Saturday, September 1, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    it's saturday & the listings are slow however, some of the articles are well worth reading..........especially this one, because it reminds us that many, many layoffs are still coming...

in continuing with the 'greening' of america, we have this...

the following proves beyond any doubt that obama should not have bailed out gm & chrysler...congrats to the ford motor company...

chrysler is now owned by fiat (thanks to obama) & we own 26% of gm &, it doesn't look like we'll get all of our money back. actually, gm has a lot of problems that obama doesn't even mention &, you can find them in some of my previous posts...&, if you car to remember, obama offered buyer's a $7,500 tax write-off if they bought the chevy volt (which has suspended building them for the 2nd year in a row).

&, while many say obama policy's have worked read this...

again, congrats to ford....