in stocks'; etc. &, he wants to stop 'job out-sourcing'. man, this sounds like my kind of guy (YEAH, RIGHT), & yet, he's forcing chrysler to merge with fiat (a foreign car maker). what kind of crap is this? just how many fiats do you see on the roads of america? obama says he doesn't want control of them & yet, he continues to give them federal dollars:::::just like aig, fannie mae &, freddie mac. i just wonder what overseas company he will drive gm to.

obama is going to hurt us with this 'buy america' crap. if he shuts the overseas businesses out, he will take us down a path we have never traveled on before. mexico is an example of that. we shut their trucks (which were safer then our own) down from traveling our highways & they raised the tarrifs on us. they lost some revenue---we spend more to make up for it...great move obama.

another thing is: if german steel is rated the best, why would i want american inferior steel? it's not cheaper. if you're building your own home or office building, which steel do you want? if you have the money to invest in a really good car, do you buy an expensive american peice of crap one or do you get a volvo or mercedes? chevy is on tv offer 14 different cars with onstar that will call 911 if you can't---how about giving me a car that will withstand the common accident & allow me to call 911 on my own?

taxes chased a lot of american companies out of the states & unless something is done about that, they are going to remain overseas. our government is the cause of that---&, obama, it's called GREED. &, when you raise the tax on the wealthy & businesses, you can expect much more of the same.

america, please think about this:::american companies can move overseas, produce the same product better & cheaper, & import it to you while making a profit. what's wrong with that? obama is wrong with that & yet, who does he thinks make all these computers here?

another thing may agree with obama & his stand on the auto industry but, wall street does not---------3:53pm/est & the dow is a minus 263.32--------&, i'll take them over you any day.


hello america! obama promised transparency but he must not have passed the message on---fox news has had to sue his treasury under the freedom of information act to get certain records of who got what from the bailout money. if i remember correctly, this info was to be posted on obamas website freely &, for all the public to see. what happened?

anyway, please click on the following site & see for yourself:::

if it wasn't for foxnews, you'd be thinking that everything was on the table to be seen but, it's not. &, if you follow msnbc, obama can do no wrong.

this is just another broken promise from obama. when you take the time to look at all of obamas promises to you, you're going to be very hard pressed to find one he hasn't broken.


hello america! this writing is for all those that think obama is all that.

i watched the whitehouse town hall meeting with obama & his taking questions from the internet &, at first i was somewhat impressed until i realized that no one asked him a 'tough' question. no one asked why only 'cigarette smokers' were targeted to pay for his chips program. no one asked why he wants to down-size the defense budget at a time when russia & china are building theirs up. no one asked him why caterpillar & the us post office are still laying off people. no one asked him why people that are laid off have to pay more to keep their healthcare coverage. no one asked him why small businesses are still hurting. no one asked him why we don't send troops to the mexican border (if just for backup) until we get a handle on the violence down there. no one asked him why the federal government is so quick to 'take-over' failing banks/lenders. no one asked him why he hires people with current tax problems. no one asked him if he is going to return any of the money he received from those companies that received TARP money. no one asked him why he's giving money overseas for abortions when he tells us this is the time for us to make sacrifices. no one asked him why he signed a bill into law without allowing congress to read it. no one asked him if he gave timothy geithner permission to work out a deal with chris dodd on the aig execs bonuses that dodd had written.---i think these are very fair questions america wants to know (i know i want to know) regardless of who you voted for. are any of them wrong questions? above all else, they are honest questions which deserve honest answers. can you agree with that?

well, you know me, i had to start asking questions which led to my going all over the web to get answers. i didn't hear these questions raised because of the following;;;please, click on this site & see for yourself just why these questions weren't asked::::::

in being fair, the following is a complete transcript of the meeting as released from the whitehouse itself. please click on it & see if you can read what the questions that are not there.

as usual, obama stacked the deck &, in now knowing this, i can only think that these people & their questions were pre-screened. what do you think of that meeting now?

i liken this to my selling you a wreck of a car & when you confront me ablout it, the only thing i can tell you is that the price of gas is down.


hello america! we need to stop giving the auto industry money &, allow them to sort their own mess out. it's just that simple. I take my hat off to ford who refused federal money & seems to be doing okay.

obama has rejected gm's & chryslers plans, caused the ceo of gm to step down &, gave them 60 days to draw up another plan. this is crap. neither company has a product that america wants or needs at this time so, their sales will remain down. ford, on the otherhand is offering a hybrid at a decent price.

this move by obama will continue across the board. in fact, several banks, cities &, states foresaw it coming & refused federal funds &/or returned them. they did not want obama dictating to them.

while our healthcare system may need a major overhaul, we don't need it under obamas watch. once our government implements a national healthcare system, doctors & hospitals will be limited to what they can do for you---obama is going to put limitations on them &, although it may save a dollar over here, it's going to cost a life over; you go to emergency with a broken arm---that's all they are going to treat even if you complain of chest pains or throbbing headaches---you won't get that ekg or catscan:::to expensive &, the same with mri's. government run healthcare will be a joke.

obama has his hands in everything because he, & the other democrats, want total the auto industry, the banking & lending industry, the housing market, the healthcare industry, the labor industry, the media industry, the census, the sports industry, the education system>>>>>&, if you didn't know it before, know it now (congress is investigating how the national college football champion is selected &, you should have heard about all those steroid investigations). &, most important of all, the government expansion market. you name it & obama either has his hand in it or is about to put his hand in it. &, don't forget the gun industry with the airlines industry on deck.

obama is going to digitalize all of our medical records (IT'S CALLED NATIONALIZATION)---people hack into government computers now so, what safe-guards can he give us that our records will remain safe? none...leave my medical records where they are::they don't need to be on the internet. just watch the repercussions---talk about idenity theft.

oh, almost forgot, the very most important one is the defense industry. did anybody ever take the time to explain to obama that he would not have bullet-proof glass or an armored vehicle to ride around in if we'd had a president that thought like him when they were first testing it? i mean, it wasn't a proven thing at first---they tested & retested & retested until they got it &, that takes money.

america, if any of you think obama has your best interests first & that he's fair, please click on this link & judge for yourself---he serves his own interests & those of who he owes.

if you support socialism/nationalism, then obama is your man but, once he implements his plans, you'll wish you had your vote back. he is going to cripple us for a long, long time. his taxing the rich & small businesses, his dictating to the various companies is going to put us in a very big hole.

america was built on capitalism &, if i can't keep my 'out-rageous' salary & bonus, why should i stay in business & hire others? just think about it....would you?

& while you're sitting there cursing me out for bashing obama, let me ask you this:::what has the american government ever run in the private sector that was a success? WHAT?