Sunday, February 22, 2009


hello america! i don't use this site to spread fear or pessimism. i do use it to speak my mind as truthfully as i can &, although i don't leave 'links' to back up what i write, feel free to ask any questions you may have. i will provide that backup to you. that being said, i must say the following.

is there a danger in doing too much as opposed to not doing anything at all? well, the answer lies in whether or not the doing is 'constructive & productive' verses whether or not the not doing will solve its own problems. one might say that only time will tell. but, but most americans are smart & usually know the difference between soft cotton balls & mushy, smelly dog turds. as i said, most americans are smart but, sometimes you have to get them to dig down deep within themselves to pull out the right anwsers-----&, for them, this is their lucky day because i, knowitall, shall do the digging for them.

in obamas haste to get something done for the 'good' of this country, you have to really look hard at whatall he really did...he's closing gitmo & stopped the trials; he's allowing "our" money to fund foreign abortions; he's allowing labor unions to take the forefront for federally funded jobs & building; he's allowed 350 billion dollars to just sit around doing nothing since his swearing in; he's broken his own rules about transparency & high ethics; he pressured congress with a deadline to pass a bogus non-stimulative bill that he signed into law; he's trying to bring the census department into the whitehouse under his control; he's allowing illegal aliens to get health care without proper documentation at our expense; he's going to dole out 75 billion dollars of our money to try & keep people in their homes; he raised the federal tax on cigarettes a minimum of $.62 per pack; he did relatively little to ensure bipartisan support; he's giving our money to some states that don't even want it & they have no say in the matter; he's preparing to allow the
federal gov to take control & run some of the banks; he's about to re-enact the 'fairness doctrine'; he's planning to institute a 'universal health care system' for this country; he's planning to reveal his fiscal budget that will be all about spending; he's forcing states to raise the unemployment compensation tax if they accept the unemployment bailout money; he's using our money to build a high-speed rail service from las vegas to los angeles; he's preparing to allow about 12 million illegal aliens to gain citizenship; he's using hilary clinton to keep the pressure on china for them to continue buying our 'debts'; &, although there is more, let's just end it with this::::he's all over tv & running around the country spreading his 'doom & gloom' crap instead of instilling confidence in the american people; &, he's expanded government at our expense.

so, yes there is a danger in trying to do too much, too fast-as opposed to not doing anything at all. in the case of obama, it is a grave danger.