Monday, March 30, 2009


hello america! perhaps i have it wrong (DON'T BET ON IT). obama says 'buy america; invest in stocks'; etc. &, he wants to stop 'job out-sourcing'. man, this sounds like my kind of guy (YEAH, RIGHT), & yet, he's forcing chrysler to merge with fiat (a foreign car maker). what kind of crap is this? just how many fiats do you see on the roads of america? obama says he doesn't want control of them & yet, he continues to give them federal dollars:::::just like aig, fannie mae &, freddie mac. i just wonder what overseas company he will drive gm to.

obama is going to hurt us with this 'buy america' crap. if he shuts the overseas businesses out, he will take us down a path we have never traveled on before. mexico is an example of that. we shut their trucks (which were safer then our own) down from traveling our highways & they raised the tarrifs on us. they lost some revenue---we spend more to make up for it...great move obama.

another thing is: if german steel is rated the best, why would i want american inferior steel? it's not cheaper. if you're building your own home or office building, which steel do you want? if you have the money to invest in a really good car, do you buy an expensive american peice of crap one or do you get a volvo or mercedes? chevy is on tv offer 14 different cars with onstar that will call 911 if you can't---how about giving me a car that will withstand the common accident & allow me to call 911 on my own?

taxes chased a lot of american companies out of the states & unless something is done about that, they are going to remain overseas. our government is the cause of that---&, obama, it's called GREED. &, when you raise the tax on the wealthy & businesses, you can expect much more of the same.

america, please think about this:::american companies can move overseas, produce the same product better & cheaper, & import it to you while making a profit. what's wrong with that? obama is wrong with that & yet, who does he thinks make all these computers here?

another thing may agree with obama & his stand on the auto industry but, wall street does not---------3:53pm/est & the dow is a minus 263.32--------&, i'll take them over you any day.

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