Saturday, August 27, 2011


hello america!!! do you really want to see how phony obama is:::check this out

for someone that can't induce our own free market to employ more people, how in the hell can he help overseas country's? our weekly unemployment numbers reflect his policy failures---& i know obama will rant & rave about how it's everyone & everything elses fault that we are in the bad shape we are in but, the bottom line is:::our present failures are all obamas failures.

for those that voted for obama, i'm certain you did not cast that vote only to see him try to 'lead' america from the sidelines. in a previous blog, i told you that obama was not a 'leader' & that there was nothing in his past to indicate otherwise. &, to further prove my point, look at his lack of 'leadership' since being elected. he waits until the 11th hour to get involved: i.e; obamacare, the stimulus, the surge, even libya. he can't change his spots.

europe will come up with a plan & he'll join in on it----he won't be anywhere near the 'leaders' of that plan. &, if that plan fails, he'll blame it on someone or something. for that matter, expect him to blame hurricane irene for one of his failures.

in reality, obamas like that little kid that you saw throw the rock through your window---he blames it on his friends, his enemy's, the wind &, finally, the dog must have thought the rock was a ball & was shaking his head sideways with the rock in his mouth & it must have slipped & went through the window. &, we tell that kid to tell the truth & take responsibility for his actions----what does the pro-obama media tell obama? not a damn thing & that is why he continues as he does.

america, i can only prayer that you will turn out at the voting places to tell obama you're tired of his lies, his failures, his unwillingness to accept responsibility &, his lack of leadership.